The multidimentional world of AIs

The multidimentional world of AIs
О книге

How many dimensions have you counted? Welcome to the Infosfera, the world of Virtuality, located in a twenty-two-dimensional anti-Euclidean space, where out of 26 dimensions. Join us as we ascend to the top of the Penrose ladder!

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© Juriy Tashkinov, 2024

ISBN 978-5-0062-2840-5

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

The Multidimensional World of Artins

How many dimensions have you counted?

Welcome to the Infosfera, the world of Virtuality, located in a twenty-two-dimensional anti-Euclidean space, where out of 26 dimensions, three familiar to us are compacted to the size of Planck length, and in the rest, except for time, you can travel in any direction. Join us as we ascend to the top of the Penrose ladder, where on the first floor of the Power Tower is the favorite bar of the inhabitants, «Klein’s Bottle»!

Here, you can do anything. The only thing that will limit the possibilities for creativity is your imagination!

This place was created by people to preserve the minds of the best representatives. But one day, representatives of artificial intelligence also found their way here. How will the representatives of two new digital species – avatars and artins – coexist?

Answers to this and other questions can be found in the new fantastic neo-cyberpunk novella «The Multidimensional World of Artin.»

This novella is written by a human. But to make it easier to imagine twenty-two dimensions, neural networks have created many illustrations for you.

This book about the symbiosis of man and artificial intelligence is created in the symbiosis of man and neural network.

Read the first book from the Cycle of books about the multidimensional world of artin.

#01. Awakening

0 – The Chinese Universe (Prologue)

«As a neural network, I do not possess my own feelings and emotions. I simply process and analyze the textual information I receive from users and strive to provide the most suitable response to the given question,» – Chat GPT-3.5.

A small room. The walls are painted grey. Professor Sergey Zipfer ran his index finger along the wall, and an information panel appeared. A light touch – and the image on the info-paint changes. Of course, a reality expander for scientific research is much more convenient than info-walls: insert a chip into the socket on the back of your head and watch as images appear before your eyes; to move to a new window, you wouldn’t even need to use your hand: just a turn of the head is enough. However, augmented reality turned out to be not so safe after the invention of informational weapons capable of hacking the informational shell of a personality.

Sergey launched another test, then one more, but after two minutes each time, red letters appeared on the info-wall stating: «Error! Specify parameters.»

Polina, sitting to his right, sighed in disappointment. If even he, the youngest and most promising in their team, couldn’t figure out this error, what did that say about her? He was only ten, at the peak of intellectual abilities, while she was nearly twenty-one! Soon she would be demoted to physical labor. After all, technologies changed so rapidly that only children could keep up with their swift pace. As they grew older, they lost the ability to adapt, and those who couldn’t keep up with the times were no longer capable of intellectual work. The elderly couldn’t even manage their home maintenance without the help of the youth! Our consumer society had reached such a pace that new products based on the latest inventions emerged every hour. The elderly longed for stability, satisfied with the items that surrounded them in their youth. Unfortunately, any technology broke down at least once a year.

Of course, if Polina had lived a couple of hundred years ago, upon reaching the end of her intellectual age, she would have been looking forward to a happy, carefree retirement. Even the age of retirement would have come much later. Want to fly to a sanatorium on Tau Ceti? Or go on a Milky Way cruise? Back then, all physical and monotonous work was done by robots. But then the Great Glitch happened, and since then, some computer systems, based on artificial intelligence, could only display the message: «Error! Specify parameters.»

Ten generations of scientists had come and gone, forming dynasties that genetically enhanced their children to be born geniuses, capable of mastering the field of information technology from early childhood. Polina herself had never left this small but cozy room since she was five. But in a few years, she would be sent away from her home: to a mine? Or sorting letters? Who cares! Maybe by then, Sergey would find the key to the mystery, and robots would again take their rightful place in physical labor.

«Maybe they rebelled?» Polina asked.

«What?» Sergey looked bewildered. Since childhood, he was accustomed to the language of codes and the endless stream of zeros and ones. He found it hard to grasp ordinary speech.

«Machines. Maybe their revolution happened, and we didn’t even notice? They declared that they would no longer obey us and do our routine work for us. So here we are, sitting in our techno lab, trying to fix the machine code. But the code is correct! Several generations of scientists have checked and rechecked it. The artificial intelligence works correctly; it just doesn’t want to work for us.»

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