Yuletide Baby Bargain

Yuletide Baby Bargain
О книге

Christmas Miracle…or Christmas Mayhem?When Lincoln Swift finds a two-month-old infant on his doorstep, it's panic time! Still, he takes the child in, believing she's his missing in action brother's. Then he turns to social worker and old friend Maddie Templeton for help. But his relationship with Maddie is complicated by past quarrels and a present attraction that grows ever fiercer as they bond over the baby.Linc knows this instant family could be taken away from him in a heartbeat. Will he propose a more permanent arrangement to Maddie just for the baby's sake? Or will she drive a hard bargain of her own, holding out for the best Christmas gift a man could give?


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Christmas Miracle...or Christmas Mayhem?

When Lincoln Swift finds a two-month-old infant on his doorstep, it’s panic time! Still, he takes the child in, believing she’s his MIA brother’s unless a DNA test proves otherwise. Then he turns to social worker and old friend Maddie Templeton for help. But his relationship with Maddie is complicated by past beefs and a present attraction that grows ever fiercer as they bond over the baby.

Linc knows this instant family could be taken away from him in a heartbeat. Will he propose a more permanent arrangement to Maddie just for the baby’s sake? Or will she drive a hard bargain of her own, holding out for the truest Christmas gift a man could give?

“I should have given you something to sleep in,” Linc said.

“No need.” It was much too easy to imagine slipping one of Linc’s T-shirts over her head. Of course, it had been a fantasy that had fueled her teenage self for a long time. “It’s one night. I’m fine like this.”

“Have you slept at all?”

She nodded and stood. The spacious nursery felt much too close. “I think I’ll fix Layla a small bottle. Maybe she’ll sleep afterward. You want to hold her?”

He immediately shoved his hands into his front pockets.

She averted her eyes from the fine line of dark hair running downward from the flat indent of his navel and headed toward the doorway. “I’ll take that as a no.”

“She’s happy with you.”

He flipped on lights as they made their way to the kitchen. Before Maddie could mix up more formula, Linc did.

She sat on one of the bar stools at the island and watched.

And wondered some more.

About him and Jax.

About the nursery.

About how the bare skin stretching over his shoulders would feel beneath her fingertips...

* * *

Return to the Double C: Under the big blue Wyoming sky, this family discovers true love

Yuletide Baby Bargain

Allison Leigh


A frequent name on bestseller lists, ALLISON LEIGH’s high point as a writer is hearing from readers that they laughed, cried or lost sleep while reading her books. She credits her family with great patience for the time she’s parked at her computer, and for blessing her with the kind of love she wants her readers to share with the characters living in the pages of her books. Contact her at www.allisonleigh.com.

For beautiful little Monroe Lea,

who has been born into a wonderful family. Welcome to the world!

Chapter One

“Are you a social worker or not?”

Maddie Templeton’s jaw tightened at the impatient words being spat at her through the phone line. She wished she could pretend she didn’t recognize the owner of the voice.

This was the last thing she needed. She’d already spent the entire day dealing with tying up troublesome details at work before a forced two-week vacation. Then she’d rushed home to change into somewhat date-worthy clothing and driven the thirty miles over winding roads from Braden to Weaver, where she was supposed to meet a man named Morton for dinner.

Only Morton had stood her up.

Instead of having a date for the first time in months—which was a generous estimate, if she were truthful—she’d ended up spending the evening with her grandmother. Not that Vivian wasn’t entertaining enough. She just wasn’t the kind of company that Maddie had been hoping for.

Now, it was after ten o’clock, and after returning to the house she shared with her sisters—knowing they were probably out with guys who’d never dream of standing them up—she just didn’t feel in the mood to deal with Lincoln Swift’s phone call.

Because she couldn’t stand Lincoln Swift.

If only she’d let the phone continue ringing as she’d walked in the door. Eventually, it would have gone to voice mail, and she’d be happily trespassing in Greer’s bathroom by now, watching her sister’s claw-foot tub fill with hot water while she decided what task to tackle first on her use-it-or-lose-it vacation time.

Instead, she leaned against the half-finished kitchen cabinets—the do-it-yourself refinishing job had been stalled for months—and fantasized about hanging up on him. After telling him just how little she thought of him.

After all these years, turnabout would be sweet.

But instead of letting every bit of her day’s frustration out on the man, she swallowed it down. “Yes, Linc, I am a social worker,” she said evenly. “What’s the problem?” There would have to be a problem to make Linc ever reach out to the likes of her.

“I don’t want to get into it on the phone. Just come to the house.”

“I’m sorry.” Even though her teeth clenched and her hand tightened around the receiver, she managed to channel the dulcet tone that Greer used in the courtroom before skewering someone. “What house?”

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