At The Ruthless Billionaire's Command

At The Ruthless Billionaire's Command
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Sleeping with the enemy…Gregorio de la Cruz doesn’t care if innocent Lia Fairbanks holds him responsible for ruining her life. But he can’t get the fiery red-head out of his mind. He won’t rest until he has Lia just where he wants her – ready and willing in his bed!Lia is adamant that she won’t give in to Gregorio’s outrageous demands, no matter how wildly her body responds to his slightest touch. She knows she can’t trust him…but Gregorio is sinfully persuasive, and soon Lia finds she can’t resist the sensual onslaught of this billionaire’s seduction!

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Sleeping with the enemy...

Gregorio de la Cruz doesn’t care if innocent Lia Fairbanks holds him responsible for ruining her life. But he can’t get the fiery redhead out of his mind. He won’t rest until he has Lia just where he wants her—ready and willing in his bed!

Lia is adamant that she won’t give in to Gregorio’s outrageous demands, no matter how wildly her body responds to his slightest touch. She knows she can’t trust him...but Gregorio is sinfully persuasive, and soon Lia finds she can’t resist the sensual onslaught of this billionaire’s seduction!

Lia recognised the flame in his eyes for exactly what it was. Desire. Hot, burning desire. For her. A desire he had demonstrated four months ago and which he obviously still felt.

She took a step back—only to have Gregorio take a step forward, maintaining their close proximity.

She moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. ‘I think you should go now.’

‘No.’ He was standing so close his breath was a light caress across the soft tendrils of hair at her temples.

‘You can’t just say no.’

‘Oh, but I can. I have,’ he added with satisfaction.

Lia blinked up at him, her heart thumping wildly now, her palms feeling damp. ‘This is insane.’

She was insane. Because a part of her—certain parts of her—was responding to the flickering flames in those coal-black eyes. Her skin felt incredibly sensitised. Her nipples were tingling and between her thighs she was becoming slick with arousal.

‘Is it?’ Gregorio raised a hand and tucked a loose curl behind her ear before running his fingertips lightly down the heat of her cheek.

‘Yes…’ she breathed, even as she felt herself drawn to lean into that caress.

CAROLE MORTIMER was born and lives in the UK. She is married to Peter and they have six sons. She has written almost 200 books since she started writing for Mills & Boon in 1978. She writes for the Modern and Historical lines. Carole is a USA TODAY Bestselling Author, and in 2012 she was recognised by Queen Elizabeth II for her ‘outstanding contribution to literature’.

Books by Carole Mortimer

Mills & Boon Modern Romance

The Twin Tycoons

The Redemption of Darius Sterne

The Taming of Xander Sterne

The Devilish D’Angelos

A Bargain with the Enemy

A Prize Beyond Jewels A D’Angelo Like No Other

Mills & Boon Historical Romance

Dangerous Dukes

Zachary Black: Duke of Debauchery

Darian Hunter: Duke of Desire Griffin Stone: Duke of Decadence Christian Seaton: Duke of Danger

A Season of Secrets

Not Just a Seduction

Not Just a Governess Not Just a Wallflower

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At the Ruthless Billionaire’s Command

Carole Mortimer

With many thanks to all at Harlequin Mills & Boon


‘WHAT’S HE DOING HERE?’ Lia couldn’t take her eyes off the man standing back slightly on the other side of the open grave where her father’s coffin would soon be laid to rest.

‘Who—? Oh, God, no...’

Lia ignored her friend’s gasp of dismay as her feet seemed to move of their own volition, taking her towards the dark and dangerous man whose image had consumed her days and haunted her nightmares for the past two weeks.


She was barely aware of shaking off Cathy’s attempt to restrain her, her attention focused on only one thing. One man.

Gregorio de la Cruz.

Eldest of the three de la Cruz brothers, he was tall, at a couple of inches over six feet. His slightly overlong dark hair was obviously professionally styled. His complexion was olive-toned. And his face was as harshly handsome as that of a conquistador.

Lia knew he was also as cold and merciless as one.

He was the utterly ruthless, thirty-six-year-old billionaire CEO of the de la Cruz family’s worldwide business empire. A business empire this man had carved out for himself and his two brothers over the past twelve years by sheer ruthless willpower alone.

And he was the man responsible for driving Lia’s father to such a state of desperation that he’d suffered a fatal heart attack two weeks ago.

The man Lia now hated with every particle of her being.

‘How dare you come here?’

Gregorio de la Cruz’s head snapped up and he looked at Lia with hooded eyes as black and soulless as she knew his heart to be.

‘Miss Fairbanks—’

‘I asked how you dare show your face here?’ she hissed, hands clenched so tightly at her sides she could feel the sting of her nails cutting into the flesh of her palms.

‘This is not the time—’

His only slightly accented words were cut off as one of Lia’s hands swung up and made contact with the hardness of his chiselled cheek, leaving several smears of blood on his flesh from the small cuts in her palm.

‘No!’ He held up his hand to stop two dark-suited men who would have stepped forward in response to her attack. ‘That is the second time you have slapped my face, Amelia. I will not allow it a third time.’

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