Tall, Dark And Temporary

Tall, Dark And Temporary
О книге

THE GIRLS MOST LIKELY TO… AN UNLIKELY GROOMWidow Megan Sloan had already been a wife and was ready to be a seductress! So she decided to take rugged Nick Buchanan up on his offer of a brief, passionate affair… . Nick knew he had it bad for Megan from the moment he first made his bold proposal.But it seemed the girl voted Most Likely To Have Secret Fantasies in high school was about to give the bachelor Most Likely Never To Get Hitched a run for his money! How else could the infamous bad boy explain his sudden urge to make his fantasy woman his fantasy wife ?THE GIRLS MOST LIKELY TO… Three high-school friends are now all grown up… and they've exceeded everyone's expectations in life - and in love!

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“I Know That Some Nights You Dance Alone In Your Kitchen, Megan,”

Nick said, stepping closer. “That tells me you still have faith in your hopes and dreams. Let me in on them, sweet girl.”

Her hopes and dreams. Megan winced when she remembered that uppity speech she had delivered to Nick a decade ago about her hopes and dreams. How different her life had turned out.

“Nick, you just don’t understand.”

“No, I don’t,” he said. “But doesn’t it mean something to you that I want to?”

Then he closed his arms around her and rocked her gently in his embrace. Closing her eyes, she quietly acknowledged the truth to herself.

No one had ever held her like this. No one had ever made her feel so safe, yet so close to danger.

And it felt so good she never wanted to let go.

Dear Reader,

Hello’ For the past few months I’m sure you’ve noticed the new (but probably familiar) name at the bottom of this letter I was previously the senior editor of the Silhouette Romance line, and now, as senior editor of Silhouette Desire, I’m thrilled to bring you six sensuous, deeply emotional Silhouette Desire novels every month by some of the bestselling—and most beloved—authors in the genre.

January begins with The Cowboy Steals a Lady. January’s MAN OF THE MONTH title and the latest book in bestselling author Anne McAllister’s CODE OF THE WEST series. You should see the look on Shane Nichols’s handsome face when he realizes he’s stolen the wrong woman.. especially when she doesn’t mind being stolen or trapped with Mr. January one bit....

Wife for a Night by Carol Grace is a sexy tale of a woman who’d been too young for her handsome groom-to-be years ago, but is all grown up now.... And in Raye Morgan’s The Hand-Picked Bride, what’s a man to do when he craves the lady he’d hand-picked to be his brother’s bride?

Plus, we have Tall, Dark and Temporary by Susan Connell, the latest in THE GIRLS MOST LIKELY TO... miniseries; The Love Twin by ultrasensuous writer Patty Salier, and Judith McWilliams’s The Boss, the Beauty and the Bargain. All as irresistible as they sound!

I hope you enjoy January’s selections, and here’s to a very happy New Year (with promises of many more Silhouette Desire novels you won’t want to miss)!


Melissa Senate

Senior Editor

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Tall, Dark And Temporary

Susan Connell



has a love of traveling that has taken her all over the world—Greece, Spain, Portugal, Central and South America, to name just a few places. While working for the foreign service she met a U.S. Navy pilot, and eight days later they were engaged. Twenty-one years and several moves later, Susan, her husband, Jim, and daughter, Catherine, call the New Jersey shore home. When she’s not writing, her part-time job at a local bookstore, Mediterranean cooking and traveling with her family are some of her favorite activities. Susan has been honored by New Jersey Romance Writers with their coveted Golden Leaf Award. She loves hearing from her readers.

Cindy Gerard and Leanne Banks—

Recently Voted: The Friends Most Likely To

Stay on My Speed-dial


“Hey, girlfriend, who says you can’t go home again?”

Another warm wave of nostalgia washed over Megan Sloan at the spirited sound of her old high-school classmate. Megan was already smiling as she turned to face the woman walking toward her across the dimly lit dance floor.

“Unlike you, Rebecca, some of us never left,” Megan said, sharing a hug. “I’m so glad you made it back.”

“Me, too.” Rebecca Barnett reached out to run her hand through the curtain of crepe-paper streamers billowing behind them. “It’s hard to believe it’s been ten years since we graduated from this place.”

“Not if you squint a little. Try it. It’s like being back at the senior prom.”

Megan knew; she’d been stealing filtered looks back to the past since the first couple wandered out onto the dance floor over an hour ago. The silly thrill she experienced each time she did it was embarrassing. Or would have been if anyone knew what memories she was stirring up. But that’s what high-school reunions were all about. Reliving moments from another lifetime. At least, the good ones, she thought, glancing toward the red and white streamers.

She fidgeted with one of her earrings, then took a long, quiet breath before turning her attention back to Rebecca. The strikingly attractive brunette tilted her head and dutifully squinted for several seconds before turning a doubtful gaze to Megan.

“I don’t know, Meggie,” Rebecca said, a teasing reprimand in her tone. “As the person in charge of this reunion, you did one heck of a good job. But that’s not exactly Prom Night, Part Two going on out there.”

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