The GP's Marriage Wish

The GP's Marriage Wish
О книге

Enter into the world of high-flying Doctors as they navigate the pressures of modern medicine and find escape, passion, comfort and love – in each other’s arms!A woman worth waiting for… If there’s anything recently reunited colleagues Victoria and Connor agree on it’s that they disagree – and that they’re hiding the sizzling chemistry between them! But work together they must, and, though sparks fly professionally and personally, each is impressed with the other’s talent. And while Victoria should hate Connor, for spurning her all those years ago, annoyingly she’s just as drawn to him as ever!Connor knows he let Victoria down in the past. And now he’s realising what he missed – a gentle beauty, a talented doctor, and a woman worth loving. He won’t let her slip through his fingers again…

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Connor gave a short laugh.‘It’s obvious, my dear Victoria, that you’re not too keen aboutworking with me.’

He looked at her steadily. ‘Perhaps you’ve good reason… I know I was a brat at school.’

Victoria was startled. That was something, she supposed—a kind of apology.

‘It was a long time ago,’ she murmured.

His clear blue eyes held hers questioningly, and Victoria suddenly felt rather flustered, as if a switch had been thrown to register a mixture of excitement and danger. She looked at him in confusion. She looked at his strong, intelligent face and firm, uncompromising lips and swallowed hard. How extraordinary was that? She was beginning to admit to herself that she found Connor Saunders just as sexy now as she had when she was a schoolgirl!

Judy Campbell is from Cheshire. As a teenager she spent a great year at high school in Oregon, USA, as an exchange student. She has worked in a variety of jobs, including teaching young children, being a secretary and running a small family business. Her husband comes from a medical family, and one of their three grown-up children is a GP. Any spare time—when she’s not writing romantic fiction—is spent playing golf, especially in the Highlands of Scotland.

Recent titles by the same author:


Dear Reader

I am so thrilled that THE GP’S MARRIAGE WISH is being published in the Mills & Boon centenary year—it is such an exciting time, and I feel it is a real privilege to write for a great publishing empire and be a small part of its history. Happy Birthday, Mills & Boon, and may you continue to put romance to the fore for many, many years to come!

I love writing medical romances, and exploring the relationships that develop between patients and the people who care for them. The world of hospitals and surgeries provides a wonderful background for a romantic story between two people who love each other and have to deal with all the myriad dramas, both heartrending and humorous, that occur in the medical world. I really feel part of that world as I write and watch my characters unfold.

The idea of writing THE GP’S MARRIAGE WISH arose from meeting some old schoolfriends at a reunion, amongst whom was the drop-dead gorgeous boy (now a man!) we’d all fallen madly in love with in the sixth form! The last I saw of him at the reunion he was getting very friendly again with one of my contemporaries! Immediately the thought of Connor, my hero, sprang into my mind—the guy who’d been the centre of attention at school and, with maturity, was even more delectable many years later! In my imagination Victoria seemed just the girl to tame his macho manner when she re-enters his life!

I do hope you enjoy reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Best wishes






HE LOUNGED confidently against the wall in the assembly hall, a thick quiff of hair swept over cool dark blue eyes, watching the excited crowd of teenagers milling around him. Nobody could do attitude better than Connor Saunders—and he was arrogant enough to know that he made all the other youths at the Braithwaite Sixth Form College Ball look like wimps. He also had to be the hunkiest and sexiest guy in the room, thought Victoria Sorensen wistfully.

Victoria twitched her dress nervously and flicked a look at herself in the mirror next to the honours board—not a reassuring sight. She wasn’t sure about the blue colour against her auburn hair, she felt her glasses made her look geekish and she was horribly aware of the wretched bands over her front teeth. If only she looked more sophisticated, stood out from the crowd a bit more, Connor just might ask her to dance… After today he was going to take a year out, going round the world, before studying medicine, and she’d be working at her mother’s surgery before going to university, also to study medicine. She might never see him again.

A familiar mixture of resentment and jealousy jolted Victoria for a second—how easily everything came to Connor Saunders! Girls, scholarships, medals—they all dropped into his lap like ripe apples. There’d been an unspoken rivalry between them for some time: she was just as bright as him, but because he had the loudest voice, the cocksure personality that almost assumed he would get every prize going, she was left in the shadows.

A group of boys was round him now, laughing at something he’d said, and he was grinning back at them, flicking back his hair, used to being the centre of attention. That was the trouble, of course—he had such charisma. When he was around there was a sense of fun and adventure—perhaps even danger—and even though she resented the way he’d always pipped her at the post in so many ways, of course Victoria had been hopelessly attracted to him while they’d been students together at sixth form college.

Her friend Jean Martin sidled up to her. ‘Our hero’s looking good, isn’t he?’ She grinned, looking at Connor. ‘And he knows it,’ she added.

‘I can’t believe I might not see him again for years…’ said Victoria bleakly.

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