Loving Isaac

Loving Isaac
О книге

Second-Chance RomanceIsaac Lapp wants to put his once topsy-turvy life back in order. As he works to rebuild his tattered reputation, his one saving grace is childhood pal Ellen Mast—whom he's starting to see as more than just an old friend. But after his flirtation with an English girl, Ellen doesn't fully trust the boy who's always made her heart leap. And even though Ellen's kindness and beauty are helping him become more confident each day, the lure of the non-Amish world beckons. Isaac must make a choice: a life beyond Happiness, Pennsylvania…or the woman who might just become his forever home.


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Second-Chance Romance

Isaac Lapp wants to put his once topsy-turvy life back in order. As he works to rebuild his tattered reputation, his one saving grace is childhood pal Ellen Mast—whom he’s starting to see as more than just an old friend. But after his flirtation with an English girl, Ellen doesn’t fully trust the boy who’s always made her heart leap. And even though Ellen’s kindness and beauty are helping him become more confident each day, the lure of the non-Amish world beckons. Isaac must make a choice: a life beyond Happiness, Pennsylvania…or the woman who might just become his forever home.

“What is it?”

Isaac looked around as if checking to see if anyone was within listening range. Ellen saw that the others had left for the house porch and that he seemed relieved.

“I want to apologize,” he said, surprising her.

“What for?” she asked. For the way he’d insinuated himself into her day?

“For how I treated you after I met Nancy.”

She remained silent. She couldn’t have been more shocked than if he’d announced that he would be marrying the next day.

Concern flashed in his gray eyes. “Will you forgive me?”

“I’ve already forgiven you, Isaac,” she said. “Some time ago, in fact.”

“Then we can be friends again?”

She gazed up at him, wishing that they could, while knowing that it wouldn’t be wise for her to trust his friendship again. “I don’t think that is a gut idea.” She gave him a sad smile. “We can’t go back to the way we were.”

Isaac eyed her with sorrow. “We can’t go forward and forget about the past?”

She shook her head. “I can forgive, Isaac, but I can’t forget.”

REBECCA KERTZ was first introduced to the Amish when her husband took a job with an Amish construction crew. She enjoyed watching the Amish foreman’s children at play and swapping recipes with his wife. Rebecca resides in Delaware with her husband and dog. She has a strong faith in God and feels blessed to have family nearby. Besides writing, she enjoys reading, doing crafts and visiting Lancaster County.

Loving Isaac

Rebecca Kertz


For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.

—Ephesians 2:8

For dear friends Pat and Mike Drexel, with love

Chapter One

The air was rich with the scent of roses and honeysuckle as Ellen Mast walked from the house to the barn. She entered the old wooden structure to get a bucket of chicken feed, then exited to release the birds into the yard.

“Here you go! Come and get it!” She smiled as she watched the hens and chicks scurrying toward the food. The lone rooster strutted out of the enclosure last, his chest puffing up when he saw the hens.

“Red,” Ellen called to him as she tossed down a handful. “Over here. Come get it!” The rooster bent and ate, his red-crested head dipping toward the feed. “That’s it. You always have to make an appearance last, ja?” She chuckled as she threw more grain, loving how the hens followed the trail wherever it landed.

“You’d better get down, Will, or you’re gonna fall!” she heard her brother Elam exclaim.

“Nay, I won’t!”

Ellen frowned as she skirted the barn toward the sound of her younger brothers’ voices. She found them near the hog pen. Will was walking barefoot along the top wooden rail of the surrounding fence while Elam watched with dismay from several feet away. A number of pigs and hogs wallowed in the mud, while others snorted and stuck their noses into the wire fencing between the rails. She approached slowly. “Will!” she called softly so as not to frighten him. “You need to get off there.”

Her brother flashed a guilty look. He teetered on the rail but managed to maintain his balance.

“Now,” she said sharply when he made no effort to climb down.

Will shot her a worried glance. “El, I’m trying.” He wobbled, lost his balance and fell into the mud pit. The hogs grunted and squealed as her brother scrambled to his feet.

Ellen dropped her bucket and ran. According to their father, their largest sow weighed close to five hundred pounds, while the rest weighed from twenty to two hundred. Fear pumped through her as she raced to unlatch the gate. “See if you can make your way, Will. Hurry!”

Will slogged through the mud, moving as fast as he could. The hogs and pigs grunted and squealed, the big one malevolently eyeing the intruder.

Ellen kept an eye on the animals as she held open the gate. After Will was out of danger, she shut and latched it, then scowled at him.

“You know better than to climb onto that fence or to do anything near the hogs except toss scraps to them.” She stood with her hands on her hips, noting the mud covering him from head to toe. She wrinkled her nose at the stench. “Mam’s not going to be happy. You stink.” Fortunately, Will hadn’t been wearing his hat and shoes or he’d have been in worse trouble with their mother.

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