Troll Fell

Troll Fell
О книге

In the age of the Vikings, two children find themselves battling for their lives against the hideous, grasping twins Grim and Baldur Grimsson; the terrifying Granny Greenteeth and the cunning and ruthless trolls of Troll Fell.Peer Ulfsson stood miserably at his father's funeral pyre, watching the sparks whirl up like millions of shining spirits streaking away into the dark.But someone else is also at the funeral. Peer's half-uncle, Baldur Grimsson. Peer watches helplessly as Uncle Baldur sells his father's property and pockets the money. Peer is then dragged away to live with Baldur and his equally repulsive brother Grim at their mill near Troll Fell.Peer lives a life of servitude, with only the company of his faithful dog, Loki, until he meets spirited Hilde and the Nis, his uncles' house spirit. Between them, they must foil an evil transaction between the Grimsson brothers and the sinister trolls who live under Troll Fell. The Grimssons want riches, and they will do anything to get them. and as everyone knows, trolls are rich… but they are also cunning.

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troll fell

troll fell


This book is for my mother and father


Among the many people I have to thank:

Alan Stoyel and Critchell Britten, for patiently and kindlyanswering dozens of questions about watermills

Susan Price, for the tail-wagging troll

Lyndsay Stringfellow, for letting me talk trolls oninnumerable walks

Liz Kessler of Cornerstones, for warmth, enthusiasm, spot-on criticism and friendship

Catherine Clarke, agent extraordinaire

Zoë Clarke, Robin Stamm and all at HarperCollins

and Dave, Alice and Isobel – first and best of readers


The Coming of Uncle Baldur

Peer Ulfsson stood miserably at his father’s funeral pyre, watching the sparks whirl up like millions of shining spirits streaking away into the dark.

Dizzily he followed their bright career, unwilling to lower his eyes. The fire gobbled everything like a starving monster, crackling and crunching on bone-dry branches, hissing and spitting on green timber, licking up dribbles of resin from bleeding chunks of pinewood.

The heat struck his face and scorched his clothes. Tears baked on his cheeks. But his back was freezing, and a raw wind fingered the nape of his neck.

Father! thought Peer desperately. Where have you gone?

Suddenly he was sure the whole thing must be a bad dream. If he turned round, his father would be standing close, ready to give him a comforting squeeze. Behind me – just behind me! thought Peer. He turned slowly, stiffly, wanting to see his father’s thin, tanned face carved with deep lines of laughter and life. The black wind cut tears from his eyes. The sloping shingle beach ran steep and empty into the sea.

A small body bumped Peer’s legs. He reached down. His dog Loki leaned against him, a rough-haired, fleabitten brown mongrel – all the family Peer had left. Friends and neighbours crowded in a ring around the pyre, patiently watching and waiting. Their faces were curves of light and hollows of darkness: the flames lit up their steaming breath like dragon-smoke; they blew on their fingers and turned up their collars against the piercing wind.

The pyre flung violent shadows up and down the beach. Stones bigger than a man’s head blackened and cracked around it. Hidden in its white depths his father’s body lay, folded in flames.

Over the fire the night air wobbled and shook, magnifying the shapes of the people opposite. It was like looking through a magic glass into a world of ghosts and monsters, perhaps the world to which his father’s spirit was passing, beginning the long journey to the land of the dead. Peer gazed, awed, into the hot shimmer. What if he comes to me? What if I see him? Smoke unravelled in the air like half-finished gestures. Was that a pale face turning towards him? A dim arm waving? Peer’s breath stuck. A shadow lurched into life, beyond the fire. It can’t be! He glanced round in panic. Can anyone else see it? The shadow tramped forwards, man-shaped, looming up behind the people, who hadn’t noticed – who still hadn’t noticed—

Peer gave a strangled shout: “What’s that?”

A huge man lumbered into the circle of firelight, a sort of black haystack with thick groping arms. His scowling face shone red in the firelight as he elbowed rudely through the crowd. People turned, scattering. A mutter of alarm ran around the gathering.

Shoving forwards, the stranger tramped right up to the pyre and turned, his boots carelessly planted among the glowing ashes. Now he was a black giant against the flames. Everyone stared in uneasy silence. What did he want?

He spoke in a high, cracked voice, shrill as a whistle. “I’ve come for the boy. Which is Ulf’s son?”

Nobody answered. A shiver ran across the crowd. The men closest to Peer shuffled quietly nearer, drawing close around him. Catching the movement, the giant turned slowly, watching them. He lifted his head like a wolf smelling out its prey. Peer forgot to breathe. Their eyes met, and he winced. Sharp as little black glittering drills, those eyes seemed to bore through to the back of his head.

The stranger gave a satisfied grunt and bore down on him like a landslide. Enormous fingers crunched on his arm, hauling him out of the crowd. High over his head the reedy voice piped tonelessly, “I’m your uncle, Baldur Grimsson. From now on, you’ll be living with me!”

“But I haven’t got an uncle!” Peer gasped.

The huge stranger paid no attention. He dragged Peer’s arm up, twisting it. Peer yelped in pain, and Loki began to growl.

“I don’t like saying things twice!” said the man menacingly. “I’m your Uncle Baldur, the miller of Trollsvik. Come on!” He challenged the crowd. “You all know it’s true. Tell him so, before I twist his arm off!”

“Why—” Brand the shipbuilder stepped forwards uncertainly, rubbing his hands. Peer stared at him in disbelief. Brand spread his arms helplessly. “This – that is to say, Peer, your father did tell me once—”

His wife Ingrid pushed in front of him, glaring. “Let go of the boy, you brute! How dare you show your face here? We all know that poor Ulf never had anything to do with you!”

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