A detective without murder, or A funny adventure of general Tiskin. Story for adults

A detective without murder, or A funny adventure of general Tiskin. Story for adults
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As the story’s title says, it’s«Detective Without Murder.» At the same time, it is a «FunnyAdventure». In this story, the main character is General Vasily Semyonovich Tiskin and hismistress, the actress Adele.I hope that this story can beconsidered written in the style of Anton Chekhov’s humorous stories.I call his genre like this:«Artistic and lyrical detective story.»


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© Rza Ragimovich Kafarov, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0059-9345-8

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

«In family life, the main thing is patience… Love cannot last long.»

A. P. Chekhov.

Vasily Semyonovich Tiskin was a general and an exemplary father of a family. At the end of school, Vasya, by decision of the family council (which he did not resist, trusting the wisdom of his parents), entered a military school, which he successfully graduated from, and then an ordinary officer career went on in his life.

At present, he lived only with his wife, Maria Ivanovna. Their two children were already adults and lived separately from their parents. Their son Igor was a lawyer, he successfully built a career in the field of defending the interests of clients in courts. Daughter Svetlana was an artist-designer, worked in an apartment interior design company and was also quite independent. The communication of the son and daughter with their parents was quite rare, their vital interests no longer coincided with the interests of their parents. Parents completely trusted their children, their choice of career fully satisfied Vasily Semyonovich and Maria Ivanovna; the only thing that bothered them was that the son and daughter were not going to start families yet.

Relations between Vasily Semyonovich and Maria Ivanovna have already passed into the stage of calm mutual respect. They were connected only by the memory of the days of youth, communication with children, and an understanding of the need to live together, observing external decency and the appearance of a strong family. In addition to simple everyday issues, which also somehow held their family together, otherwise they lived with different interests. Vasily Semyonovich from time to time regularly performed his marital duty, considering this action to be something from the category of, as it were, work duties.

General Tiskin took his army career seriously, he was in good standing with high leadership. Despite the fact that he was already about 50 years old, he believed that by his age he had achieved good performance in work and career. The authorities celebrated him both with various awards and cash prizes. He never forgot to congratulate the high leadership on holidays, birthdays, including the birthdays of the family members of the authorities. In general, in the life and career of Vasily Semyonovich, everything seemed to be fine and it was expected to be even better. Although Vasily Semenovich himself, his life seemed rather bland.

The general’s wife, Maria Ivanovna, also seemed quite satisfied with her life. Now her main interests revolved around fashion news and shopping for something to decorate their apartment; Fortunately, she did not experience any embarrassment in the funds for these hobbies. And, of course, she devoted a lot of time to maintaining her face and body in the right, according to her concepts, condition. She had several girlfriends with whom she met either in beauty salons or in fitness centers. Sometimes the girlfriends made collective trips to art exhibitions, where they started playful and exciting conversations with young pale fashionable artists who so far remained only unrecognized geniuses. In order to prevent these pale geniuses from dying of starvation, Maria Ivanovna sometimes bought some of their paintings; but their communication was limited only to the walls of the salon. Sometimes girlfriends made trips to boutiques, choosing for themselves any new clothes. In general, the life of Maria Ivanovna, in her understanding, was rich and interesting.

For some time, Vasily Semenovich began to feel that his life had become somehow too monotonous, programmed, that is, predictable. Along the line of raising the cultural level of officers and their families, they were obliged to attend concerts or theater performances from time to time. And then one day, being with his wife at a performance in a drama theater, Vasily Semyonovich drew attention to one actress. In the course of the play, she was not in the lead role, but she had a graceful figure, a sweet face and a sonorous voice. She looked to be in her 30s. After reviewing the program of the performance, Vasily Semyonovich found that the name of the actress he liked was Adele Leonidovna Adler. Vasily Semyonovich tried to hide his interest in this actress from his wife, who was sitting next to him.

After the end of the performance, walking arm in arm with his wife and discussing the performance and the actors acting, Vasily Semyonovich said nothing good or bad about any of them, referring to the fact that he was not at all an expert on such subtleties as actors acting. Although, if you look into the past, during his school years, Vasily Semyonovich participated a little in the school productions of the drama club, which was led by their literature teacher Anna Alexandrovna. Although she did not express much praise about Vasya’s game. One way or another, the game of an actress named Adele sunk into the soul of Vasily Semyonovich. Often at work, when he was going about his usual business, her cute image surfaced in his memory; he asked himself the question: «Vasily, tell me honestly, what is happening to you? Is it love at first sight? And this is at your age.» – until he decided to find some opportunity to get acquainted with Adele Leonidovna.

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