Tricks of the Trade

Tricks of the Trade
О книге

When magic goes wrong, who are you going to call?The name’s Torres, Bonnie Torres, and I’m a paranormal scene investigator – rooting out the truth about crimes of magic. It’s dangerous and boring and scary and fascinating. Though not everyone in the Cosa Nostradamus is happy we’re around, which can make things… tricky.Working two cases – looking into a murder for the NYPD, and a rich man’s break-in – should be well within our abilities. But when things start getting weird in the Electric Apple, PUPI is stretched to the limits, trying to keep one step ahead and out of trouble.Add in rumors of a powerful creature gunning for us and it’s not just our rep on the line this time – if we don’t solve this case, everyone will suffer. Fortunately, around here, when the going gets weird, the weird hire us…."(PACK OF LIES) is a fast, compelling read….readers will root for (Bonnie) and the team." –RT Book Review, 4 1/2 Stars, Top Pick


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Praise for


Hard Magic

“Readers will love the Mythbusters-style fun of smart, sassy people

solving mysteries through experimentation, failure, and blowing stuff up.”

—Publishers Weekly, starred review

Pack of Lies

“Bonnie’s intelligence and perceptiveness really make this book go and

readers will root for her and the team to solve their investigation.”

—RT Book Reviews, Top Pick


Staying Dead

“An entertaining, fast-paced thriller.”


Curse the Dark

“Features fast-paced action, wisecracking dialogue,

and a pair of strong, appealing heroes.”

—Library Journal

Bring it On

“Ripping good urban fantasy, fast-paced

and filled with an exciting blend of mystery and magic… this is a paranormal romance for those who normally avoid romance, and the entire series is worth checking out.”

—SF Site

Burning Bridges

“Leaves the reader on the edge of her seat for the next book.”

—RT Book Reviews, 4 stars

Free Fall

“The best of the Retrievers series to date.”

—Publishers Weekly, starred review

Blood from Stone

“Extreme fun, nicely balanced with dark stuff…

and a scene in a museum that had me whimpering with joy.”

—Green Man Review

Tricks of the Trade

Laura Anne Gilman

For Geoff. For taking my hand, and holding on.



Chapter one

Chapter two

Chapter three

Chapter four

Chapter five

Chapter six

Chapter seven

Chapter eight

Chapter nine

Chapter ten

Chapter eleven

Chapter twelve

Chapter thirteen

Chapter fourteen


My name is Bonnie Torres, and I’m a student of (in)human nature. More specifically, and according to the business cards we don’t actually have yet, I’m a Paranormal Scene Investigator. What that means is that I look at the world a little differently than most, even among my fellow Talent.

I used to be an idealist of sorts. Not that everyone was good— I knew firsthand that we were all filled with conflicting impulses, some positive and some negative, and sometimes the negative ones got out and did damage. I also knew that there were people who didn’t feel any guilt about the damage they did. But a year ago, I would have claimed that responsibility was all about your intent; that if you meant well, did your best, and didn’t hurt anyone, you could sleep with a clear conscience. Then I was recruited to join PUPI, Ian Stosser’s dream of an unbiased, impartial investigative unit designed to ferret out the truth behind crimes of a magical nature or cause.

Ian Stosser had been a certified boy wonder, once upon a time: Golden Boy of the Midwest Council, high-res Talent and general scary-ass smart guy. But something happened in Chicago, something they still don’t talk about, and he came to New York with his business partner Benjamin Venec, to hang their shingle here.

Ian said there was a need, that the Cosa Nostradamus needed us, to save it from itself. The Cosa Nostradamus wasn’t all that thrilled to be saved, but Ian had been right—there was a need. After only a few months we—the Private, Unaffiliated Paranormal Investigations team—got our first case, a bad one: a double murder. We solved it, proved what had happened, let the authorities—such as the Cosa has—handle the punishment. And then, once we’d demonstrated we could be trusted to be fair in our investigations, impartial in our discoveries, we were approached to investigate a few more, and they were all bad.

They only call us when it’s bad.

Magic isn’t an instinct; for most of us it requires forethought to pull current and direct it against someone else. That means Talent mostly don’t commit crimes of passion, but ones of forethought and malice. By the time we get called in? The crime’s been committed, and all we see is the tarry residue left in the aftermath, the pain and the grief and the greed and the malice and the denial—and, sometimes, the regret and remorse, too late to do any good.

When I took this job, my mentor had warned me: you rarely see anyone’s shining better nature in this job. He’d been right.

PUPI did good work, though. We got people answers, closure. We were making sure that there were consequences to actions. From the lonejacks and gypsies on the street to the Council members in their hushed private offices, the word was spreading: we were smart, we were sharp, and we were unaffiliated—something rare in the highly political world of magic. If you came to us with a mystery, we would find the answers, no matter where they led.

We investigated events. We stuck to the facts. But there’s no way, I was learning, that you could separate facts and events from the people who drive them. And people? People are complicated. Responsibility is complicated.

Every case we took, from the cold-blooded killer-for-hire to the regret-stricken being who let terrible things happen for love, taught me that some acts cannot be excused, no matter the intent…and that it’s possible to sleep soundly, your conscience clear as a cloudless sky, after inflicting terrible harm on someone. People aren’t good. They’re not bad, either, mostly. They’re actions and reactions, pushed this way and that by things we have so little control over.

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