“Loathe me all you like. That doesn’t mean you don’t want me.”
“Want you? I’d sooner want a snake.”
“Well, considering what was going on here a little while ago, you’re going to make some snake a very happy reptile.”
Susannah swung toward him, her hands knotted into fists. Any second now, she was going to lose her chance at Chic magazine, probably her chance at anything, because once she slugged the horrible Matt Romano, what would be her chance of getting another job in publishing?
“You really do think you’re the sexiest man alive, don’t you? Well, let me tell you something, Romano. Just because I was stupid enough to let you kiss me—”
Today’s Magazine for Today’s Woman
Edgar B. Elerbee, Publisher from the desk of: Edgar B. Elerbee
to: Editorial Staff
Tuesday, June 3
It is with great sorrow that I announce the sudden passing of Charles Dunn, our esteemed editor-in-chief. Charles was the guiding force of this publication for 32 years, and I know our entire staff will miss him.
Effective immediately, I am naming our managing editor, James Colter, to succeed Charles in this most important role. I expect the entire staff to join me in offering James our complete support.
E. Elerbee, pub.
from: ClaireHaines@chic.com
to: SusannahMadison@chic.com
subj: Major Surgery needed
Suze: I guess old Charlie put in one garter-belt-and-blindfold weekend too many. But Colter? Yuck Charlie never understood the 20th century woman, but Colter probably thinks we should still be wearing bustles Lunch at Gino’s? We can have pasta and whine.
from: SusannahMadison@chic.com
to: ClaireHaines@chic com
subj: Getting Trampled in the Rush for the Door
Elerbee’s got to be kidding>1 Our circulation numbers were bad enough under Charlie, but Colter’s going to set new lows Hasn’t it ever occurred to Elerbee that a mag for women ought to have a woman at its helm? Forget Gino’s. I went home this weekend My mother baked up a storm. I should have saved time & put the stuff right on my hips.
Size eights don’t have hips to worry about!
Demos you requested attached Readers are women 40-65 Not target group Not good news. Heard the latest dirt? Colter is history. Wonder who Elerbee will put in his place?
from: SusannahMadison@chic com
to: ClaireHaines@chic.com
subj: Mister Ed, The Talking Horse
Or maybe Lassie. But not anyone who could breathe some life into CHIC You’re right. Demographic breakdown is N.G Women, single, 18-35. That’s where we should be aiming. We need more picture spreads, more fashion stuff, makeup ideas, advice on men I’ve had it with Mom, apple pie and babies What ever happened to the joys of being a single woman???
from: ClaireHaines@chic com
to: SusannahMadison@chic com
subj: Single Women, 18 - 35
The lucky ones got married
from: SusannahMadison@chic.com
to: ClaireHaines@chic.com
subj: Definitions
Depends on your definition of “lucky”
from: ClaireHaines@chic.com
to: SusannahMadison@chic.com
subj: Cold Feet
A career doesn’t keep you warm at night.
from: SusannahMadison@chic com
to: ClaireHaines@chic.com
subj: Cures for Cold Feet
Try an electric blanket. Or get a cat.
from: ClaireHaines@chic.com
to: SusannahMadison@chic.com
subj: Women can Purr, Too
You’re heartless, Madison.
from: SusannahMadison@chic.com
to: ClaireHaines@chic.com
subj: Better a Cat than a Kitten
I’m practical, Haines.
The Magazine for Women
Edgar B. Elerbee, Publisher
July 28
Please join me at a buffet breakfast in the boardroom Friday, from 8-30 to 10, in honor of our new editor-in-chief, Julius Partridge Wallinger. Mr. Wallinger brings with him almost 40 years of journalistic know-how. Payroll has asked me to assure you that the problem with last week’s checks was computer related and will not occur again. Thank you for your forbearance.
E. Elerbee, pub.
from: SusannahMadison@chic.com
to: ClaireHaines@chic.com
subj: Hello
Enjoying vacation. Weather is glorious Relaxing on all sides. Reading, renting videos, etc. Old friend’s been coming around—Sam. Did I ever mention him? My ever - hopeful Mom invites him for dinner each night, which makes me smile. Sam’s a sweetheart. He plays canasta with her after I go to bed.