Claiming Her Cowboy

Claiming Her Cowboy
О книге

Her Temporary CowboyAttorney Jackson Harris regularly goes toe-to-toe with the world’s toughest lawyers—but none of them compare to Lucy Maxwell. The feisty director of Oklahoma’s Big Heart Ranch for orphans is as stubborn as she is pretty. But Jack must stay focused; he’s only there to evaluate the ranch’s funding. Falling for Lucy and the sweet children she protects is out of the question. Though Lucy is determined to keep the ranch, she’s not about to give control to a city slicker—even a devastatingly good-looking one. But as they bump heads, Jack and Lucy gradually nudge open their hearts. Could a temporary cowboy become a permanent part of Lucy’s life?


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Her Temporary Cowboy

Attorney Jackson Harris regularly goes toe-to-toe with the world’s toughest lawyers—but none of them compare to Lucy Maxwell. The feisty director of Oklahoma’s Big Heart Ranch for orphans is as stubborn as she is pretty. But Jack must stay focused; he’s only there to evaluate the ranch’s funding. Falling for Lucy and the sweet children she protects is out of the question. Though Lucy is determined to keep the ranch, she’s not about to give control to a city slicker—even a devastatingly good-looking one. But as they bump heads, Jack and Lucy gradually nudge open their hearts. Could a temporary cowboy become a permanent part of Lucy’s life?

“So, you and Dub have really bonded, haven’t you?” Lucy said.

Jack stared at her. “You gave me an assignment, and I take my assignments very seriously.”

“An assignment.”

“Was that the wrong answer? Lucy, Dub is my buddy. What else do you want?”

“I want you to be very careful.” Lucy said the words softly as Dub approached them with a grin on his face and a blue ribbon pinned to his chest.

She addressed the little boy. “Congratulations again, Dub. Great job with the scavenger hunt.”

“Not just me. Mr. Jack, too.” He grinned.

Lucy glanced from Dub to Jack. Though Jack’s face remained impassive, his eyes sparkled with amusement.

“Here, Mr. Jack, this is for you.” Dub handed Jack the heart-shaped stone.

Jack smiled broadly. “Thanks, buddy.”

Lucy’s heart melted. Oh, this wasn’t good. What was she thinking? Soon Jack would go back to his life in New York. And little Dub would be left with a broken heart.

And he might not be the only one...

TINA RADCLIFFE has been dreaming and scribbling for years. Originally from Western New York, she left home for a tour of duty with the Army Security Agency stationed in Augsburg, Germany, and ended up in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Her past careers include certified oncology RN and library cataloger. She recently moved from Denver, Colorado, to the Phoenix, Arizona, area, where she writes heartwarming and fun inspirational romance.

Claiming Her Cowboy

Tina Radcliffe

What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.

—Psalms 56:3

This first book in the Big Heart Ranch series

is dedicated to John Croyle and the staff and children of Big Oak Ranch. Big Oak Ranch is a Christian home located in Alabama for children needing a chance.

“That they might be called trees of

righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.” —Isaiah 61:3

A great deal of thanks goes to my wonderful

agent, Jessica Alvarez, for partnering with me on this exciting new series. Thank you, as well, to my editor, Giselle Regus, for her ideas, which ultimately led me to Big Heart Ranch.

Chapter One

If Lucy Maxwell had learned one thing, it was that when life appeared to be going smoothly, it was time to listen closely for the other boot to drop.

Because it always did.

The attorney who stood at the head of the conference table, in his finely tailored suit, with his impossibly thick black hair and deep charcoal eyes, was definitely sigh-worthy. He even had a slight dimple when he smiled. Which he didn’t do very often. Except for his off-center nose, with the scar at the bridge, he was perfect. It was a good thing she was not taken to sighing over near-perfect men with dimples.

The man was unfamiliar to her. After working closely with the Brisbane Foundation for several years, she thought she knew everyone. But not him. She would have definitely remembered Jackson Harris.

He began to speak. The icy disdain that laced his voice as he reviewed the last twelve months of charitable funding to Big Heart Ranch obliterated any fanciful thoughts in Lucy’s head. Instead, she blinked to attention and sat up straight, adjusting her sundress and blowing her thick fringe of bangs from her eyes.

“After a lengthy consultation with the foundation accountants, I recommend a significant reduction in funding to Big Heart Ranch for the upcoming fiscal year,” he concluded.

Lucy gasped at the attorney’s words. The sound was loud enough to cause the board members seated at the enormous conference table to turn and stare. She fanned her damp skin with the meeting agenda. It seemed that the cool air had been sucked from the room, leaving it as sweltering as the Oklahoma summer outside the conference room windows.

Reaching for her water glass, Lucy took a long drink. If ever there was a need for divine intervention, it would be now. Big Heart Ranch’s own budget for the next year could not be finalized until the foundation’s donation had been secured.

She should have suspected something was up when her presence was requested at this meeting. Usually, the ranch accountant met with the Brisbane Foundation accountant. And it was generally a simple transaction. Not this time. This time the director of the ranch was invited to the meeting. Lucy took her director responsibilities seriously and had arrived early and eager.

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