Caught In A Storm Of Passion

Caught In A Storm Of Passion
О книге

Dr Evelyn Carmichael’s plan:1. Travel to the South Pacific and stop her sister marrying the wrong man.2. Leave as quickly as possible and refocus on her career.3. Avoid all men along the way—they’re nothing but trouble!But things take an unexpected turn when Eve finds herself trapped with sexy pilot Chase Gallagher.One look is enough to tempt Eve to throw her plan out of the window…and indulge in a sinfully hot fling in paradise!

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Praise for Lucy Ryder

Resisting Her Rebel Hero is an absolute delight to read … the sexy writing and refreshing characters leave their mark on every page.’

—Mills & Boon Junkie

He was naked.

Her breath escaped in a stuttered whoosh. Gloriously naked. From the top of his seal-wet dark hair to his big tanned feet and everything—she meant everything—in between. And—she gulped—there certainly was a lot of in between.

She must have made a sound, because Chase stopped shaking water from his hair and lifted his head, his stormy eyes zeroing in on her with laser-point accuracy.

Eve’s gaze flew upward and her mind came to a screeching halt.

For a long, breathless moment they stared at each other, the memory of last night like a blaze across the fifteen feet separating them. Finally an arrogant dark brow rose up his bruised forehead, galvanizing Eve into action. She squeaked out an ‘Oh!’ slapped a hand over her eyes in delayed reaction and half spun away, aware that her entire body had gone hot. Because the image had been burned onto her brain for all time.

An amused baritone drawled, ‘Enjoying the view?’ and Eve could have kicked herself for reacting like a ninth-grader caught in the boys’ locker room.

‘What … what the heck are you d-doing?’ she squeaked.

There was a rustle of fabric, then his amused voice drawled, ‘It’s safe now, Dr Prim. You can look.’

Eve’s eyes snapped open and she found him barely a foot away, looking all cool and damp and … amused, darn him. But ‘safe’ was hardly a word she’d use in connection with the sexy, grumpy pilot. Especially on a storm-ravaged beach, with that dark, dangerous aura surrounding his half-naked form and with him looking as if he belonged in this wild, deserted place.

Dear Reader,

With life so hectic, I often wish I could transport myself to a South Seas island for a personal time-out and regain my sanity. Instead I decided to send my very stressed and focussed heroine there to find herself. And it wouldn’t be any kind of adventure without a little danger, because we all know that a good crisis shows us what we’re made of.

Fortunately Eve is made of stern stuff—she’s had plenty of opportunity to toughen up—and she sails through a violent storm and a crash landing with minor scrapes and bruises. But what she finds in the middle of the South Pacific challenges her closely guarded heart in every possible way.

I had such fun writing Eve and Chase’s story that I feel I had my time-out in paradise. I hope you do too.

Happy reading,


With two beautiful daughters, LUCY RYDER had to curb her adventurous spirit and settle down. But because she’s easily bored by routine she turned to writing as a creative outlet, and to romances because ‘What else is there other than chocolate?’ Characterised by friends and family as a romantic cynic, Lucy can’t write serious stuff to save her life. She loves creating characters who are funny, romantic and just a little cynical.

Caught in a Storm of Passion

Lucy Ryder

This book is dedicated to my niece and nephew, Cassandra and Sean Bassett, who are about to make me a great-aunt. I can’t wait to meet the new addition to our awesomely crazy family.

What a lucky kid to have you two as parents.

And also to my sister Jennifer Hargreaves, who needs a BIG hug and a lot of love and romance of her own.

I love you, Jen.


Tuamotu Archipelago—South Pacific

DR. EVELYN CARMICHAEL squeezed her eyes shut, dug her fingernails into the armrests either side of her and thanked God for the harness strapped across her chest. The large seaplane slewed sideways in the storm that had appeared out of nowhere, just an hour out of Port Laurent. All she could think was, I’m going to die... I’m going to die in the middle of the South Pacific and I’ve never had a halfway decent...well...that.

A monster gust of wind hit the aircraft broadside, threatening to shake everything loose. Metal screamed under the assault, as though the agony of it was too much to bear in stoic silence. Eve could empathize. She was all too ready to start screaming herself. And she would if she had the presence of mind to do anything but sit wide-eyed with terror as the world around her went to hell.

A good thing too, since being frozen with terror kept her from freaking out. Because, frankly, she’d rather die than give the man beside her—the pilot from hell—the pleasure of seeing her fall apart.

She didn’t look out the cockpit window and she didn’t look sideways at the heathen turning the air blue. He was big and scary enough, without the palpable tension pouring off him between curses.

And, boy, were his curses inventive. Some she’d never heard before...others she never would have thought, let alone uttered. But they rolled off his tongue like they were best buddies.

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