The Billionaire's Baby SOS

The Billionaire's Baby SOS
О книге

Successful CEO Matt Patterson has a new challenge to face – fatherhood!Finding himself guardian to baby Bella, Matt’s lucky that social worker Claire agrees to play temporary mum. Happy families may never have been in Matt’s remit, but Claire and little Bella are opening his eyes to a life that money could never buy…


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Dear Reader,

Well, here we are at the end of the Larkville continuity. I don’t know about you, but I’ve enjoyed all the stories! I’ve also enjoyed working with all the authors.

But most of all I’ve loved Matt, Claire and little Bella. When it comes to writing a story about a man and a woman who are worlds apart, there’s nothing like an adorable baby to show them that they are more alike than they think.

For me, as a writer, there is also nothing that comes close to the fun of writing about a brooding billionaire. I love stories that demonstrate that money doesn’t buy happiness (because it doesn’t!). But stories that prove that real love can save even the most hardened man really knock it out of the park for me.

So settle back, get a cup of cocoa and enjoy Matt and Claire’s story. I’m guessing you’re going to fall every bit as much in love with little Bella as Matt and Claire did. You’ll quickly understand why Claire couldn’t leave her with a guy who knew nothing about caring for a baby, and how that one act of kindness drew her into a one-of-a-kind love!

Until next time…

Susan Meier

About the Author

SUSAN MEIER spent most of her twenties thinking she was a job-hopper—until she began to write and realized everything that had come before was only research! One of eleven children, with twenty-four nieces and nephews and three kids of her own, Susan has had plenty of real-life experience watching romance blossom in unexpected ways. She lives in western Pennsylvania with her wonderful husband, Mike, three children and two overfed, well-cuddled cats, Sophie and Fluffy. You can visit Susan’s website at

The Billionaire’s

Baby SOS

Susan Meier


ALL the ornate boardroom doors that Matt Patterson had faced hadn’t been as intimidating as the ordinary brown door before him.

Dysart Adoption Agency.

His chest tightened. His palms began to sweat. His mouth went dry.

Still, he never shirked a responsibility. He opened the door and walked inside.

Wood-paneled walls, an empty reception desk and a soft powder scent greeted him. So did the sound of a baby’s laughter. High-pitched and filled with joy, the little-girl giggles and squeals of delight rolled up the hall.

Nine chances out of ten that was his baby.

His baby.

Man, this was going to put a cramp in his love life.

And his traveling.

And his staff.

Good God! The housekeeper, Mrs. McHenry, would have a fit when she discovered they were going to have to add a nursery and a nanny to his already-busy household.

He followed the sound of the giggles to an office at the end of a short hall. Her back to him, a slim woman held a baby in the crook of her arm. Her glossy chestnut-brown hair was swept up in a neat, professional chignon and her red dress rode her curves like an Italian sports car took the turns at Le Mans.

His eyebrows rose. “Somehow I’d always pictured the women who worked at adoption agencies as gray-haired old maids in tacky white blouses.”

The baby stopped laughing. The woman at the window spun around.

For the first time Matt could remember, he was speechless.

Huge round brown eyes dominated her face. High cheekbones showcased a pert and proper nose and full, lush lips.

“Can I help you?”

He walked in slowly, his interest piqued. She was exactly the kind of woman he wined and dined, seduced and then left with the gift of a diamond bracelet. But before he could open his mouth to flirt, the baby in her arms squawked. Bella. Oswald and Ginny’s daughter. His, because he’d agreed to be godfather to his ex-wife’s baby.

Sadness stole over him. This time last week Ginny had called to make dinner plans for when he returned to Boston. Now she and Oswald were gone. He’d never again see Ginny’s pretty smile or hear Oswald’s goofy laugh. He’d lost the ex-wife he loved and her new husband, who had become a good friend.

Bella screeched again. The woman looked at the baby, then gasped slightly as her gaze jerked back to him. “I’m Claire Kincaid, Bella’s caseworker. Are you Matt Patterson?”

Shoving his hands into the pants pockets of his handmade suit, he ambled into the room. “Yes.”

“My God. In four days, Bella’s hardly responded to anybody. She doesn’t even cry. She eats and sleeps and laughs when I tickle her. But you’re the first person she’s spoken to.”

“Spoken to? Sounded like a squawk to me.”

She laughed. “Squawking is how babies talk.”

Her pretty brown eyes glittered with humor and his gut tightened. She was incredibly beautiful.

“She knows me.” He paused. “A bit.”

“Because you’re a friend of her parents?”

He nodded and took another cautious step toward the woman and Bella. Dark-haired, blue-eyed Bella strained toward him, reaching for him to take her.

Surprised, he jerked back.

Claire Kincaid’s smile faded. “She wants you.”

“Yes. And I fully intend to care for her but I—” He paused, sucked in a breath. His instincts insisted he should flirt with the beautiful woman. His brain, however, reminded him this wasn’t a pleasure trip and he’d better get his head in the game. Somehow or another he’d ended up with a baby and he didn’t have a clue what to do with her. “I can’t hold her.”

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