The Sons of Scarlatti

The Sons of Scarlatti
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Humour and high adventure combine in the biggest action debut in years – even if its characters are very small.Infinity Drake (Finn) is with his scientist uncle when they are summoned to a crisis meeting. A power-mad villain has released a lethal bio-weapon – mutant wasps with a deadly sting.Millions of lives are in danger, but Uncle Al has a crazy plan that just might work… Soon he’s shrinking a crack military team to take down the wasps. But a double agent throws the mission and now Finn is 9mm tall and has the weight of the world’s survival on his tiny shoulders.Killer wasps: It’s time to pick on someone your own size!


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To my children Rose, Huw and Conrad,

with love everlasting and a third share of all royalties>*

* conditions apply

Else, if thou wilt not let my people go, behold, I will send swarms of flies upon thee, and upon thy servants, and upon thy people, and into thy houses: and the houses of the Egyptians shall be full of swarms of flies, and also the ground whereon they are.

Exodus, 8:21

Consider yourself lucky. So far.

Six-Legged Soldiers – Using Insects as Weapons of War, Jeffrey A. Lockwood, OUP, 2008

“This is exactly what happened to Liz and Lionel when Kismet went missing in her GAP year…”

Finn’s grandma stood in front of the Departures gate, and fussed.

“Grandma! He’s in the building. He’ll be here any minute,” said Finn.

They were waiting for Uncle Al to turn up. He was supposed to be providing cover for Grandma while she took a well-earned break – flying to Oslo for a ‘knitting cruise’ around Scandinavia with another hundred or so grey-haired needlecraft enthusiasts.

Al had promised to show up at Grandma’s the night before.

Then Al had promised to meet them at the airport, first thing.

Then Al had promised – just now, by phone – to meet them at the Departures gate.

But Al… well, Al was Al, and nothing was certain, and Grandma’s way of coping with the distress her son caused her, from babe in arms to now, thirty-two years later, was to fill the world with a breathless stream of anxious chatter.

“…Kismet their eldest with the tattoos they had to fly out to Kinshasa cost them five thousand pounds silly thing had lost her phone it was the not knowing if she was dead or alive you can’t imagine what that does to a parent – where is he? – I looked after their cat same bladder problems as Tiger…”

“Last call for passenger Violet Allenby, Oslo flight 103, proceed immediately to gate 15,” announced the voice over the loudspeaker.

“…John very helpfully ran me into Woking young vet from New Zealand lovely girl wet food and herbal treatment…”

“Grandma! Please!”

“I can always catch the next one…”

“Noooo, Grandma!” Finn gyrated in frustration.

“Infinity!” she snapped. “I am not moving an inch.”

(Infinity. All Finn knew about his father – all he needed to know – was in his name. Who would name a child after a mathematical concept? “Exactly the sort of man you’d imagine,” Finn’s mother would say wistfully, claiming it had been all she could do to prevent him being named E=mc>2.)

“Al is here! I’ll be fine!”

“He is not! One thing you can rely on is that you can never rely on Al. He says he’s ‘in the building’, but that could mean anything. It could mean an imaginary building; it could mean a building on another continent, on another planet…”

“Grandma, get on the plane!”

“I have a duty of care. You are a child…”

“I’m almost a teenager.”

“…and if you really think, if he thinks, I’m going to abandon you to your fate in an airport full of germs, runaway trolleys and international terrorists…”

And then, thank goodness, from around the corner, looking like he’d just rolled out of bed, walked Al.

Six foot two and thin as a whip, part muscle, part bone, part wire, suede jacket and ancient cords worn to the point of oblivion, dark hair, darker eyes, designer glasses held together by tape, arm raised in surprised greeting as if he’d just wandered in and spotted them by chance.

“Alan! Where on earth have you been?”

“Ah…? I was in the middle of something.” He thought this would do. “Why are you still here?”


On a lead by Al’s side bounced a delighted, knee-high mongrel (a kind of spaniel/hyperactive kangaroo cross, Finn always thought).

“What are you doing with Yo-yo? You can’t bring dogs in here!”

“I saw him tied him up outside. He was crying.”

Officials across the concourse were already beginning to take notice.

“Marvellous! Now we’ll all be arrested…” said Grandma.

“We’ve got to get her out of here,” said Finn to Al.

With that, Al scooped Grandma up like she was a toddler, gave her a kiss on the cheek and put her down again, pointing in the right direction.

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