The Right Twin For Him

The Right Twin For Him
О книге

FROM A PECK ON THE CHEEK…Maddie Jackson's bruised heart leaped at the casual brush to her cheek. Evidently men in this town found her attractive! But wasn't this handsome stranger being a little forward? And then she discovered that Patrick O'Rourke thought Maddie was his sister-in-law, and her heart leaped again–this time with hope….TO A TINGLE IN HER TOES!Because Maddie had come to town searching for family–and now she might have found a sister. Yet should she risk turmoil by getting involved with the infamous O'Rourke bachelor? Though Patrick offered his support, he also stirred her vulnerable passions. Would loving him lead to heartbreak or the love and family she longed for?There was only one way to find out…

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“What do you think you’re doing?” Maddie demanded.

“Kissing you. What else?” the handsome stranger replied.

“I caught that.” Actually, it had been an awfully nice kiss, but they didn’t know each other and it wasn’t the sort of thing you did with someone you’ve never met.

“Say, is the pregnancy putting you on edge?” the man asked.

Maddie’s eyes widened. Pregnancy? “Preg…What are you talking about? Never mind. I’m leaving.”

“What’s gotten into you, Beth?” the man asked, clearly puzzled. “Kane told me about the baby, but he didn’t say it was a secret.”

Maddie was intrigued despite herself. “It’s a secret to me, because my name isn’t Beth.”

Dear Reader,

My, how time flies! I still remember the excitement of becoming Senior Editor for Silhouette Romance and the thrill of working with these wonderful authors and stories on a regular basis. My duties have recently changed, and I’m going to miss being privileged to read these stories before anyone else. But don’t worry, I’ll still be reading the published books! I don’t think there’s anything as reassuring, affirming and altogether delightful as curling up with a bunch of Silhouette Romance novels and dreaming the day away. So know that I’m joining you, even though Mavis Allen will have the pleasure of guiding the line now.

And for this last batch that I’m bringing to you, we’ve got some terrific stories! Raye Morgan is finishing up her CATCHING THE CROWN series with Counterfeit Princess (SR #1672), a fun tale that proves love can conquer all. And Teresa Southwick is just beginning her DESERT BRIDES trilogy about three sheiks who are challenged—and caught!—by American women. Don’t miss the first story, To Catch a Sheik (SR #1674).

Longtime favorite authors are also back. Julianna Morris brings us The Right Twin for Him (SR #1676) and Doreen Roberts delivers One Bride: Baby Included (SR #1673). And we’ve got two authors new to the line—one of whom is new to writing! RITA® Award-winning author Angie Ray’s newest book, You’re Marrying Her?, is a fast-paced funny story about a woman who doesn’t like her best friend’s fiancée. And Patricia Mae White’s first novel is about a guy who wants a little help in appealing to the right woman. Here Practice Makes Mr. Perfect (SR #1677).

All the best,

Mary-Theresa Hussey

Senior Editor

The Right Twin for Him

Julianna Morris

Books by Julianna Morris

Silhouette Romance

Baby Talk #1097

Family of Three #1178

Daddy Woke up Married #1252

Dr. Dad #1278

The Marriage Stampede #1375

*Callie, Get Your Groom #1436

*Hannah Gets a Husband #1448

*Jodie’s Mail-Order Man #1460

Meeting Megan Again #1502

Tick Tock Goes the Baby Clock #1531

Last Chance for Baby! #1565

A Date with a Billionaire #1590

The Right Twin for Him #1676


has an offbeat sense of humor, which frequently gets her into trouble. She is often accused of being curious about everything…her interests ranging from oceanography and photography to traveling, antiquing, walking on the beach and reading science fiction.

Julianna loves cats of all shapes and sizes, and recently she was adopted by a feline companion named Merlin. Like his namesake, Merlin is an alchemist—she says he can transform the house into a disaster area in nothing flat. And since he shares the premises with a writer, it’s interesting to note that he’s particularly fond of knocking books on the floor.

Julianna happily reports meeting Mr. Right. Together they are working on a new dream of building a shoreline home in the Great Lakes area.

Chapter One

Maddie Jackson looked around the friendly town of Crockett, Washington, and smiled, her first real smile in days. She loved it here. People waved from their cars, and the service station attendants had even pumped her gasoline though the sign said it was self-serve.

It was really nice—a bit like her home in New Mexico, but probably greener and cooler in the summertime. And bigger. Crockett had a population of over ten thousand, while Slapshot topped out at seven hundred.

“Hey, kiddo, I’ve been waiting for you,” called a deep voice, and she turned to see a man come striding toward her. He had a loose-limbed, sexy gait and the wide, comfortable shoulders of a football player. At another time in her life she might have been thrilled to see a hunk like that trying to catch her attention.

But not now.

Now she was smarter and wiser. She’d sworn off romance for good. No more hunks for Maddie Jackson. Not that she had much experience with hunks—only a sort-of hunk—but that was more than enough.

The man stopped in front of her with one eyebrow raised. “Something wrong, gorgeous?”

He dropped a kiss on her cheek, which made Maddie squeak and jump back several feet. Now that was new. She couldn’t remember an attractive stranger ever calling her gorgeous and kissing her. Granted, she didn’t have much experience with that sort of thing, but maybe Crockett wasn’t such a nice town, after all. Maybe it was just strange.

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