The Blanchland Secret

The Blanchland Secret
О книге

Prim and proper Sarah Sheridan sought to live a respectable life as her cousin's companion, trying to put her family's past behind her.But everything changed with a letter insisting on her return to Blanchland. For her childhood home was now host to the most depraved parties in England…! Guy, Viscount Renshaw, was a well-known rake, but even he would not willingly set foot in Blanchland.And though the appealing Miss Sheridan appeared respectable, her upcoming trip to Blanchland revealed a woman of mystery, and only made him more determined to uncover all of Sarah's secrets.

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“I know you are trying to provoke me, sir—”

“Indeed? I thought the reverse was true for once!” Guy exclaimed.

“Very well!” Sarah met his eyes. “I’ll admit that I said something that I deeply regret! Pray accept my apologies, my lord!”

The dance had ended, but Guy was still holding her hand. They were standing on the edge of the dance floor, surrounded by couples milling about, yet it seemed to Sarah that they were entirely alone. When Sarah looked up into Guy’s eyes she saw an expression of desire overlaid by wicked mischief. So strong was the conviction that he was about to kiss her that Sarah took an instinctive step backward.

“Do not worry.” Guy spoke so only she could hear. “I will not do it—at least, not here! But the temptation, Miss Sheridan, is acute.”

Color flamed into Sarah’s face as she realized he had read her thoughts. “Believe me,” she said with as much composure as she could muster, “so is the temptation to slap your face!”

Praise for Nicola Cornick’s recent titles

The Virtuous Cyprian

“…this delightful tale of a masquerade gone awry will delight ardent Regency readers.”

—Romantic Times

The Larkswood Legacy

“…a suspenseful yet tenderhearted tale of love…”

—Romantic Times

Lady Polly

“…a solid, cozy read with many delightful characters…”

—Romantic Times


Nicola Cornick


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter One

Mr Julius Churchward, representative of the famously discreet London lawyers of the same name, had a variety of facial expressions he could draw upon, depending on the nature of the news he was imparting to his aristocratic clients. There was sympathetic but grave, used when breaking the news that an inheritance was substantially smaller than expected; there was sympathetic but rueful, for unsatisfactory offspring and breach of promise; finally, there was an all-purpose dolefulness, for when the precise nature of the problem was in doubt. It was this third alternative that he adopted now, as he stood on the doorstep of Lady Amelia Fenton’s trim house in Bath, for if the truth were told, he knew nothing of the contents of the letter he was about to deliver.

Mr Churchward had travelled from London the previous day, stopped overnight at the Star and Garter in Newbury and resumed his journey at first light. To undertake such a journey in winter, with Christmas pressing close upon them, argued some urgency. The morning sun was warming the creamy Bath stone of Brock Street but the winter air was chill. Mr Churchward shivered inside his overcoat and hoped that Miss Sarah Sheridan, Lady Amelia’s companion, was not still at breakfast.

A neat maid showed him into a parlour that he remembered from a visit three years before, a visit during which he had conveyed to Miss Sheridan the disappointing news that her brother Frank had left no estate to speak of. At the back of his mind was an occasion some two years before that, when he had had to proffer the even more depressing intelligence that Lord Sheridan had left only a small competence to keep his daughter from penury. Miss Sheridan had borne the news with fortitude, explained that she had very few material needs and gained Mr Churchward’s admiration in the process.

He still felt the inequity of her situation keenly. A lady of Miss Sheridan’s breeding should not, he felt, be reduced to acting as companion, even to so benevolent a relative as her cousin, Lady Amelia. He was sure that Lady Amelia was too generous ever to make Miss Sheridan feel a poor relation, but it was simply not fitting. For several years Mr Churchward’s chivalrous heart had hoped that Miss Sheridan would make a suitable match, for she was young and looked well to a pass, but three years had gone by and she was now firmly on the shelf.

Mr Churchward shook his head sadly as he waited in Lady Amelia’s airy drawing-room. He tried hard not to have favourites; it would have been quite inappropriate when he had so many esteemed clients, but he made an exception in the case of Miss Sarah Sheridan.

The door opened and Sarah came towards him, hand outstretched as though he was a great friend rather than the bearer of doubtful news.

‘Dear Mr Churchward! How do you do, sir? This is an unexpected pleasure!’

Mr Churchward was not so sure. The letter he carried seemed to weigh down his document case. But such misgivings seemed foolish in the light of day. The parlour was bright with winter sunlight; it shone full on Miss Sheridan, but she was a lady whose face and figure could withstand the harshest of morning light. Indeed, her cream and rose complexion seemed dazzlingly fresh and fair and her slender figure was set off to advantage by a simple dress of jonquil muslin.

‘How do you do, Miss Sheridan? I hope I find you well?’

Mr Churchward took the proffered seat and cleared his throat. He was astonished to find that he was nervous, too nervous to indulge in talk of the weather or the journey. He bent to unbuckle his case and extracted a letter in a plain white envelope.

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