She appears out of nowhere, a woman dressed all in white, standing in the moonlight on the lonely heath. Walter Hartright is at first alarmed, but then sees that she is frightened and confused, and needs his help. He speaks kindly to her, walks with her to show her the right road, and soon she disappears into the night again.
This strange meeting begins a chain of events that bring together Walter, Marian and her half-sister Laura, Sir Percival and his Italian friend Count Fosco in a mystery in which nothing is as it seems. And at the heart of the mystery is the sad, lonely figure of the woman in white – her life, her history, and the secret that she is desperate to reveal before she dies.
It is a story of greed and evil, innocence and betrayal, confused identities and cruel deceptions. And also love – a love that begins with heartbreak and misery, where there seems no way forward, no hope for the future. But love does not die easily; it can survive separation, and despair, and even death itself …
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ISBN 978 0 19 479270 7
Illustrated by: Kanako Damerum and Yuzuru Takasaki
Word count (main text): 31,770 words
e-Book ISBN 978 0 19 478632 4
e-Book first published 2012
Walter Hartright, a drawing teacher
Professor Pesca, a friend of Walter Hartright
Anne Catherick, the woman in white
Mrs Catherick, Anne’s mother
Mrs Clements, a friend of Anne Catherick
Laura Fairlie, later Laura, Lady Glyde
Marian Halcombe, Laura’s half-sister
Frederick Fairlie, Laura’s uncle, owner of Limmeridge House
Mr Gilmore, lawyer to the Fairlie family
Mr Kyrle, Mr Gilmore's partner and lawyer to the Fairlie family
Sir Percival Glyde, owner of Blackwater Park
Count Fosco, an Italian nobleman
Countess Fosco (Madame Fosco), the Count’s wife, and Laura Fairlie’s Aunt Eleanor
Mrs Michelson, the housekeeper at Blackwater Park
Mrs Rubelle, a nurse employed by Count Fosco
Mr Dawson, a doctor
Fanny, Lady Glyde’s maid
It was the last day of July. The long hot summer was coming to an end, and I was feeling ill and depressed. I was also short of money, so I had little chance of escaping from the dusty London streets, and would have to spend the autumn economically between my rooms in the city and my mother’s house.
My mother and my sister, Sarah, lived in a cottage in Hampstead, in the northern suburbs, and I usually went to see them twice a week. This evening I arrived at the gate of the cottage just as it was starting to get dark. I had hardly rung the bell before the door was opened violently, and my Italian friend, Professor Pesca, rushed out to greet me.
Pesca was a language teacher who had left Italy for political reasons and had made his home in England. He was a strange, excitable little man, who was always trying to be more English than the English. I had met him from time to time when he was teaching in the same houses as I was, and then one day I met him by chance in Brighton. We agreed to go for a swim together in the sea. He was very enthusiastic and it never for a moment occurred to me that he did not know how to swim! Fortunately, when he suddenly sank to the bottom, I was able to dive down and save him. From that day on he was my grateful friend, and that evening he showed his gratitude to me in a way that changed my whole life.