Tangled Destinies

Tangled Destinies
О книге

DESTINY"Perhaps I'm not your brother after all… " Those words bewildered Tanya. How could be anything else? Growing up with him in a Devonshire vicarage, she'd idolized him - until her discovery that he'd seduced her best friend, with tragic consequences.Now, four years on, they were in Hungary for an emotional family wedding, and expected Tanya to listen to his side of the story - and accept that the only man she'd ever loved suddenly wasn't out of bounds… .DESTINY A captivating new trilogy from Sara Wood, Tanya, Mariann and Suzanne - three sisters - each have a date with DESTINY Harlequin Presents: you'll want to know what happens next!

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“I’ve been waiting quite a while for this moment…”

István shut the door. “You and I are going to enjoy ourselves, Tanya. Just the two of us.”

“I don’t know what you mean,” she grated.

“Don’t you?”

The sexual implication, the invitation, was plain enough. She whisked her damp palms down her hips, immobilized by her leaden body. And she knew then that he couldn’t be her brother.

DESTINY awaits us all, and for Tanya, Mariann and Suzanne Evans—all roads lead east to the mysteries of Hungary.

Tangled Destinies

As Tanya arrives in Hungary for her younger brother’s wedding, her older brother, István, lies in wait after four years. He’s the only man she’s ever loved—and he’s hurt her. But what he has to tell her will change the course of her life forever.

Unchained Destinies

Editor Mariann Evans is on a publishing mission in Budapest. But instead of duping rival publisher Vigadó Gábor, she is destined to fall into his arms.

Threads of Destiny

Suzanne Evans’ attendance at the double wedding of her sister Tanya and her brother, John, presents a fateful meeting with mysterious gate-crasher Lásló Huszár. He’s the true heir to a family fortune and he has a young family of his own. He is about to make sure that his complex family history is inextricably linked with hers, as all the elements of this compelling trilogy are woven together.

A Note to the Reader:

This novel is the first part of a trilogy. Each novel is independent and can be read on its own. It is the author’s suggestion, however, that they be read in the order written.

Tangled Destinies

Sara Wood


For Imre and Susan, and all my Hungarian friends

‘YOU’RE obsessed with István,’ said Mariann airily. ‘Of course he won’t be there! Him, go to a wedding?’

Tanya bent her chestnut head and moved pensively behind the queue that wound backwards and forwards like a slow-moving snake digesting a rat and István was brought even more intensely to mind. Snake, rat…

‘He might,’ she frowned. ‘He had a special…soft spot for Lisa.’ Her lips pressed together, holding back the information from her sister that it had been more serious than that: a fling of momentous passion with terrible consequences that had split her family apart.

‘He never had a soft spot anywhere,’ scoffed Mariann.

‘Heart and mind of stone,’ Tanya agreed and tried to make a joke of her fears. ‘Well, if he does turn up, I suppose I could rearrange that poker-face of his into something more human!’

‘You?’ laughed Mariann. ‘You wouldn’t hurt a fly!’

Tanya smiled thinly, the harder green of her hazel eyes deepening till their melting brown warmth had totally disappeared. No, she wouldn’t normally harm a living creature, but she’d make an exception for István and gladly squash him flat!

‘I refuse to think of him any more,’ she said decisively, and let a smile win through. ‘Not when there’s a fairy-tale wedding in the offing!’ She beamed. Her brother John, her best friend Lisa. What could be nicer? ‘Fancy them having the reception in a Hungarian castle! Nothing could be more romantic!’

‘Or expensive,’ said Mariann drily. ‘Unless he gets a discount because he works there. Well, since John’s so flush with money from his new job, he’d better pay back what he owes you.’ She gave her gentle sister a stern look. ‘You’re too quick to help us all.’

‘That’s what you do for family,’ smiled Tanya.

‘István is “family”. That means…you’d welcome him back if he appears?’ teased Mariann with a wicked grin.

‘No! He’s different,’ answered Tanya firmly. ‘He walked out on us—treated Mum like dirt. I can’t forgive him.’

Her sister’s eyes twinkled. ‘I wonder. He was your idol and you were his devoted slave once.’

‘I was a child, fooled by his daring. I didn’t know what he was really like,’ Tanya replied stiffly.

‘Did anyone? All those weeping maidens at our door only saw the brooding Heathcliff figure, galloping across the moors. None of them knew how difficult he was at home.’

‘Why are we talking about him again?’ complained Tanya.

‘You always do,’ answered Mariann gently.

She flushed. ‘Nonsense! He doesn’t exist as far as I’m concerned.’ But, she thought, it was sad that their family wasn’t complete. If only…

‘OK. Focus on the fairy-tale, hon. Give my love to baby brother John and his bride-to-be and start swigging the bubbly without me. You deserve some fun for a change.’

‘A week’s holiday!’ gloated Tanya. It seemed like an eternity. ‘After John’s wedding I’m going to spend it sitting in cafés eating pastries and——’

‘Simpering at handsome gypsy violinists!’

‘No, charming John’s boss,’ corrected Tanya. ‘I have to take a break from the violins and sticky buns and get that riding school business! But I mean to make the most of the trip and explore Hungary too. Oh…the queue’s moving again. Bye. See you at the castle later on.’

Mariann leaned over the barrier and kissed Tanya affectionately. Two sisters, so different in temperament, so similar in repose with their distinctive high Hungarian cheekbones and mass of dark chestnut hair.

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