The Sleeping Beauty

The Sleeping Beauty
О книге

Lady Helena Rathford was still deemed a plum matrimonial prize, one adventurous Adam Mannion was determined to pluck. He'd wed her, bed her, then hie to London, his prospects secure. But somehow in the wild north country that spawned her, Helena became his whole world–now and forever…!The walls of her family estate kept her safe–or so Helena thought. Though it had been more entombment than embrace, for Adam Mannion, a rogue with an open heart, made her see she must shake off the shadows of the past to hold on to a future–with him!

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She knew that look

She had once known the look of desire on a man’s face—on many men’s faces. But none of them had ever affected her like this.

Deep inside, some nether region of her innards rattled. Humming, vibrating, rattling—she couldn’t tell which. It felt wonderful, like silver threads of pleasure were woven throughout her body and being plucked by some unseen hand like an angel playing a harp.

She felt a bit dizzy all of a sudden. Her eyelids felt heavy.

“It is less than a fortnight when we will be man and wife,” Adam said thickly. He kept looking at her mouth, studying it intensely. Without seeming to move an inch, he somehow was closer. “Not long…”

“No. Soon.”

He was going to kiss her, and she could do nothing but stand there, frozen on the spot, and wait for the touch of his mouth….

The Sleeping Beauty

Harlequin Historical #578

Praise for Jacqueline Navin’s previous works

The Viking’s Heart

“THE VIKING’S HEART is a beautifully written medieval romance…an entertaining and emotional read.”

—The Romance Reader

A Rose at Midnight

“Nothing can prepare you for the pure love that flows from Ms. Navin’s writing. She gives warmth, humor, tears of joy…her books are gifts to be treasured.”

—Bell, Book and Candle

The Flower and the Sword

“…a touching tale of love’s ability to heal wounded souls.”

—Romantic Times Magazine

The Maiden and the Warrior

“Ms. Navin has captured the essence of the time and created a beautiful love story.”



Susan Mallery & Maureen Child


Debra Lee Brown


Cheryl St.John

The Sleeping Beauty

Jacqueline Navin

Available from Harlequin Historicals and


The Maiden and the Warrior #403

The Flower and the Sword #428

A Rose at Midnight #447

Strathmere’s Bride #479

One Christmas Night #487

“A Wife for Christmas”

The Viking’s Heart #515

The Sleeping Beauty #578

To Kelly.

The year this book was written was a tough one for you and yet you have emerged from it with amazing benefit. I admire your courage, your fortitude, your poise, your sense of justice—just about everything about you (except your hairstyle

). You have made your dad and me proud and so very happy each and every day.

Chapter One

Northumberland, England 1852

Adam Mannion pulled his mount to a halt as the two of them rounded a bend in the packed-dirt road and stood staring at the sprawling mansion.

This was Rathford Manor?

His horse, a newly bought gelding with more spirit than sense, skittered sideways as if he, too, felt the sudden chill that seemed to hit once the house came into view. “Whoa, boy,” Adam muttered, controlling the steed with a skillful jerk of the reins. The horse stilled and twitched his ears nervously as they both regarded the house.

Adam Mannion was nothing if not a practical man. In all of his thirty-two years, he had not seen anything to cause him to believe in anything outside the realm of the physical world other than a good, solid hunch one got at times when the turn of the cards was going one’s way. Nevertheless, in this case he had to sympathize with the horse’s skittishness. The place seemed…dead.

It appeared deserted. Not a single soul wandered in the gardens snipping herbs. No one trotted from the stables to greet him. The shrubbery that might have once lent grace to the noble facade was overgrown, ill tended and wild looking. Lichens grew on the stones, flourishing in the neglect that hung about the place like a pall. Many of the windows were shuttered, a strange sight when the weather was so mild. He supposed it indicated those rooms were shut up and unused.

“The Sleeping Beauty of Northumberland,” Adam muttered, and huffed a short sound of amusement. Well, he was hardly Prince Charming set on cutting down the fence of thorns to rescue the princess, that was certain.

It was money that brought him to this godforsaken corner of England, up here where the wind came off the North Sea to blow across the lifeless moors. He would have preferred summering in Cornwall with his friends, or perhaps the south of France, or Italy as some of his more wealthy bows had. The difference was, he wasn’t wealthy. Which was why he was here. Money. Oh, yes. And a wife.

The Sleeping Beauty of Northumberland, no less.

The horse nickered, a sure sign of derision, as if he could read minds, and Adam nodded sagely. “I agree. Silly stuff and nonsense, all of it.” He shook his head and kicked his heels into the gelding’s flanks. “We shall have to debunk the air of sorcery around here. It is pickling my brain.”

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