The Rancher's Baby Proposal

The Rancher's Baby Proposal
О книге

HER SECRET COWBOY CRUSHAlly Martinez has always been known as a fun and flirty kind of gal. But deep down she’s never forgotten the cowboy who left town. When her crush Reagan Chase comes home after a five-year absence, Ally knows this is her big chance. The guy I've always wanted. Only Reagan has something different in mind...Still reeling from his last relationship, Reagan needs a babysitter for his month-old son. With Ally's help, he can get his family's ranch ready for sale and get out of Cowboy Creek. The problem? Ally is one seriously cute distraction. But Reagan will do whatever it takes to keep his heart safe. Even if it means losing the only place—and the only woman—he can call home.


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Ally Martinez has always been known as a fun and flirty kind of gal. But deep down she’s never forgotten the cowboy who left town. When her crush Reagan Chase comes home after a seven-year absence, Ally knows this is her big chance. The guy I’ve always wanted. Only Reagan has something different in mind...

Still reeling from his last relationship, Reagan needs a babysitter for his month-old son. With Ally’s help, he can get his family’s ranch ready for sale and get out of Cowboy Creek. The problem? Ally is one seriously cute distraction. But Reagan will do whatever it takes to keep his heart safe. Even if it means losing the only place—and the only woman—he can call home.

Reagan wrapped his free arm around Ally and took her mouth.

It was firm and soft, molding to his. She nestled her body against his as if they’d been made to go together.

He was determined to have the pleasure of seeing all of her, and though he tried to slow it down, anticipation speeded things up.

The colours in the fabric seemed to blend together as he undid her buttons. The sight of pink lace beneath her blouse made his hand shake. She traced his knuckles with her fingertips as if guiding him, urging him on.

“Reagan,” she murmured, “do you know how many times I’ve thought about us like this?”

He kissed her temple. “Not as many as I have lately.”

“Oh, I doubt that.” She laughed, low and sexy. His fingers fumbled on a button. “I’ve had a crush on you forever.”

He kissed her cheek. “Forever, huh?”

“Mmm-hmm. But I’ve always known this would happen someday. And I’m happy it finally has.”

He smiled. “I’m hoping I can make you even happier...”

The Rancher’s Baby Proposal

Barbara White Daille

BARBARA WHITE DAILLE and her husband still inhabit their own special corner of the wild, wild Southwest, where the summers are long and hot and the lizards and scorpions roam.

Barbara loves looking back at the short stories and two books she wrote in grade school and realizing that—except for the scorpions—she’s doing exactly what she planned. She has now hit double digits with published novels and still has a file drawer full of stories to be written.

As always, Barbara hopes you will enjoy reading her books! She would love to have you drop by for a visit at her website,

To the original fabulous four

of the Writers’ Block and, of course, to Rich.

Chapter One

Ally Martinez had begun to doubt she would ever find an eligible cowboy.

In the small-parts aisle of Cowboy Creek Hardware and Feed, she knelt on the unvarnished pine flooring and tried to keep from muttering aloud. After all these years of separating nuts from bolts from washers, hauling bags of feed and restocking spools of twine, she was still as unattached as the day she had begun working here.

It wasn’t as if she had taken the job after high school specifically to find a man. It wasn’t even that she was eager to get married—or to have a brand-new baby, the way her best friend, Tina, had just done. Babies and she didn’t get along. At the touch of her hand, they somehow read her inexperience and knew they didn’t want to have anything to do with her.

No, it wasn’t any of the above that made her long to find a cowboy. She simply wanted someone special in her life. And lucky for her since she lived in ranch country, she had always been partial to men who looked good in jeans and a Stetson.

“What’s up with you, girl?” a familiar male voice asked. “You look like you just lost your best friend.”

She sprang to her feet and wiped her dusty hands on her jeans. Smiling, she turned to face the tall, white-haired man standing at the end of the aisle. “You’d better not have lost her, Jed, since I left you in charge of her and the baby.”

“I sure hope that little one doesn’t pick up any of your sauciness, young lady.” Even as Tina’s grandfather pretended to scowl at her, he laughed. They knew each other well. In his seventies now, Jed Garland had semiretired but still oversaw the running of Garland Ranch. He definitely stayed on top of things when it came to the Hitching Post, his family-owned hotel on the same property.

“How are Mama and baby?” she asked as she approached him. “Did they get discharged from the hospital today, as planned?”

“They sure did.” He beamed. “Cole brought them both home earlier this morning.”

“Great. Can I come visit tonight?”

“Now, since when do you have to ask? The Hitching Post is your second home. You’re free tonight?”

“Well...” He would expect a teasing response. Everyone expected lightheartedness from Ally Martinez, whose senior high school claim to fame was being voted The Girl Most Likely to Make You Laugh. “I do have lots of options, Jed. I could hang out at the Bowl-a-Rama, the Big Dipper or SugarPie’s. Except I don’t feel like bowling, don’t have a taste for ice cream and certainly don’t need any of Sugar’s famous desserts.” Grinningly wryly, she patted her “generous” hips, as Mama called them.

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