She gave a startled cry.
“What’s the matter?” he asked.
In the darkness of the room he saw terror on her face.
“Someone just tried to open the door.”
“Well, perhaps it was the amah[1], or one of the boys.”
“They never come at this time. They know I always sleep after lunch.”
“Who else could it be?”
“Walter,” she whispered. Her lips were trembling.
She pointed to his shoes and gave him a shoe horn. Then she slipped into a kimono and in her bare feet went over to her dressing-table. She had a short haircut and with a comb she had repaired its disorder before he had laced his second shoe. She handed him his coat.
“How will I get out?”
“You’d better wait a bit. I’ll look out and see that it’s all right.”
“It can’t be Walter. He doesn’t leave the laboratory till five.”
“Who is it then?”
They spoke in whispers now. Suddenly they saw the white china knob of the handle slowly turn. They had heard no one walk along the verandah. It was terrifying to see that silent motion. A minute passed and there was no sound. Then, in the same noiseless and horrifying manner, they saw the white china knob of the handle at the other window turn also. It was so frightening that Kitty opened her mouth to scream; but, seeing what she was going to do, he quickly put his hand over it.
Silence. She leaned against him, her knees were shaking, and he was afraid she would faint. Frowning, he carried her to the bed and sat her down upon it. She was as white as the sheet and in spite of his tan his cheeks were pale too. He stood by her side looking with fascinated gaze at the china knob. They did not speak. Then he saw that she was crying.
“For God’s sake don’t do that,” he said irritably. “If we’re in for it we’re in for it[2]. We’ll just have to look confident and not ashamed.”
She gave him the shadow of a smile. His voice reassured her and she took his hand and affectionately pressed it. He gave her a moment to collect herself.
“Where’s your hat?” she asked suddenly.
“I left it downstairs.”
“Oh, my God!”
“Look here, we can’t stay here for ever,” he said then. “Can you go out on the verandah and have a look?”
“I don’t think I can.”
“Have you got any brandy in here?”
She shook her head. He was growing impatient; he did not quite know what to do. Suddenly she clutched his hand more tightly.
“Suppose he’s waiting there?”
He forced his lips to smile.
“That’s not very likely. Have a little courage, Kitty. How can it be your husband? Only a Chinese would turn a handle in that way.”
She felt better now.
“It’s not very pleasant even if it was only the amah.”
“If necessary, I’ll make her fear. There are not many advantages in being a government official, but you may get something out of it.”
He must be right. She stood up and turning to him stretched out her arms: he took her in his and kissed her on the lips. She adored him. He released her and she went to the window. There was not a soul. She slipped on to the verandah, looked into her husband’s dressing-room and then into her own sitting-room. Both were empty. She went back to the bedroom and said to him,
“I believe the whole thing was an optical delusion[3].”
“Don’t laugh. I was terrified. Go into my sitting-room and sit down. I’ll put on my stockings and shoes.”
He did as she said and in five minutes she joined him. He was smoking a cigarette.
“Could I have a brandy and soda, Kitty?”
“Yes, I’ll ring.”
They waited in silence for the boy to answer. She gave the order.
“Ring up the laboratory and ask if Walter is there,” she said then. “They don’t know your voice.”
He took up the receiver and asked for the number. He inquired whether Dr. Fane was in. He put down the receiver.
“He hasn’t been in since lunch,” he told her. “Ask the boy whether he has been here.”
“I daren’t. It’ll look so funny if he has been here and I didn’t see him.”
The boy brought the drinks and Townsend helped himself. When he offered her some she shook her head.
“What should we do if it was Walter?” she asked.
“Perhaps he wouldn’t care.”
Her tone was incredulous.
“He is rather shy. Some men can’t bear scenes, you know. He’s got sense enough to know that he can’t gain anything by making a scandal. I don’t believe for a minute it was Walter, but even if it was, my impression is that he’ll do nothing. I think he’ll ignore it.”
She reflected for a moment.
“He’s awfully in love with me.”
“Well, that’s all to the good.”
He gave her that charming smile of his which she had always found so irresistible. It was a slow smile which started in his clear blue eyes and travelled slowly to his attractive mouth. It was a very sensual smile and it made her heart melt in her body.
“I don’t very much care,” she said. “It was worth it.”
“It was my fault.”
“Why did you come? I was amazed to see you.”
“I couldn’t resist it.”
“You dear.”
She leaned a little towards him. Her dark and shining eyes were gazing passionately into his, her mouth was a little open with desire, and he put his arms round her.