Through the Looking-Glass

Through the Looking-Glass
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A level 3 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. Retold for Learners of English by Jennifer Bassett.

I wish I could get through into looking-glass house,' Alice said. 'Let's pretend that the glass has gone soft and… Why, I do believe it has! It's turning into a kind of cloud!'

A moment later Alice is inside the looking-glass world. There she finds herself part of a great game of chess, travelling through forests and jumping across brooks. The chess pieces talk and argue with her, give orders and repeat poems…

It is the strangest dream that anyone ever had…

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‘You can be the White Queen’s pawn,’ the Red Queen tells Alice. ‘A pawn goes two squares in its first move. So you’ll go very quickly through the Third Square – by railway, probably. Then in the Fourth Square you’ll meet Tweedledum and Tweedledee. The Fifth Square is mostly water, and the Sixth belongs to Humpty Dumpty. The Seventh Square is all forest – one of the Knights will show you the way.’

And in the Eighth Square Alice will become a Queen. But what a strange game of chess it is! In the looking-glass world all the chess pieces argue with you, and you have to run very fast just to stay in the same place. Here, time runs backwards and the White Queen can remember what happened the week after next.

And whose dream is it, anyway? Is it Alice’s dream, or is she just a part of the Red King’s dream? And if so, what will happen if he wakes up?

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ISBN 978 0 19 479134 2
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Word count (main text): 10,605 words
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e-Book ISBN 978 0 19 478658 4
e-Book first published 2012


Chess is a game for two people, played on a chess-board marked with sixty-four black and white squares. The thirty-two chess pieces – also called chessmen – are black (or red) and white, and are called kings, queens, bishops, knights, castles (or rooks), and pawns. The pawn is the smallest and least important piece.

If a pawn reaches the eighth square on the opposite side of the board, it can be exchanged for a queen. This is what happens to Alice in the story.



The White Queen

The Red Queen

The White King

The Red King

The White Knight

The Red Knight


Talking flowers, Tiger-lily, Rose, Daisy

Tweedledum and Tweedledee

Humpty Dumpty

The Lion and the Unicorn

Haigha and Hatta, the White King’s messengers


Looking-glass house

One thing was certain, it was the black kitten that began it all. The white kitten had been unable to do anything for the last quarter of an hour, because the old cat was washing its face, very slowly and very carefully.

But the black kitten was free to do what it wanted. And so, while Alice was sitting in a corner of the great armchair, half talking to herself and half asleep, the kitten was playing a grand game with a ball of wool. Soon the wool was lying in a terrible tangle all over the carpet, with the kitten running after its own tail in the middle.

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