The Forest Ranger's Promise

The Forest Ranger's Promise
О книге

Managing a Wyoming sheep ranch and a feisty little girl isn't easy for widow Melanie MacAllister. The last thing she needs is yet another forest ranger to stir up trouble for the ranchers.But when she meets single dad Scott Ennison and his daughter, she realizes there's something special about this ranger. Scott has vowed to protect the land and the ranchers his predecessors have alienated in the past. Yet no one wants to trust him–except courageous Melanie. Together they'll prove that a rancher and a ranger can become neighbors, friends…maybe even a family.

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“I’d like to make a deal with you,” Scott said.

“How would you feel about watching Shelley for me during the weekdays, and in return I’ll work for you on the weekends and some evenings?”

As he expected, Melanie’s mouth dropped open and she stared as if he’d gone daft. He was hoping she’d look past his position as the forest ranger and see that they could help each other out.

“Why would you ask me to do this? I’m basically a stranger.”

“Karen told me you’re a good, hardworking woman. I already feel as if I’ve known you for years.”

Maybe he shouldn’t have said that, but it was true. He felt more comfortable around Mel McAllister than around any woman he’d ever met.

“Well, I could sure use your help around this place.”

“So it’s a deal?”

“Okay.” She gave him a smile so bright he had to blink. It lit up her face and softened her eyes and he thought he’d never seen anything so beautiful in all his life.


is a multiple award-winning author of inspirational romance, her awards including the prestigious Golden Heart. She holds a B.A. in history with distinction and is a member of Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. A member of Romance Writers of America, Leigh also belongs to the American Christian Fiction Writers and various chapters of RWA, including the Faith, Hope and Love chapter and the Golden Network. She is the mother of two wonderful adult children and lives in Nevada with her professor husband of twenty-nine years. When she isn’t writing, Leigh loves playing with her beautiful granddaughter, serving in her church congregation and researching another book. Visit her website at

The Forest Ranger’s Promise

Leigh Bale

But I say unto you, love your enemies,

bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you.

—Matthew 5:44

This book is dedicated to Dan Baird,

a genuine forest ranger and my hero. Every child deserves a father like mine.


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Letter to Reader

Questions for Discussion

Chapter One

Thirty more minutes in the saddle and he could rest. Scott Ennison tightened his left hand around the reins, his stomach rumbling with hunger. The damp ground muffled the rhythmic beat of his horse’s hooves. He breathed deep of the crisp July air, catching the sweet scent of sage and rain. You couldn’t get this stunning beauty living in a city.

He looked up at the blue Wyoming sky and the jagged peaks of the Snyder Mountains. Farther out, a carpet of green pine led right down to the mouth of Game Creek where his truck awaited him. He’d be there soon and then on his way home. Shelley waited for him back in town, not at all happy that her daddy had left her with his office manager in a strange place. If only her mother were here. The divorce hadn’t been easy on Shelley, not with his career. Living in small, remote towns. Being a single father raising a ten-year-old daughter on his own. Working all the time. Both of them lonely for their own separate reasons. No wonder Shelley was angry and missed her mom. She deserved so much more.

He redirected his thoughts, inspecting the hillside to check for erosion. After being in these mountains three days, he’d finished looking over the area. Now he had to decide how to proceed with a watershed study.

The rain that day would have chilled him to the bone if not for the heavy, down-filled coat he wore over his ranger uniform. He shifted his body and fanned his wet slicker over his arms. Even in July, the high mountains could be cold, especially after a storm.

As he pushed the forest ranger’s hat back on his head, he scanned the thin trail ahead. It twined past several large, rotted tree trunks. A mass of pine needles, dried leaves and rotted bark lay in a pile next to the opening of one hollowed-out trunk. A large animal must have turned the tree over, grubbing for insects. He rode on, giving it no more thought.

Out of his peripheral vision, he caught a flurry of movement and turned in the saddle. Two bear cubs dashed across the carpet of damp leaves and scurried up a tall aspen. Scott’s gelding jerked its head and jittered to one side.

A furious roar sounded from behind. Scott swiveled his head just as his horse bolted. The reins jerked from his fingers and he grabbed for something—anything—to keep from losing his seat. His fingers grasped empty air. He fell backward over the horse’s rump. The ground slammed up to meet him. He landed on his back, the air whooshing from his body. Pain exploded at the back of his head. He lay there for several moments, dazed and hurting, gasping for breath.

Panic pumped through his body and he came to his feet, staggered and fell again. Pain choked off his breath and his lungs ached. As if in slow motion, he watched his horse race down the hill like a shot from a pistol. No more than fifty feet away, a grizzly bear stood on her hind legs. Using the aspens as a gauge, Scott figured she must be at least seven feet tall and weigh five hundred pounds.

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