You're What?!

You're What?!
О книге

BACHELORS & BABIES "I'M WHAT? !"All Michelle Purdue wanted was a baby. And now she was pregnant - but she had no idea who the father was! Could it be Dr. Kevin Singleton, the handsome stranger she'd had an unexpected one-week fling with? Or was it a mystery man from her visit to the local sperm bank? Michelle had nine months to figure it out… .One night of torrid passion and several queasy mornings later, Michelle and Kevin had to face facts. She was supposedly having a faceless stranger's baby… but what if she wasn't? Bachelors and Babies: Three men get more than they ever expected when they connect with the woman of their dreams… .

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“We’re Going To Emergency To Have You Checked Out,”

Kevin said.

Michelle pulled her arm free. “No. I don’t need a doctor. I just want to go home and go to bed.”

Kevin grabbed her arm and pulled her in the opposite direction. “Michelle, we can argue later. Something’s wrong…”

She broke free. “Kevin, please…” She clamped her hand over her mouth. “I know what’s wrong and you can’t help. Just let me by.”

His dark, determined eyes looked by turns worried and suspicious. “What do you mean? What’s wrong with you?”

This wasn’t the time, or the place. But she had to get past him. Now! “I’m pregnant, and I’m going to throw up all over you if you don’t move this instant.”

Before he could respond, she rushed out of the room…

Dear Reader,

Established stars and exciting new names…that’s what’s in store for you this month from Silhouette Desire. Let’s begin with Cait London’s MAN OF THE MONTH, Tallchiefs Bride—it’s also the latest in her wonderful series, THE TALLCHIEFS.

The fun continues with Babies by the Busload, the next book in Raye Morgan’s THE BABY SHOWER series, and Michael’s Baby, the first installment of Cathie Linz’s delightful series, THREE WEDDINGS AND A GIFT.

So many of you have indicated how much you love the work of Peggy Moreland, so I know you’ll all be excited about her latest sensuous romp, A Willful Marriage. And Anne Eames, who made her debut earlier in the year in Silhouette Desire’s Celebration 1000, gives us more pleasure with You’re What?! And if you enjoy a little melodrama with your romance, take a peek at Metsy Hingle’s enthralling new book, Backfire.

As always, each and every Silhouette Desire is sensuous, emotional and sure to leave you feeling good at the end of the day!

Happy Reading!

Senior Editor

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You’re What?!

Anne Eames


has a varied background, including managing a theater, a bridal salon and a construction association, netting several marketing and communication awards along the way. In 1991 she joined the Romance Writers of America, later becoming a Golden Heart finalist, the winner of the Maggie Award, and finally a published author—her lifelong dream.

Anne and her engineer husband, Bill, live in southeastern Michigan and share a family of five—two hers (Tim and Tom), two his (Erin and David) and one theirs (an adorable miniature dachshund, Punkin).

To “S” for planting this “seed” to Lisa and Linda for their medical contributions to Billie and Ellen for their cruise stories and especially to my own private hero…Bill

“Sperm bank!” Michelle groused aloud and shook her head in disbelief. “Who would’ve thought it would come to this?”

She rolled her eyes and slouched on the edge of the examining table. With a paper sheet tucked tightly under her arms, she scraped nonexistent dirt from beneath her freshly manicured nails.

Thirty-six years old, divorced, and no man on the horizon. What choice did she have? She glanced at her watch for the umpteenth time. It’s not as though she hadn’t given the system a chance. In the three years since she’d been back on the single scene, she’d had her share of dates—enough to make her more than a little cynical about finding Mr. Right. Besides, the longer she was on her own, the more she liked it.

She heard a door open and close in the next room. Michelle stopped playing with her fingers and dropped them in her lap. This anxiety was counterproductive. She had to control her wavering emotions and think positive thoughts.

For a start, she remembered this morning’s clear blue sky and the weatherman’s prediction of sixty-two degrees by noon— almost unheard-of for mid-March in Detroit. If being here was wrong, surely there’d be a blizzard with icy, impassable roads. The paper crinkled under her legs as she shifted positions and wrestled with her nagging doubts.

Looking for a distraction, she surveyed the small, sterile room. White walls displayed framed photographs of pudgycheeked cherubs, each one seeming to smile in her direction, each tweaking her heartstrings and causing her eyes to mist over. More than anything, she wanted a baby. If only there was another way…

After a loud knock, the door flew open beside her. Startled, she twisted toward it. An intense, white-coated doctor sprang into the room, his entrance instantly reminding her of Kramer on the sitcom “Seinfeld.” She almost laughed before eyeing the footlong sheathed instrument in his hand.

Ceremoniously, the doctor placed the syringelike object on a stainless-steel tray, then picked up her chart and perused his notes. Michelle studied his thick crop of wildly curly hair until he lifted his gaze. Finally, he flashed a wide smile, exposing large white teeth.

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