Witness Undercover

Witness Undercover
О книге

IN SAFE KEEPINGLaura Prentiss will do whatever it takes to save her father–even come out of witness protection. Ever since turning in evidence that put her dangerous ex behind bars, she's had a killer on her trail. It'll take someone extraordinary to keep her safe now–someone like former navy SEAL Griffin Devaney. Griffin blames himself for the ambush that took his teammates' lives, and he's determined that nothing will ever happen to someone under his protection again. But as the connection between Griffin and Laura grows, so do the threats against them. Griffin will put everything at stake for a future with Laura–if they survive long enough to have one.


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Laura Prentiss will do whatever it takes to save her father—even come out of witness protection. Ever since turning in evidence that put her dangerous ex behind bars, she’s had a killer on her trail. It’ll take someone extraordinary to keep her safe now—someone like former navy SEAL Griffin Devaney. Griffin blames himself for the ambush that took his teammates’ lives, and he’s determined that nothing will ever happen to someone under his protection again. But as the connection between Griffin and Laura grows, so do the threats against them. Griffin will put everything at stake for a future with Laura—if they survive long enough to have one.

She felt herself fading.

A scream welled up, but she couldn’t get out even a sound. Terror flooded her.

Abruptly, the pressure eased and she fell, hitting her head on the corner of the sink. She was conscious enough to register a series of grunts and then a sickening thud against the tile.

Suddenly, Griffin was on the floor beside her.

“Laura?” He leaned over her, moving her hair gently out of her face as he peered at her. “Laura?”

His face came into focus, his hard-edged features stamped with concern.

She lifted a shaky hand to her throbbing head.

“Can you breathe?” he asked.

She nodded, forcing words past her bruised throat as she gripped his hand. “What happened?”

“You were attacked.”

It had come too close on the heels of yesterday’s attack. Fear sliced through her like a blade, jamming her breath painfully in her chest. “He found me. Vin found me.”

“Looks that way.”

Everything went black.

DEBRA COWAN, like many writers, made up stories in her head as a child. She planned to follow family tradition until she wrote her first novel. Equally inspired by Nancy Drew and fairy tales, she loves to combine suspense and romance in her novels. Debra lives in her native Oklahoma with her husband and enjoys hearing from readers. You can contact her via her website at debracowan.net.



Debra Cowan


Fear not, for I have redeemed you;

I have summoned you by name; you are mine.

—Isaiah 43:1

To the ladies of my Wednesday night Bible study—

Pennie, Stacy, Alison, Tami, Delise and Jane. Thanks for the laughs and the prayers.


Laura Prentiss hadn’t wanted a new beginning, a new name, but that was what she’d gotten. After the mess she’d made of her life, she was lucky to be alive.

Thanks to witness protection, she was now Laura Parker, assistant manager of Miss Behavin’, a ladies’ boutique in Pueblo, Colorado, that was currently closed for the night.

Thanksgiving was only weeks away. This would be her first here in Pueblo, her first without family. Laura tried not to feel sorry for herself.

She had a job and friends, even if they didn’t know her real name. Jesus had left behind his family without complaining. She would be fine.

Just as she opened a case of potpourri to stock, she heard a knock on the back door.

Laura froze, her hands going clammy. It couldn’t be a delivery, as it was after business hours. She reached for the bat in the corner kept for protection.

After her months in WitSec, had Vin Arrico finally found her?

The thought that her past might have caught up to her had Laura’s stomach knotting. She crept to the door at the back of the storage room.

The knock sounded again, making her jump.

“Laura? Miss Parker?”

She recognized the thick Texas accent. “Marshal Yates?”

“Yes. I need to see you.”

If the US marshal who had handled her case from the beginning had driven down from the field office in Colorado Springs, something was wrong. Very wrong.

Setting the bat aside, she unlocked the steel door and stepped back as the tall lanky man entered. He was followed by one of the biggest men Laura had ever seen. The stranger closed the door behind him, looking around at the shelves of candles, women’s shoes and boxes of unpacked jewelry before shifting his attention to her.

Her shoulders tensed. In the light of the single-bulb fixture, she couldn’t tell the color of his eyes, but they were piercing and glittered like steel. A strange sensation fluttered in her stomach. She turned to Floyd Yates.

“Has something happened with Vin?”

Laura had no doubt her ex-boyfriend could find her even from prison.

“No, nothing like that,” Floyd said. “Sorry to alarm you.”

He gestured to the man beside him. “Laura, this is Griffin Devaney.”

She nodded at the stranger with neatly trimmed dark hair and whisker stubble. His six-foot-four frame filled the space. He studied her with a quiet certainty that made it difficult to breathe. Who was he? Why had Floyd brought him?

The open space seemed small and cramped with Griffin Devaney there. His well-fitting denim jacket was faded to a soft blue, as were his jeans.

The marshal turned to her. “Devaney works with your aunt at Enigma, Inc.”

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