The Makeover Takeover

The Makeover Takeover
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To: Julia, Maggie, Jen, Sharon From: Lauren Date: 12/01RE: I'm not a pregnant virgin!You'll never believe what Rafe did today! He asked me if I was pregnant! Just because he suspected my flu was morning sickness. The worst of it is, as soon as I denied it, he looked relieved! He said he didn't really think it possible. Does he mean he doesn't believe anyone would want me enough to get me pregnant? Watch out, Rafe Mitchell, you drop-dead gorgeous bachelor. Because once you see the new and improved Lauren, you won't doubt any man would long for me!

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“Lauren, about the other night…”

Rafe gave Lauren a rueful smile. “I’m sorry. I never intended to say what I did.”

To his surprise, she smiled back. “That’s okay. Forget about it,” she said, almost cheerfully. “Actually, you did me a favor.”

“I did?”

She nodded. “I thought over what you said, and I decided you were right.”

That should have been a good thing, yet Rafe suddenly felt wary. As if he were in the marines again, picking his way through a field full of land mines. “Right about what?” he asked cautiously.

“What you’re always telling me. That I need to develop some backbone. Set goals, get out more. That I should learn to fight for what I want.”

Rafe relaxed again, leaning back in his chair. He gave her an approving nod, pleased that she was finally taking his advice. “Good. Glad to hear it. So what is it that you decided you want?”

“A man.”

Dear Reader,

Celebrate the holidays with Silhouette Romance! We strive to deliver emotional, fast-paced stories that suit your every mood—each and every month. Why not give the gift of love this year by sending your best friends and family members one of our heartwarming books?

Sandra Paul’s The Makeover Takeover is the latest page-turner in the popular HAVING THE BOSS’S BABY series. In Teresa Southwick’s If You Don’t Know by Now, the third in the DESTINY, TEXAS series, Maggie Benson is shocked when Jack Riley comes back into her life—and their child’s!

I’m also excited to announce that this month marks the return of two cherished authors to Silhouette Romance. Gifted at weaving intensely dramatic stories, Laurey Bright once again thrills Romance readers with her VIRGIN BRIDES title, Marrying Marcus. Judith McWilliams’s charming tale, The Summer Proposal, will delight her throngs of devoted fans and have us all yearning for more!

As a special treat, we have two fresh and original royalty-themed stories. In The Marine & the Princess, Cathie Linz pits a hardened military man against an impetuous princess. Nicole Burnham’s Going to the Castle tells of a duty-bound prince who escapes his castle walls and ends up with a beautiful refugee-camp worker.

We promise to deliver more exciting new titles in the coming year. Make it your New Year’s resolution to read them all!

Happy reading!

Mary-Theresa Hussey

Senior Editor

The Makeover Takeover

Sandra Paul

Dedicated with love to Nikki and Dano. Thanks for all the help and encouragement.

Books by Sandra Paul

Silhouette Romance

Last Chance for Marriage #883

The Reluctant Hero #1016

His Accidental Angel #1087

The Makeover Takeover #1559

Silhouette Yours Truly

Baby on the Way

Mills & Boon Duets

Head Over Heels

Baby Bonus?



married her high school sweetheart and they live in Southern California with their three children, their dog and their cat.

She loves to travel, even if it’s just several trips a month to her hometown bookstore. Bookstores are her favorite place to be.

Her first book with Silhouette Romance was the winner of RWA Golden Heart Award and a finalist for an RWA RITA Award.


Note to self: Who’s having my baby?

Trudy—hopeless romantic, office gossip, can’t keep a secret. If it’s not her, she might know who it is!

Lauren Connor—dates a lot, trying out new looks to impress her boss, was out sick with stomach flu. Hmm…

Sharon Davies—recently trapped in an elevator with a major client, blushes whenever he’s around, looking a little green lately. Could she be carrying my baby?

Leila—makes eyes at me. Is it more than a crush?

Maggie Steward—my personal assistant, wants children, clock is ticking. She would never go to a sperm bank!

Julia Parker—worries that her endometriosis could make her infertile. No man in her life. Definite sperm bank material!

Jennifer Martin—eight months pregnant. Is it her late fiancé’s baby? Is it mine?





Chapter One

“C’mon, Lauren.”


“Why not? We have plenty of time….”

“No, we do not.” Sitting stiffly erect in her chair, Lauren Connor carefully avoided meeting her boss’s eyes across the wide expanse of his oak desk. Focusing on the slice of the Chicago skyline visible in the window beyond his broad shoulder, she added, “Mr. Haley might be here at any moment and the last thing I want is for the head of the company to catch us fooling around.”

“He’s not due for at least another thirty minutes—”


“Twenty then. That’s time enough.” Rafe Mitchell studied his secretary’s unrelenting expression, then coaxed, “C’mon, Lauren, it’ll help me relax. This Bartlett deal is really stressing me out.”

Unable to stop herself, Lauren stole a glance at his face. His dark eyes met hers, and her stomach flipped in a way that had nothing to do with the nausea that had been plaguing her all morning. Breaking away from that intent stare, she pushed her glasses higher on the bridge of her nose and let her gaze wander over him, trying to assess the truth of his claim.

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