The girl is the mistress of fate. Fantasy

The girl is the mistress of fate. Fantasy
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The girl unexpectedly finds herself in the world of magic. What will she do there. Of course, the same as before, but funnier. Have a nice reading

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© Рамиль Латыпов, 2022

ISBN 978-5-0059-2302-8

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Chapter 1

My name is Anna and I woke up. But where am I? I remember falling asleep in my bed. And not alone. With magician Arthur. He promised to show the focus. And showed and not alone in bed. He even gave me a ring, which he inherited from his grandmother, the countess or the princess, it doesn’t matter, I didn’t listen. He had good tricks. Sleight of hand and sleight of foot, skillful tongue. He skillfully took me as he wanted and I liked it.

I looked around. What is this village? Wooden houses and straw roofs. Such a terrible wilderness. More than once in my life I woke up like this, I don’t understand where. Yesterday they drank only one bottle of cognac with him. I’m getting old. Although after one I sent him to the store for a supplement. And then what happened, I don’t remember. Maybe she drank more. And not just wine.

– How are you girl? You are beautiful – Said the knight in golden armor. White-haired and blue-eyed.

– I’m alright. I just lay down to rest after yesterday. I took his hand and stood up. I’m wearing a light dress. Strange, yesterday I went naked in my apartment. And I didn’t buy such a dress, it’s too frank, I’m not like that. I have principles, well, I used to have them. «I don’t know how I got here?

You are an angel that came down from heaven. If you do not mind, I will be your intercessor on sinful earth. And I’ll take you where you say. I am captivated by your beauty. I swear to serve you as long as your intentions are as pure as your appearance. He kissed my hand. «You are supposed to know nothing about this world. The angels descend sinless and with no memory of their past life. Not like these aliens from other worlds that we hunt. Lucky I found you first, and not the Drifter hunters, as we call them here.

– I really don’t remember anything. – I don’t want to fall into the hands of these hunters, whoever they are, maybe local bandits, but this peasant with a magnificent mustache seems normal. Maybe there are some roleplayers having their gathering nearby. Once I was a queen there, then I gave one king with a crown of plywood, Such pleasant memories. Maybe I’ll go with him and find someone there. So I decided to play along with him. – Yes, I’m an angel that descended from heaven. Lead me to your chief, he will tell you exactly what to do.

– Great idea, my lady. If someone asks like this and say that you just lost your memory in the forest after the attack of animals, I saved you there and lead you to the city. The old fortune-teller and witch Tiremuska said that today I will find the one that will save everyone from evil and devastation. And I found you, the sweetest creation of our creator.

– Thank you, of course, for the compliment. It didn’t hurt to go to the city. Are you from the reconstruction of the Middle Ages? Or is there a movie being made here?

– I don’t understand you, dear lady. I am the Herald Viscount, a boundary knight without fear or reproach. What is your name, sweet lady?

– Anna.

– What a lovely name. I will carry it in my heart all my life until the day I die.

– Do you want me? Say so. You seem like a man is not bad and not impotent. Let’s go under the tree and take me. So I’ll pay for the trip. But I don’t need all this nonsense about knights.

– What are you saying sweet lady? I won’t dare touch you. You are my ideal.

– All right, let’s go to the city. – I said and snorted. That’s because he looks normal, but impotent. I have seen many of these in my life. Only a lot of words, maybe I’ll persuade you along the way.

And we went along the path, which connected with a five-meter stone road. Next to us were carriages and people with hoods on their faces, knights in armor and rich people with carts full of all sorts of goods. Strange beasts pulled these wagons, long-horned deer, unicorns with razor-sharp teeth, and of course a lizard on two strong legs that sniffed at me. Apparently they liked my perfume, not for nothing that the sea breeze, a gift from one boyfriend. He whistled a cheerful tune. I was silent. I began to notice that this is too strange. Bulls with two heads. Flying reptiles soar in the air. The village men greeted the women as they passed by us. In their hands are pitchforks and scythes. And the clothes are from the Middle Ages. But my shock came when I saw a city with a city wall of five meters.

– What it is?

– This is the town of Brown. The commercial capital of the Tulavs region, our glorious land of Grand Floria. There, in the guild of knights, they will tell you exactly who you are and where you are from. If they give you a reward, I’ll get it. But I will still serve you. I loved your image.

– So that’s it. I realized that this is not my world. But where did I get? – Are we sure we are not in Russia?

– I do not know such a country beautiful lady. But our master is smart and knows a lot, you can ask him.

In the city, I was surprised by the presence of different races. Both elves and gnomes. Everything you can imagine. People with faces of different insects and animals. Demons with horns. Everything is like in my small town, if you walk alone at night near the restaurants of national cuisine.

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