The Sinner's Marriage Redemption

The Sinner's Marriage Redemption
О книге

A Merciless Mission!There are three goals self-made magnate Flynn Marshall has set out to achieve:1. A multi-million-pound business empire2. Acceptance in the highest echelons of society3. A wife to make him the envy of all men!Flynn’s ruthlessly accomplished his first goal and he’s on his way to the second. As for the third – he will rush stunning, well-connected Ava Cavendish to the altar at the first opportunity. A trophy bride should complete his plans, but passionate Ava and the desire she inflames in this untouchable CEO threaten to turn his carefully ordered strategy on its head…Discover more at


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‘Will you marry me, Ava?’

She goggled. ‘We’ve only known each other a week!’

Flynn’s brows rose. ‘We’ve known each other for years.’

But how well? Seven years older than her, he’d usually been helping his father on the estate grounds. ‘I’m still stunned. We don’t even know if we’re physically compatible,’ she said.

His expression altered. Focused. Igniting wildfire in her veins. ‘I think last night proves we’ve got no problems there. We’re combustible together.’

‘But marriage is more than physical attraction. It’s only been a week,’ she protested again.

‘How long do you need to be sure? A month? A year? I knew the moment I saw you again in Paris,’ he said.

Ava’s breath caught. ‘You care for me that much?’

‘You’re perfect in every way.’

Seven Sexy Sins

The true taste of temptation!

From greed to gluttony, lust to envy, these fabulous stories explore what seven sexy sins mean in the twenty-first century!

Whether pride goes before a fall, or wrath leads to a passion that consumes entirely, one thing is certain: the road to true love has never been more enticing!

So you decide:

How can it be a sin when it feels so good?

Sloth—Cathy Williams

Lust—Dani Collins

Pride—Kim Lawrence

Gluttony—Maggie Cox

Greed—Sara Craven

Wrath—Maya Blake

Envy—Annie West

Seven titles by some of Mills & Boon® Modern™ Romance’s most treasured and exciting authors!

The Sinner’s

Marriage Redemption

Annie West

Growing up near the beach, ANNIE WEST spent lots of time observing tall, burnished lifeguards—early research! Now she spends her days fantasising about gorgeous men and their love-lives. Annie has been a reader all her life. She also loves travel, long walks, good company and great food. You can contact her at [email protected] or via PO Box 1041, Warners Bay, NSW 2282, Australia.

For Liz.

Amica carissima et doctissima, and an admirable woman!


THE CAR’S ACCELERATION was loud in the still night, breaking the silence Flynn had so enjoyed after the bustle of London.

As he stretched his legs on a midnight walk across Michael Cavendish’s country estate, the only sound should have been the swoop of an owl or the rustle of small creatures foraging. Flynn was too far from the big house for the sounds of the Cavendishes’ annual winter bash to intrude.

The car roared closer, towards the tight bend in the long drive. Flynn quickened his pace, suddenly alert. It wasn’t braking soon enough to make the turn.

By the time the sickening screech and thud of a collision shattered the night, Flynn was sprinting.

The drift of cloud across the moon parted as he scudded around the thicket on a surge of frantic adrenaline. There it was: an open convertible at an ungainly angle, nose deep in the dark foliage. Moonlight sparkled on shattered glass that crunched under his feet.

But Flynn’s eyes were on the driver’s seat. On the figure struggling with the door. Moon-silvered hair spilled over pale, bare shoulders and arms flecked with what he suspected was blood. His heart hammered even as relief kicked in. At least she was conscious.

‘Don’t move.’ He had to see how badly she was injured, and quickly.

‘Who’s there?’ Instantly the woman shrank back from the door.

Her head snapped up and shock slammed into him. Ava? It couldn’t be little Ava Cavendish. Not in that tight, low-cut white evening gown. Not with those lush breasts.

‘Who is it?’

This time Flynn registered the sharp fear in her tone. Already she was trying to climb out the opposite side of the car, her long dress catching.

‘Ava? It’s okay. It’s me, Flynn Marshall.’ He reached the driver’s door but couldn’t wrench it open. The metal was buckled. Frustration surged.

‘Flynn? Mrs Marshall’s son?’

Her voice was slurred and anxiety stabbed him. Wasn’t slurred speech a danger sign?

‘Yes, Flynn.’ He made his voice soothing as he tried to recall hazy first aid knowledge. ‘You know me.’

A gusty sigh met the revelation. She mumbled something under her breath. He caught the word safe.

Flynn frowned. ‘Of course you’re safe with me.’

They’d grown up on the estate. Ava in the big house and he in a cramped workers’ cottage with his parents.

‘Here. This way.’ He had to get her away from the car. He couldn’t smell petrol but he’d take no chances.

Whatever her injuries, she could move her arms and legs. No spinal damage, hopefully. She’d already clambered up to kneel on the seat.

She twisted and a bottle dropped to the floor.

Since when had Ava been drinking champagne? She must be only—he did a quick mental calculation—seventeen. More to the point, the Ava he knew was far too responsible to drink and drive, even in a fit of teen rebellion.

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