The Wolf And The Dove

The Wolf And The Dove
О книге

Dr. Lucas Greywolf had carved a life for himself in Wyoming, tending to the needs of his people–untilRachel Fortune arrived.Her outsider's ways annoyed him. Her delectable body aroused him. And althoughLucas sensed he should avoid this troublesome woman, a passion neither could deny drove them together, and soon he discovered that Rachel would bear his child. Lucas knew he couldn't force this willful woman to become his wife, yet how he wanted her to truly surrender herself–body and soul–to their love….

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Kate Fortune’s Journal Entry

It’s been so difficult staying behind the scenes and having to play dead while my family needs me.

I almost missed the birth of my granddaughter Caroline’s little baby. But luckily my faithful friend Sterling helped me sneak into the nursery. What a precious bundle of joy! I’m so relieved that mother and baby are doing fine.

I’m also keeping a close eye on my granddaughter Rachel—I mean “Rocky.” She was never like her glamorous twin, Allie. Rocky was always a tomboy, downplaying her looks, though she is quite a lovely girl. I’ve always encouraged and nurtured her adventurous spirit, which is why I left her my airplanes. Now she can finally have her own business and do what she loves best—flying. I just know she’s going to soar in the wilds of Wyoming. Now, if only she could meet Mr. Right….


Dear Reader,

I grew up with two brothers and a sister and an extended family of uncles and an aunt who were close enough in age to be siblings. So, being part of a large, involved family is as natural to me as breathing. We played and argued and watched out for each other as children, and nothing’s really changed now that we’re all adults—though we do argue a lot less! Naturally, I was thrilled when I was asked to write a book for the FORTUNE’S CHILDREN series.

Writing Rocky’s story turned out to be an added bonus because she and Allie are identical twins, and I, too, have an identical twin sister—Brenda. We’re best friends and always have been. And yes, we still get asked if we’re twins whenever we go out in public together. People will probably still be asking us that when we’re eighty!

I also found Kate Fortune to be a fascinating character. I, too, had strong, spunky grandmothers who knew what they wanted out of life and went after it. One even joined the circus with my grandfather and traveled all over the country back in the thirties and forties. Neither of them ever flew off to the jungles of South America by themselves, but they might have if they’d been given the chance.

I hope you like The Wolf and the Dove. I loved working with the other authors and, like you, look forward to reading their books on the Fortune Family. Enjoy!

The Wolf and the Dove

Linda Turner

To my twin sister, Brenda Murray—

my best friend and partner in crime who was there from the beginning


always knew she was going to be a writer—with the wonderful characters in her family, how could she be anything else? Her grandfather snuck her and her twin sister into a circus tent when she was eight, and her parents never came across a road they didn’t want to explore. Consequently, life has always been a series of adventures to be savored to the fullest, which is why she worked for the FBI, spent a summer at a Boy Scout camp as a cook and longs to see the Pyramids in Egypt.

Meet the Fortunes—three generations of a family with a legacy of wealth, influence and power. As they unite to face an unknown enemy, shocking family secrets are revealed…and passionate new romances are ignited.

RACHEL “ROCKY” FORTUNE: The spirited beauty thrives on risks, so she ventures to the wilderness of Wyoming to start her own search-and-rescue business. But is she brave enough to take a chance on love?

LUKE GREYWOLF: The dedicated Native American doctor harbors a tragic secret and vows never to love again. But passionate Rachel arouses feelings too long denied….

MONICA MALONE: The legendary movie star is obsessed with revenge. She’ll use seduction and blackmail to get her share of the Fortune empire…at any cost.

ADAM FORTUNE: Former military officer. He could keep order in the ranks, but he couldn’t control his kids! Can this handsome single dad learn some lessons in fatherhood—and love?


Fellow gossips, here’s the latest dirt on the Fortunes:

That darling Caroline and her sexy scientist husband announced the birth of their first child! Who would’ve thought this green-card marriage would end so joyously?

And Kyle reunited with an old flame and discovered he had a love child. I can’t believe this city slicker is settling down on the Wyoming ranch for good. Ugh! All that dirt and grime…but of course I wouldn’t mind a roll in the hay with a rugged cowboy!

But there’s no gossip juicier than the scandalous break-up of Jake and Erica. Already my sources have spotted that louse with another woman. Poor Erica! If I were her, I’d go straight to the La Dee Da Spa, run up those credit cards at chic boutiques and forget all about that gorgeous hunk…. No wallowing in self-pity for me!

Well, I don’t know about you, but I’ve got a feeling something big is about to happen with those unpredictable Fortunes….


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten



With his usual enthusiasm, Michael Hawk gave Dr. Luke Greywolf a fierce hug, then ran out of the examining room as fast as his injured leg would allow, his attention jumping to the toy he would pick out at the nurses’ station before he left with his mother. A muscle clenching in his square jaw, Luke watched the five-year-old awkwardly make his way down the hall and swore, long and fierce. The boy needed a good orthopedic surgeon and surgery to correct a break that hadn’t healed properly six months ago, but he wasn’t likely to get either. His father was a day laborer, and what money there was went for food and clothes, not health insurance. Surgery, however necessary, was a luxury that was out of reach.

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