The Labyrinth of Inter-Time

The Labyrinth of Inter-Time
О книге

Another story about the world of Saisil, where magicians rule. Many years have passed since the Great Storm of Time. Or maybe it will happen a millennium later, who knows? Hundreds of portals will be opened that will connect myriad worlds. The past and the future will merge in wormholes with the present. The world will live out its last days. The portals seemed to open randomly, but they also had logic. The Great Labyrinth Of Inter-Time Has Been created.

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© Juriy Tashkinov, 2024

ISBN 978-5-0062-2850-4

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

Part 1. The Mystery of the Order of the Vernikov

Chapter 1. The world behind the mountain

A lonely mountain broke away from a huge mountain range reaching to the very horizon. The seemingly endless blue sea eagerly caught the reflections of the tired sun, which was trying with its last strength not to drown.

– How long can you endure! – the girl shouted, breaking away from the guy’s embrace.

– Well, go! – he said, trying not to show emotions, so as not to escalate the already tense situation. Although everything was boiling inside. – Is someone holding you?

She sobbed a couple of times and walked away, muttering something under her breath. And he, without turning around, walked in the other direction.

They came here to mend relationships that were falling apart at the seams like an old shirt. But you can’t make a broken vase new. It seemed like this was the end.

He walked a little more, and one could already see the last reflections of the dying Sun on the surface of the sea. He always dreamed of watching the sunset at sea. And finally, the romantic’s dream came true, but did this make my soul warmer?

He lit a cigarette to drown the ghost of a lost feeling in tobacco smoke. And then he took out a flask to drink some bitter whiskey. And don’t care about the Highway Patrol. Today he can do anything!

– Dorian! – he heard the echo of a well-known voice. Former grievances immediately evaporated, and he rushed to the side where his beloved’s voice came from.

Twenty steps. Two hundred. Five hundred.

– Angel! – he shouted, and the mountains echoed him with a long echo. – Angel, where are you?

Only an echo was the answer.

He stopped only for a few seconds to catch his breath, and then began to run further. When he had no more strength, he shouted again:

– Angel!

And again silence.

– Angel, my love! Where are you?

How often do we realize that we have lost a loved one when he is no longer around.

Dorian looked around and realized: something was wrong! It seems like the same mountain, the same sea on the horizon. The air is not like that at all. Oh yes! How could he not notice right away: the sun was on the other side. He didn’t remember the night at all, but during his run the evening gave way to morning, and somewhere behind the mountain the first rays of sunshine flickered.

He rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.

– At least I’ll take a swim in the sea!

He had to walk for quite a long time: he never found the car. Angel probably left without even saying goodbye. Dorian stripped naked, because there was no one to be shy in this wilderness, and rushed into the cool water. It was his first time at sea. And for the first time I saw such crystal clear water!

– We need to buy a house on the beach.

What clean air, there is no familiar smog that was a constant companion of megacities. Having got out of the water, the guy lay down on a stone to dry off. And then he pulled on his trousers. He wrapped the shirt around his waist, because the sun was already starting to get hot.

An unfamiliar sound was heard nearby, and Dorian walked in its direction. Behind a small ledge stood… He didn’t immediately remember the name of this creature. Locker? Curl? Oh yes, a horse. I once saw these in Cinema. But this is an almost extinct species! Where does the horse come from here? They say there are no more than a hundred of them left, and they live in the Reserve.

There was a bag nearby. He opened it, seeing a lot of food items. Ah, that’s what was missing for so many hours!

The dried lamb filled my empty stomach with a pleasant lump. But it’s real lamb! Not the usual meat substitute, but a completely natural product! The last time he ate meat was as a child, while his father worked as a Guardian. They had direct supply of first-class products. Dorian was envied by everyone in the class when he brought a fresh apple, and not jam from a tube, like everyone else, or a raw potato, and not custard mashed potatoes made from starch. But then my father was taken away, accused of participating in a conspiracy.

He continued to lie there, reminiscing about old times when something cold pressed against his neck. A tall young albino stood next to him, his sword pressed to Dorian’s throat.

– Thief! What do you need here? How long have you been spying on me? Who sent you? – the stranger’s eyes glowed with anger and irritation.

– Nobody sent me! I came myself. Is this your place?

– You lie next to my horse, faithful Dolt, eat my food, and dare to say that you ended up here by accident? I haven’t believed in coincidences for a long time! Speak! Who are you?

– My name is Dorian. And you?

– As if you don’t know yourself! – said the stranger.

– Nobody sent me! How many times should I tell you? Calm down, guy! Let’s put down your weapon and we can talk in a peaceful atmosphere. I have some whiskey, we can drink to meet you. And I’ll pay for your food, if necessary. Don’t be so angry about it.

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