The Surprise of Her Life

The Surprise of Her Life
О книге

Is close to home really where the heart is?Eve has had enough neighbour trauma to last a lifetime, after her now ex-husband ran off with the woman next door. So when she moved on to a new state, a new city, a new everything, Eve was shocked to discover her new next-door neighbour was her fellow dumpee, Derek.The tall, dark and handsome former spouse of the woman Eve’s ex left her for. And when it came to her neighbourly policy, Eve was determined to remain strictly ‘hands-off.’ Only resisting Derek’s charm was almost impossible. Had they both travelled miles and miles just to find what they were looking for…right in their own backyard?

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“Five … four … three … two … one … Happy New Year!”

“Happy New Year,” Derek murmured, his gaze roaming over her face.

“And to you,” Eve whispered. She grew sad as she felt this sweet, unexpected moment coming to an end.

But instead of releasing her, Derek slowly lowered his head and touched his lips to hers. The caress was warm and gentle. He made her feel delicate and special. Before she could reason herself out of the impulse, Eve kissed him back.

With a sigh of relief or gratitude, he slid his arms around her again, only this time he brought her closer. Nevertheless, it felt as right as when they were dancing. Then he slanted his mouth over hers, seeking a deeper connection …

Dear Reader,

One of my favorite approaches to use for a story is when the hero and heroine are already acquainted, but have some wrong perceptions about each other. Enter Eve Easton and Derek Roland, former neighbors in Texas, who find themselves at the same New Year’s Eve party in Colorado. Eve remembered FBI Special Agent-In-Charge Roland as professional, serious to the point of intimidating, and virtually oblivious of her existence, although they share a simpatico for being the rejected parties after their spouses have an affair and marry each other!

The surprise of Eve’s life isn’t just learning that they’re neighbors again, or that neither she nor Derek are done dealing with their respective divorces, but that she’s finally met the man of her dreams—and that Derek hasn’t been quite as oblivious of her existence as she’d believed. Now, as the youngest sibling in her family, she has to figure out if she’s gained the independence and maturity to be the ever-after love of a man like Derek.

As always, I’m mixing some real locations with some created just for the story. JW Marriott Cherry Creek, and the boutiques at Cherry Creek North, as well as the restaurants at Larimer Square actually do exist, and if you check online, you can enjoy more visuals to help you enjoy Eve and Derek’s romance.

Thank you for your continued support, and know that you can always contact me through my website,

With warm regards,


About the Author

HELEN R. MYERS is a collector of two- and four-legged strays, and lives deep in the Piney Woods of East Texas. She cites cello music and bonsai gardening as favorite relaxation pastimes, and still edits in her sleep—an accident, learned while writing her first book. A bestselling author of diverse themes and focus, she is a three-time RITA Award nominee, winning for Navarrone in 1993.

The Surprise

of Her Life

Helen R. Myers

For dear friend, writer, horsewoman

M. Gail Reed who lost her beloved husband during the writing of this book. “Doc Mike” one of the finest, most respected veterinarians Texas A&M ever produced. “Death be not proud …”

Chapter One

“Oh, no—Help!”

Of course, she didn’t expect any. Eve Easton had come alone into the kitchen and was reaching into the commercial-size refrigerator with its double, glass doors to pull out the carved-crystal punch bowl, made heavier by pounds of chipped ice and boiled shrimp. But just when she turned toward the counter, the unwieldy thing had started slipping from her grasp.

Miracle of miracles, strong arms wrapped around hers in support, and a mellow, male voice assured her, “Got it.”

Too relieved to have avoided catastrophe to yelp from surprise that someone had actually heard her, Eve held her breath as, together, she and her mystery hero jointly hoisted the thing to the counter. Unfortunately, their combined momentum made it land with a sharp thud.

“Don’t shatter,” she entreated the bowl. “Glass shards aren’t a digestible garnish.” That was the problem with helping out here; everything in the place was genuine, gorgeous and breakable.

“Do you always reprimand inanimate objects?”

As her foolishness sunk in, she chuckled self-consciously—feeling increasingly so for their awkward positioning. “Oh, ignore me. I’ve spent most of my life either swimming upstream, ignoring logic, or otherwise trying to defy physics.”

“Eve? Eve Prescott … It is you.”

Already remaining stiff enough to shatter herself, Eve willed herself to faint. She was 99.99 percent sure she wasn’t dreaming, so there was no other escape from this moment. And the man who held her against the counter so tightly that they were as close as two people could get—short of sexual intimacy—sounded eerily similar to one of three people she’d hoped never to see again in this lifetime. The fact that he addressed her by her married name confirmed the impossible had happened.

God, leaving Texas wasn’t enough? In case you’ve forgotten, you don’t let Southwest fly to Mars yet.

Lifting her gaze to stare at their reflection in the glass cabinets at the end of the kitchen counter, she managed to eke out on a thin breath, “It’s Easton now, Mr. Roland. I took back my maiden name.” She didn’t dare turn her head what with him being so close, his breath already a lover’s caress against her ear and cheek.

“Of course. Sorry.”

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