A Date With A Billionaire

A Date With A Billionaire
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Local Woman Says "No" to Date with BillionaireNo one was more astounded by the headline than the billionaire bachelor himself! Kane O'Rourke hadn't wanted to be the "prize" in his brother's crazy contest. But he wouldn't accept rejection – not as one of the most successful men in the world. Kane was determined to make the pretty Bethany Cox live up to her part of the bargain…Just because Kane was rich and gorgeous didn't mean Beth had to give in to his demands. Then why, once in his mesmerizing presence, had Beth found herself powerless to say no? But did a small-town girl like her have what it took to make this breathtaking billionaire hers for more than one romantic night together…?

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“What’s so romantic about going out with a complete stranger?”

Beth asked. “Everyone has been speculating about this romantic date I’m going to have with you, when all along I know it isn’t the least bit romantic.”

Kane threw back his head and laughed. “You really are innocent, aren’t you?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Most people are strangers until they get to know each other…which is usually through dating.”

An embarrassed warmth crept up Beth’s neck. “You know what I mean.”

“Do I?”

He was being difficult, which should have annoyed her. Unfortunately, she was much too aware of Kane at the moment to be annoyed.

“I mean a date between two people who have never met and have no basis for attraction,” she said.

“Ah.” Kane leaned close until his arm touched hers, sending a startling warmth through her. “There’s no basis for attraction, then. Between us?”

With summer nearly here, it’s time to stock up on essentials such as sunblock, sandles and plenty of Silhouette Romance novels! Here’s our checklist of page-turners to keep your days sizzling!

img1.jpgA Princess in Waiting by Carol Grace (SR #1588)—In this ROYALLY WED: THE MISSING HEIR title, dashing Charles Rodin saves the day by marrying his brother’s pregnant ex-wife!

img1.jpgBecause of the Ring by Stella Bagwell (SR #1589)—With this magical SOULMATES title, her grandmother’s ring leads Claudia Westfield to the man of her dreams….

img1.jpgA Date with a Billionaire by Julianna Morris (SR #1590)—Bethany Cox refused her prize—a date with the charitable Kane O’Rourke—but how can she get a gorgeous billionaire to take no for an answer? And does she really want to…?

img1.jpgThe Marriage Clause by Karen Rose Smith (SR #1591)—In this VIRGIN BRIDES installment, innocent Gina Foster agrees to a marriage of convenience with the wickedly handsome Clay McCormick, only to be swept into a world of passion.

img1.jpgThe Man with the Money by Arlene James (SR #1592)—A millionaire playboy in disguise romances a lovely foster mom. But will the truth destroy his chance at true love?

The 15 lb. Matchmaker by Jill Limber (SR #1593)—Griff Price is the ultimate lone cowboy—until he’s saddled with a baby and a jilted-bride-turned-nanny.

Be sure to come back next month for our list of great summer stories.

Happy reading!

Mary-Theresa Hussey

Senior Editor

A Date with a Billionaire

Julianna Morris


To my nieces and nephews.


has an offbeat sense of humor, which frequently gets her into trouble. She is often accused of being curious about everything…her interests ranging from oceanography and photography to traveling, antiquing, walking on the beach and reading science fiction.

Julianna loves cats of all shapes and sizes, and last year she was adopted by a feline companion named Merlin. Like his namesake, Merlin is an alchemist—she says he can transform the house into a disaster area in nothing flat. And since he shares the premises with a writer, it’s interesting to note that he’s particularly fond of knocking books on the floor.

Julianna happily reports meeting Mr. Right. Together they are working on a new dream of building a shoreline home in the Great Lakes area.

“You’ve just won a date with a billionaire, Miss Cox,” said the cheery voice on the phone.

Beth blinked and took a long look at the receiver, before putting it back to her ear. “Excuse me?”

“We’re KLMS, the radio station for Your Country Music. And you’ve just won a weekend in romantic Victoria, British Columbia, with Kane O’Rourke, Seattle’s most eligible bachelor!”

Stunned, Beth started to sit on a chair, missed it entirely and landed on the floor. “Ouch,” she yelped.

“Are you all right, Miss Cox?”

“I just fell…on the floor.”

A cheerful chuckle came over the line. “Hear that, folks? We should have told our prize winner to sit down first. Can you believe you just won, Miss Cox?”

“No. I…no.”

“She’s speechless, folks. Well, practically.” The man chuckled again, apparently thinking he’d cracked a great joke.

“Uh, am I on the air?” Beth asked cautiously.

“Yes, ma’am. We just drew your name from the prize barrel.”

Beth wasn’t certain luck had anything to do with it, and she was even more certain she’d never entered the contest. She knew about it, of course. Half the town worked for Kane O’Rourke; he was one of Crockett, Washington’s most prominent employers. And he was sinfully attractive. The contest was the only thing people had talked about since it was announced on the radio station.

“Do you have anything to say to our audience, Miss Cox? We’re waiting to hear how you feel about your exciting prize.”

“I think I’m…” She peered through her open door and saw her neighbor run up the walkway, waving a radio in the air.

“Oh, my God, you won,” Carol shrieked as she darted inside the house. She snatched the receiver from Beth. “Hello? I’m Carol Hoit, one of Beth’s best friends.”

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