Zane: The Wild One

Zane: The Wild One
О книге

Everything Julia Goodwin had ever wanted was right here in the quiet little town of Plenty.At least, that was what she thought, until wrong-side-of-the-tracks rebel Zane O'Sullivan came home - and rocked her peaceful world to its foundations. Yet this wasn't the same black-leather-and-denim bad boy who'd haunted a well-brought-up girl's dreams back in high school.This Zane O'Sullivan was very much a man, with a raw sensual power that tempted Julia's deepest desires - and an unsuspected vulnerability that touched her woman's heart. But what would become of their growing love when he learned about the child their out-of-control passion had brought into being?

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Zane O’Sullivan, Julia Thought,

Her Heart Pounding. In The Flesh.

He hunkered down to where her car had slid into the ditch. “Helluva place to park,” he drawled, his tone as dry as the summer road.

That smoke-and-whiskey voice had always unsettled her—made her pulse beat a little quicker, her breath come a little shallower. A decade later, that hadn’t changed.

But some things had changed. Defined by a close-fitting T-shirt, his chest was broader, deeper, stronger. His face looked leaner, his cheekbones more sharply chiseled, and a network of well-etched lines radiated beyond his sunglasses.

Those lines deepened, as if he’d narrowed his gaze. “You okay? You look a bit stunned.”

He straightened to open her door, and she quickly looked away, but not quickly enough to avoid an eyeful of denim-encased male groin. Suddenly she felt more than stunned. She felt breathless, dizzy.

The heat, she told herself…

Dear Reader,

What could be more satisfying than the sinful yet guilt-free pleasure of enjoying six new passionate, powerful and provocative Silhouette Desire romances this month?

Get started with In Blackhawk’s Bed, July’s MAN OF THE MONTH and the latest title in the SECRETS! miniseries by Barbara McCauley. The Royal & the Runaway Bride by Kathryn Jensen—in which the heroine masquerades as a horse trainer and becomes a princess—is the seventh exciting installment in DYNASTIES: THE CONNELLYS, about an American family that discovers its royal roots.

A single mom melts the steely defenses of a brooding ranch hand in Cowboy’s Special Woman by Sara Orwig, while a detective with a secret falls for an innocent beauty in The Secret Millionaire by Ryanne Corey. A CEO persuades a mail-room employee to be his temporary wife in the debut novel Cinderella & the Playboy by Laura Wright, praised by New York Times bestselling author Debbie Macomber as “a wonderful new voice in Silhouette Desire.” And in Zane: The Wild One by Bronwyn Jameson, the mayor’s daughter turns up the heat on the small town’s bad boy made good.

So pamper the romantic in you by reading all six of these great new love stories from Silhouette Desire!


Joan Marlow Golan

Senior Editor, Silhouette Desire

Zane: The Wild One

Bronwyn Jameson


spent much of her childhood with her head buried in a book. As a teenager, she discovered romance novels, and it was only a matter of time before she turned her love of reading them into a love of writing them. Bronwyn shares an idyllic piece of the Australian farming heartland with her husband and three sons, a thousand sheep, a dozen horses, assorted wildlife and one kelpie dog. She still chooses to spend her limited downtime with a good book. Bronwyn loves to hear from readers. Write to her at [email protected].

For my boys—thanks for your support, your humor,

your insight into the male psyches and the coffee. I love you all.


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve



It wasn’t like in the movies.

The action didn’t cut to slow motion as her tires lost traction in the loose gravel, sending the car into a wildly slewing fishtail. The camera didn’t zoom to closeup as she wrestled for control of the wheel. There was no sense of time standing still. No sudden clarity of thought, sound, motion. No if-onlys.

One second Julia Goodwin was proceeding at her usual sensible speed, midway through the twelve-mile drive from her home in Plenty to her sister’s country property; the next she came upon a trio of magpies directly in her path. And seemingly the next second after that she was sitting there, steering wheel clutched in a death grip, going nowhere. In between there had undoubtedly been some swerving, slewing and wrestling, but not much thinking.

Finally she opened her eyes—to the sight of a kangaroo loping through the summer-dry grass that edged the unsealed road. The big grey stopped and lifted its head to scent the air.

“Now if you had been sitting on the road, big guy, I’d have had reason to take evasive action.” As the animal bounded gracefully over a fence and disappeared from sight, she shook her head in self-reproach. During countless driving lessons, many along this same road, she’d been told never to swerve for wildlife. To slow down, hit the horn and let them do their own evading.

Except Julia would never risk hurting any living thing, birds included. So she had closed her eyes, braked hard and swerved, all of which had probably contributed to her current predicament…and being stuck in this particular roadside ditch was definitely a predicament.

Because she loved the view from the top of Quilty’s Hill, she’d taken the back road to Chantal’s, and it wasn’t called “the back road” for nothing. Passing traffic was…well…there wasn’t any.

Still, it appeared she had survived the sudden stop in one piece. Shifting gingerly in her seat, she wriggled her legs, moved her neck one way and then the other. Her head didn’t fall off, and that had to be a plus. Finger by finger she unglued her hands from the wheel and, despite a bad case of the tremors, she managed to both straighten her sunglasses and release her seat belt.

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