A Baby Of His Own

A Baby Of His Own
О книге

I would have loved to watch our baby growing inside you…Connor Mackenzie was the love of nurse Lucy Adams's life. But when it came to a choice between her or his glittering paediatric career, Connor chose the job. And then she discovered she was pregnant. He didn't know about the baby, and Lucy didn't tell him.Now Connor is back. Lucy still doesn't know the real reason why he left. She doesn't know how much it cost him or how much he's missed her. And she doesn't know how determined he is to be a father to their child.

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Single doctors…Single fathers!

At work they are skilled medical professionals, but at home, as soon as they walk through the door, these eligible bachelors are on full-time fatherhood duty.

These devoted dads still find room in their lives for love…

It takes a very special woman to win the hearts of these dedicated doctors, and a very special kind of caring to make these single fathers full-time husbands.

The three books in my new series, BACHELOR DADS, are based on one common theme: a father’s love for his child. Although each of the fathers has to overcome many different obstacles, Lewis, Owen and Connor are united by their love for their children. Each of these men will do anything it takes to make sure his child is happy, even if it means sacrificing his own happiness. Fortunately, I was able to make sure they were all suitably rewarded for their dedication.

Discovering that he is a father changes Connor Mackenzie’s whole outlook on life. He used to focus all his energy on making a success of his career as a pediatrician. However, finding out that he has a baby daughter makes him reassess his priorities. Suddenly, his job doesn’t seem nearly as important as being a proper father to Isabel. The problem is how can he convince Izzy’s mother that he is serious about taking on the role?

Lucy always knew that Connor would leave her and that was why she never told him that she was expecting his child. Now he is back in her life and demanding to play an active part in Izzy’s future. He seems serious about his intentions, but can she trust him not to break their child’s heart the way he broke hers?

Watching Connor’s relationship with his daughter and her mother develop gave me a huge amount of pleasure. I hope you will enjoy it, too.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Taylor

A Baby of His Own

Jennifer Taylor


‘YOU’RE never going to believe what’s happened!’

Staff Nurse Lucy Adams glanced round as the staffroom door burst open. It was Lucy’s first day back at work on Dalverston General’s paediatric unit following her maternity leave. She had been hoping to ease herself back into the job after several months’ absence, but it had been far too busy as one crisis had succeeded another. She’d not had time to stop for any lunch and had been making herself a cup of coffee when her friend, Sandra Clark, had appeared. Now she groaned as she saw the excitement on the other nurse’s face.

‘I’m not sure if I want to hear this.’

‘Oh, yes, you do!’ Sandra grimaced when she heard footsteps coming along the corridor. It was obvious that she wanted to tell Lucy her news before they were interrupted. ‘Guess who they’ve hired to replace Mark Dawson?’

‘I’ve no idea and I really don’t care so long as he or she can do the job,’ Lucy assured her, sinking down onto a chair. ‘It’s been bedlam in here this morning. I don’t know how they expect us to cope with half our staff missing—’

‘Connor Mackenzie!’

Lucy froze so that the cup of coffee that had been on its way to her mouth ended up suspended in mid-air. Sandra laughed in delight.

‘I knew you’d be surprised! I was stunned when I found out, too. I never thought Connor would come back here to work, did you?’

‘No. I didn’t.’ It was hard to force the words past the knot of panic in her throat but Lucy knew that she mustn’t let Sandra see how shocked she really was. Nobody knew about her and Connor—they’d gone to great lengths to keep their relationship a secret. Gossip was rife in any hospital and they hadn’t wanted everyone talking about them.

In the event, Lucy had been glad they’d been so careful. At least she’d been spared the embarrassment of people knowing that Connor had cared more about his career than he’d cared about her. And because nobody knew they’d had an affair, they hadn’t put two and two together when she’d announced that she was pregnant. Isabel was six months old now and nobody—not even Lucy’s own family—knew that Connor was her father. That was how she intended it to remain, too. So far as she was concerned, Connor Mackenzie had no claim on her precious daughter.

‘At least we’re getting someone with experience to take over the post.’ She fixed a smile to her mouth, hoping it would convince Sandra that the news didn’t worry her. Of course it did, because working with Connor was going to be very awkward, but she had to start as she meant to go on. ‘It was a real blow when Mark decided to accept that position in Cambridge, but Connor’s an excellent doctor. And he’s great with the kids, too.’

‘He’s also gorgeous and sexy in case you’ve forgotten.’ Sandra gave a little chuckle. ‘Or have your hormones not recovered yet from the joys of childbirth?’

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