The Cowboy's Cinderella

The Cowboy's Cinderella
О книге

His Fair LadyThe only life Ivy Magee has known is aboard a gambling boat. Until cowboy Travis Murphy arrives with the startling revelation that she’s inherited a ranch. Ivy must now leave her home behind and put aside her tomboyish ways.To save the ranch, Travis knows Ivy must marry a wealthy stranger. And if that means teaching her to become a lady, then so be it. Except, being a part of Ivy’s transformation makes Travis wish he could be the prince to this unlikely Cinderella!

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His Fair Lady

The only life Ivy Magee has known is aboard a gambling boat. Until cowboy Travis Murphy arrives with the startling revelation that she’s inherited a ranch. Ivy must now leave her home behind and put aside her tomboyish ways.

To save the ranch, Travis knows Ivy must marry a wealthy stranger. And if that means teaching her to become a lady, then so be it. Except, being a part of Ivy’s transformation makes Travis wish he could be the prince to this unlikely Cinderella!

Travis walked to the shoreline. He stood shoulder to shoulder with her, staring at the water slogging slowly past.

“I reckon you wish someone else was the heir.” It bothered her to think that he did, but she couldn’t blame him for it. “I’ll do my best not to shame you.”

“Shame? I’m so damn grateful for you, Ivy.”

He turned to face her. Those lush green eyes all but made her weak in the knees. They reminded her of home...of the river and the trees.

He tugged gently on her braid, then let go so quickly that it was as if her hair had burned him.

“I’ll teach you everything you need to know,” he said.

Do you sometimes feel like Cinderella, staring out of your kitchen window and watching your dreams ride off without you? I think we all do in one way or another. Perhaps you didn’t get a job you had your heart set on? Perhaps your prince was not charming? Did the home you made an offer on go to someone else?

Ivy Magee knows for certain what she wants from life...until the dream of her heart is snatched from her. Like Cinderella, she never cries, “Oh, poor little me!” She doesn’t jump into a lake, full of woe. She smiles, she works hard, and one day her cowboy prince notices her...and falls desperately in love with her. Not that he can claim her, of course. Travis Murphy is a man bound by obligation. He understands that the woman he loves is meant for another. This is a problem that not even a fairy godmother can fix. But true love can. Given the courage of Ivy, and the devotion of Travis, old dreams fall away and new ones blossom.

Life happens that way sometimes. The things we want most don’t happen, but something better does.

So, my friend, be open to new dreams—because you never know when the glass slipper will fit.

The Cowboy’s Cinderella

Carol Arens

CAROL ARENS delights in tossing fictional characters into hot water, watching them steam and then giving them a happily-ever-after. When she’s not writing she enjoys spending time with her family, beach-camping or lounging about a mountain cabin. At home, she enjoys playing with her grandchildren and gardening. During rare spare moments you will find her snuggled up with a good book. Carol enjoys hearing from readers at [email protected] or on Facebook.

Books by Carol Arens

Mills & Boon Historical Romance

The Walker Twins

Wed to the Montana Cowboy

Wed to the Texas Outlaw

Linked by Character

Rebel Outlaw

Outlaw Hunter

Stand-Alone Novels

Renegade Most Wanted

Rebel with a Cause Christmas Cowboy Kisses ‘A Christmas Miracle’ Rebel with a Heart Dreaming of a Western Christmas ‘Snowbound with the Cowboy’ Western Christmas Proposals ‘The Sheriff’s Christmas Proposal’ The Cowboy’s Cinderella

Visit the Author Profile page at

Dedicated to the memory of

“the luckiest man in the world”... my father, Glenn Lester Ebert. “love you I.”

Coulson, Montana, June 1882

“Gull-durned female traps!”

Ivy Magee watched three women dressed in all manner of frippery stroll across the gangplank of the River Queen.

Leaning over the rail of the upper, hurricane deck, she observed their slow, sashaying mosey from the boat to shore.

With all the fussy petticoats, there wasn’t room for all of them to walk side by side. They were trying, though, arms linked and giggling. One wrong step and someone would tumble headlong into the river.

While the image playing in her mind presented a humorous picture—with flailing legs getting all tangled up in ruffles, elegant hair dripping water and mud weeds—Ivy could only pity the woman who would have to launder the muck from the clothes. Sure as shootin’ wasn’t going to be those fancy ladies.

Wasn’t going to be Ivy, either.

Just because she was a female didn’t make her honor bound to clean up after folks. Uncle Patrick was training her to pilot the River Queen. She was happy as a fish in deep water to be his “cub.”

For the life of her, Ivy couldn’t figure the female species out.

Gosh all-mighty! Why would a soul want to stuff her body into whale bones and yards of heavy cloth that would only make her sweat and stumble? If she guessed right, the whole of female creation could not breathe.

“Gull-durned female duds...worst kind of a trap,” she repeated, this time with a dash of scorn.

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