The Doctor's Second Chance

The Doctor's Second Chance
О книге

The Bachelor's BabyJake West's troubled cousin leaves him with a most unusual parting gift–her newborn baby girl! And now the small-town contractor is forced to seek help from the very woman he resents–the new big-city pediatrician who practically stole his uncle's practice, Violet Crenshaw. Violet knows she shouldn't be consorting with the enemy. But she can't resist the adorable baby and her handsome new caretaker. Violet traded her chance at motherhood for her career years ago. But raising a family with Jake could be everything she's ever wanted.

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The Bachelor’s Baby

Jake West’s troubled cousin leaves him with a most unusual parting gift—her newborn baby girl! And now the small-town contractor is forced to seek help from the very woman he resents—the new big-city pediatrician who practically stole his uncle’s practice, Violet Crenshaw. Violet knows she shouldn’t be consorting with the enemy. But she can’t resist the adorable baby and her handsome new caretaker. Violet traded her chance at motherhood for her career years ago. But raising a family with Jake could be everything she’s ever wanted.

The three of you make a beautiful family.

A knot formed in her throat. Ever since that stranger’s comment, she’d had to battle the thrill it brought.

The baby whimpered.

Time to forget her silly emotions and take care of Abigail. And make dinner for Jake.

Pressing her cheek to Abigail’s head, she inhaled her sweet smell. Longing tugged at her insides, and she had to tamp it back into the safe prison it had been in for years.

She’d just finished cooking and changed clothes when the front door opened.

“I’m home,” Jake called, his deep voice sending her stomach flying as if she’d reached the highest point of a Ferris wheel.

Jake stepped into the kitchen…and whistled.

“I’m glad you appreciate a home-cooked meal.”

His eyes swept her from head to toe. “I meant you, Violet. You look beautiful.”

Born and raised in Kentucky, MISSY TIPPENS met her very own hero when she headed to grad school in Atlanta, Georgia. She promptly fell in love and has lived in Georgia ever since. She and her pastor husband have been married for over twenty-five years and have been blessed with three children. After ten years of pursuing her publishing dream, Missy made her first sale to Love Inspired in 2007.

The Doctor’s

Second Chance

Missy Tippens

And we know that all things work together

for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

—Romans 8:28

To the talented and dedicated physicians who’ve cared for my children through the years.

To God, who is loving, patient and good.


Many thanks to my amazing

and generous Seekerville blog sisters for helping me brainstorm this story!

Chapter One

Surely this isn’t happening.

A baby, its tiny lips puckered, slept in a car seat at Jake West’s feet. The child suddenly whimpered and jerked as if startled.

Jake’s insides jerked in response.

He dragged his gaze back to his cousin with her hair in a messy ponytail and no makeup. His heart banged against his ribs. “You can’t do this, Remy.”

With red-rimmed eyes, she stared at the baby.

Had she been crying or— “Are you high?”

She sighed. “No, I’ve been clean for a year.”

“Then come on, don’t be talking crazy.”

“You owe me, Jake.”

He’d heard those words the last time she’d popped into town—long enough to steal his wallet. “I don’t owe you anything.” His conscience pricked. Maybe he did. Maybe he was the whole reason for her problems.

A freebie diaper bag plastered with hospital and baby product logos slid down her shoulder. She plunked it on the floor, the gesture so final he flinched.

“You’re not leaving that baby here with me,” Jake said. “Take her to your parents.”

“No, I want you to raise her, and I put a letter in her bag saying so.”

A quick glance at Remy’s stomach showed her as thin as ever. “You are her mother...aren’t you?”

She nodded.

“And the father?”

“He died. No family.” She drew in a stuttering breath. “All her papers are in the bag, including a medical consent form.”

“Come on. Let’s sit down and talk this out. You have other options.”

One tear slid down her cheek, and she slapped it away, her expression remaining stony. “Don’t you dare let her down.” She glared at Jake, her eyes full of agony. “You’re the responsible one, the good kid, remember?”

Words his aunt and uncle, who’d raised him, had always said about him as they’d measured their rebellious daughter against his be-good-so-they’ll-keep-me behavior.

Remy reached out as if she wanted to touch her daughter but shoved her hands into the pockets of her wrinkled jeans instead, her gaze so full of longing it made Jake’s chest hurt.

“Come on, let me fix you some dinner,” he said, trying to sound friendly, upbeat. “I’ll make your favorite. We’ll talk.”

“You can’t make everything all better with a peanut butter and banana sandwich anymore, Jake. Now I need you to take care of her.”

“Come on, Rem.”

“Promise me.”


“I mean it.” Desperation flashed in her widened eyes. “Promise.”

What could he do? Refuse? “I promise.”

She turned and strode out the front door and down the steps toward an ancient beat-up sedan.

The hot July sun on the western horizon forced him to shield his eyes. “Where are you going?” he called. “You need help, Remy.”

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