Her Amish Christmas Sweetheart

Her Amish Christmas Sweetheart
О книге

A Holiday CourtshipYears ago, Peter Zook would have been thrilled to spend the Christmas season planning a surprise party with Meg Stoltzfus. But that was back when he still hoped to win her heart. Instead, he waited too long to speak up and now she’s being courted by another man. Though Meg once harbored secret feelings for Peter, it seemed he would never notice her. So she’s finally moving on. Yet, even as they butt heads over the party details, Meg and Peter's bond deepens beyond camaraderie and friendship. Will they continue to deny their true feelings, or will Peter and Meg give each other the ultimate gift this Christmas—their hearts?Women of Lancaster County: Hope and love abound in a small Amish town


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A Holiday Courtship

Years ago, Peter Zook would have been thrilled to spend the Christmas season planning a surprise party with Meg Stoltzfus. But that was back when he still hoped to win her heart. Instead, he waited too long to speak up, and now she’s being courted by another man. Though Meg once harbored secret feelings for Peter, it seemed he would never notice her. So she’s finally moving on. Yet even as they butt heads over the party details, Meg and Peter’s bond deepens beyond camaraderie and friendship. Will they continue to deny their true feelings, or will Peter and Meg give each other the ultimate gift this Christmas—their hearts?

“Ready to get started?”

Peter pulled out the chair next to Meg.

“Ja.” She tried to act casual with him so near.

“What’s that?” He shifted closer and gestured toward the paper before her.

Meg felt her neck tingle. He smelled like soap, outdoors and something uniquely Peter. She’d never been so aware of him as a man. “I thought I’d make note of our ideas.”

“Gut idea.” He glanced up, and there was a jolt as she felt the impact of his gray gaze. “What shall we discuss first? The location? I have an idea that you may like.”

“I bet I have a better place,” she challenged.

“And where is this better place?” he asked with a little smirk. “You haven’t heard mine yet.”

“Bishop John Fisher’s haus.”

Peter laughed.

“What’s so funny?” she asked, offended.

He sobered instantly. “We came up with the same idea.”

Meg blinked. “Honestly?”

“Ja!” They looked at each other and grinned.

“Looks like we’ve found something we both actually agree on!” Meg was pleased. Maybe this meeting would go smoother than the first one.

REBECCA KERTZ was first introduced to the Amish when her husband took a job with an Amish construction crew. She enjoyed watching the Amish foreman’s children at play and swapping recipes with his wife. Rebecca resides in Delaware with her husband and dog. She has a strong faith in God and feels blessed to have family nearby. Besides writing, she enjoys reading, doing crafts and visiting Lancaster County.

Her Amish Christmas Sweetheart

Rebecca Kertz


Be completely humble and gentle;

be patient, bearing with one another in love.

—Ephesians 4:2

For Linda C., a wonderful friend

who is generous in spirit and love.

Chapter One

November, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

The Adam Troyer barn was filled to capacity with Amish youth. Young people stood near or sat on benches on both sides of three long tables. Plates with leftovers, snacks and plastic cups with the remnants of iced tea or lemonade littered the tabletops. Meg Stoltzfus and her sister Ellie attended tonight’s singing with their friends, including one man from another church district, Reuben Miller, whom Meg had set her eye on from the first moment she met him, over two years ago.

“Ellie,” Meg whispered, “Reuben asked to take me home.”

“Again?” Ellie teased with a grin.

“Ja.” Meg glanced longingly at Reuben. She’d first met him when he and his sister attended a singing at her cousin Eli’s invitation, and she hadn’t seen him again until three weeks prior, when he’d sought her attention after an unexpected encounter in Whittier’s Store.

“Go,” Ellie urged, startling her from her thoughts. “You don’t want to keep him waiting.”

Meg nodded. “I’ll be home soon.” She turned with a smile, but her good humor vanished as she encountered Peter Zook. She had fallen for him when she was sixteen, and she’d thought they were friends. But she’d been wrong, and she’d found out the hard way after accidently eavesdropping on Peter and his brother. Peter had told Josiah that she was spoiled and in need of discipline. She’d been devastated. Every time she saw him now, she felt her hackles rise.

Determined not to allow him to get to her, Meg smiled politely. “Beautiful night, ja, Peter?”

“It’s supposed to rain,” he said.

She stiffened and turned. “Rain? Honestly, Peter? That’s all you have to say?” She fought irritation and won. Her smile became genuine. “Rain or not, I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening.” Then she walked to where Reuben waited for her near the door, settling her gaze on him.

“Ready?” Reuben’s appreciative smile was a huge boost to her morale as she reached his side. The complete opposite of Peter Zook in looks, Reuben had blond hair and pale blue eyes. Peter, on the other hand, had dark hair and a gaze that was currently a stormy gray.

She froze, then berated herself. Why was she comparing the two men? Why think of Peter at all?

The night was balmy and pleasant as she and Reuben stepped outside. The stars were glistening points of light in a clear, dark sky. Rain, Meg thought. Huh!

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