Whitelaw's Wedding

Whitelaw's Wedding
О книге

He was the man she had once offered her innocence to. The man who had heartlessly turned her away, claiming she was too young for him. Now Hunter Whitelaw, world-weary security agent with a body built for sin, was the man Manda Munroe would marry….Hunter claimed their marriage was only a means to lure her stalker out. But when the brooding bodyguard discovered his bride was just as passionate - and just as innocent - as ever, his hard heart was shaken to the core. For now Hunter knew with the certainty of a man aching with long-held desire that Manda was bound to be only his!

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“Married! You don’t seriously intend for me to marry you?”

Manda focused her gaze on Hunter. “You are so damn sure that once we announce our engagement, my secret admirer will make his move and you’ll be able to catch him?” She pulled away from his arms. “By all means, let’s follow through with this idiotic plan. Let’s put both our lives in danger. Let’s show everyone in Dearborn that we’re fools in love, and to hell with the consequences.”

Hunter grabbed her, cupping her chin as he stared into her eyes. “I don’t think we’ll have any trouble convincing everyone that we can’t keep our hands off each other. Just pretend you feel about me now the way you did when you were sixteen.”

Manda’s face flushed. “And what are you going to pretend?”

“I’m a man, baby doll. With a woman who looks like you, I won’t have to pretend.”

Dear Reader,

This is officially “Get Caught Reading” month, so why not get caught reading one—or all!—of this month’s Intimate Moments books? We’ve got six you won’t be able to resist.

In Whitelaw’s Wedding, Beverly Barton continues her popular miniseries THE PROTECTORS. Where does the Dundee Security Agency come up with such great guys—and where can I find one in real life? A YEAR OF LOVING DANGEROUSLY is almost over, but not before you read about Cinderella’s Secret Agent, from Ingrid Weaver. Then come back next month, when Sharon Sala wraps things up in her signature compelling style.

Carla Cassidy offers a Man on a Mission, part of THE DELANEY HEIRS, her newest miniseries. Candace Irvin once again demonstrates her deft way with a military romance with In Close Quarters, while Claire King returns with a Renegade with a Badge who you won’t be able to pass up. Finally, join Nina Bruhns for Warrior’s Bride, a romance with a distinctly Native American feel.

And, of course, come back next month as the excitement continues in Intimate Moments, home of your favorite authors and the best in romantic reading.

Leslie J. Wainger

Executive Senior Editor

Whitelaw’s Wedding

Beverly Barton


has been in love with romance since her grandfather gave her an illustrated book of Beauty and the Beast. An avid reader since childhood, Beverly wrote her first book at the age of nine. After marriage to her own “hero” and the births of her daughter and son, Beverly chose to be a full-time homemaker, aka wife, mother, friend and volunteer. The author of over thirty-five books, Beverly is a member of Romance Writers of America and helped found the Heart of Dixie chapter in Alabama. She has won numerous awards and made the Waldenbooks and USA Today bestseller lists.

To my fellow Heart of Dixie RWA chapter members,

past and present, for the camaraderie, encouragement and support, but especially for all the good times we’ve shared over the years.



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16



M anda Munroe inspected her curves in the mirror. The woman she saw reflected there was one others referred to as beautiful. She supposed she was pretty, just as she was rich and pampered. At least that was what everyone told her. Her father, older brother and grandmother doted on her. And she loved them, too, which was why she would never tell them that all their smothering attention could never fill the void, never replace the gigantic hole created in her life by her mother’s absence. Most of the time she didn’t feel sorry for herself for being the only kid in her circle of friends who didn’t have a mother. But for crying out loud, she had just turned sixteen and what she needed most was someone no one in her life could truly replace. A mother. Someone she could turn to for advice on being a woman. Grams was wonderful, but she was sixty and hardly up-to-date on the things today’s teenage girls needed to know.

Manda pivoted slowly in front of the cherry cheval mirror in her bedroom. Grams wouldn’t approve of the bikini she was wearing, even though some of her friends wore skimpier ones. But if she was ever going to make Hunter Whitelaw notice that she was no longer a little girl, she had to do something drastic. She’d decided letting him see her in next to nothing would open his eyes to the fact that she was all grown up. Now, maybe he’d stop thinking of her as nothing more than Perry’s little sister. She’d had a crush on Hunter for as long as she could remember, since the first time Perry brought him to the house, about six years ago when the guys played high school football together. Of course, back then, she really had been just a kid. But even at ten, she’d somehow known that Hunter was the one and only boy on earth for her. And since that time, with each passing year, she had become more and more certain that he was destined to be the love of her life.

Now, all she had to do was convince him of that fact. And parading around in front of him in her bikini was a great way to start. She didn’t have much time to accomplish her goal. Hunter was home in Dearborn for only two weeks, then he’d go back to the army.

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