Under Pressure

Under Pressure
О книге

Operation Distraction…by any means necessary! How do you get a hot but aggravating ex-SEAL to relax? Kennedy Duchane arranged for a documentary about Trident diving team's first big find, the Chimera. But it turns out movie-star-handsome former SEAL Asher Reynolds can woo just about everything…except a camera. Fortunately, they've found the perfect antianxiety remedy—all that sexual tension they've been avoiding!Sex—especially hungry, intense, no-holds-barred sex—with Kennedy breaks pretty much every rule in the book. Employee? Check. Best friend's little sister? Check, check. Asher knows he's in over his head. And now what started as a naughty distraction is quickly turning into something far deeper…something strong enough to sweep even the strongest SEAL out to sea.


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Operation Distraction...by any means necessary!

How do you get a hot but aggravating ex-SEAL to relax? Kennedy Duchane arranged for a documentary about Trident diving team’s first big find, the Chimera. But it turns out movie-star-handsome former SEAL Asher Reynolds can woo just about everything...except a camera. Fortunately, they’ve found the perfect antianxiety remedy—all that sexual tension they’ve been avoiding!

Sex—especially hungry, intense, no-holds-barred sex—with Kennedy breaks pretty much every rule in the book. Employee? Check. Best friend’s little sister? Check, check. Asher knows he’s in over his head. And now what started as a naughty distraction is quickly turning into something far deeper...something strong enough to sweep even the strongest SEAL out to sea.

“You shouldn’t be doing this...”

Kennedy grinned in response and flicked the button on her shorts open. The sound of her zipper, metal grinding against metal, was loud in Asher’s ears.

“Nope. You can’t touch.”

“What?” he asked in disbelief. The woman was giving him a striptease and expected him to keep his hands to himself?

She was crazy. Or wickedly, wickedly devious.

Or both.

“You get through the rest of these interview questions without hesitating and then you can have your reward.”

How was he supposed to resist with her standing in front of him in nothing but red lace panties and a matching bra?

He was human. He’d been fighting his desire for too long. He couldn’t fight anymore.

“Then you better hurry with those questions before I say to hell with it and give you exactly what you’re asking for...”

It’s a little bittersweet to see the end of my SEALs of Fortune series. Over the past year, I’ve enjoyed working with these amazing men and the headstrong women who fall for them, immersing myself in their intense, honorable and sometimes hectic world.

At the core of this series is a family that’s formed not necessarily by blood, but brotherhood, battle and shared values. That is no more evident than in Asher Reynolds’s story. A man used to being left behind, Asher learns that he’s worth choosing, worth wanting and worth respecting. Kennedy Duchane is just the strong-willed woman to teach him that valuable lesson. Beneath their verbal clashes is an attraction neither of them wants to admit. A vulnerability that puts them on edge and forces them to acknowledge that people and situations can’t always be controlled. The question is, can they both let go of their pasts long enough to appreciate what’s right in front of them?

I hope you enjoy Under Pressure! If you’ve missed any of the other SEALs of Fortune books, check them out to get a glimpse into Kennedy and Asher’s history, and learn more about the family they’ve formed with Jackson Duchane, Loralei Lancaster, Knox McLemore and Avery Walsh.

I’d love to hear from you at kirasinclair.com, or come chat with me on Twitter, @KiraSinclair.

Best wishes,


Under Pressure

Kira Sinclair


KIRA SINCLAIR writes emotional, passionate contemporary romances. A double winner of the National Readers’ Choice Award, her first foray into writing fiction was for a high school English assignment. Nothing could dampen her enthusiasm...not even being forced to read the love story aloud to the class. Writing about sexy heroes and strong women has always excited her. She lives with her two beautiful daughters in north Alabama. Kira loves to hear from readers at kirasinclair.com.

My life has been a little crazy over the past year, a roller coaster of experiences and emotions. But there are a handful of people I know I can count on to be there for me when I’m at my weakest. This book is dedicated to Andrea Laurence, Kimberly Lang, Dani Wade and Marilyn Baxter. I often feel like I’m spread thin and you guys get the shaft, but when I hit a wall and feel like I can’t keep going, just knowing you’re close pushes me to do it anyway. Love you!

“YOU’RE MY ONLY OPTION.” Sure, the words might have sounded like a plea for help, but that wasn’t how Kennedy Duchane meant them. At all.

She glared at the man in front of her, ready to use whatever means necessary to compel his cooperation. Despite being a foot shorter and roughly a hundred pounds lighter, she wasn’t opposed to dropping Asher Reynolds to his knees if that became necessary.

She had an older brother who also happened to be a former navy SEAL—he’d taught her plenty over the years.

Asher’s mouth formed a lazy smile. “Aww, cupcake, we both know that isn’t true. I’m sure the devil would be happy to fix whatever’s got your panties in a twist if you just ask nicely.”

Kennedy blinked. As far as she was concerned, Asher Reynolds was the devil, but she had no intention of asking him for anything, nicely or otherwise. She was demanding. He might be her boss—or one of them—but not even that was going to save him from doing what she needed this time.

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