High-Heeled Alibi

High-Heeled Alibi
О книге

A MAN WITH NO IDENTITY…A WOMAN WITH GREAT SHOES…AND A KILLER ON THE LOOSEHis allies murdered and his identity erased, secret agent Mick James was as good as dead. His only chance–blow the conspiracy that set him up and turned his covert agency against him. His only hope–a resistant alibi in stilettos named Bitsy Leigh.With bullets whizzing by her, Bitsy had no time to question Mick's innocence. Nor to protect herself from her captor's threatening masculinity. Her life was surely in danger. But on the run with Mick, trained assassins at their heels, Bitsy wondered just who was more dangerous….

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Her captor sat in profile….

His face was gray in the dusky light of the car, his eyes shadowed but hard and focused. “How long can you go without sleep?” Bitsy asked him.

“As long as it’s necessary.”

“How do you do it?” she asked. “Do they train you guys? Put you through some secret agent boot camp complete with decoder rings and days of physical and mental deprivation until you’re an elite spy machine?”

He pulled into a gas station and turned off the car. When he reached for the keys, her hand reached for him, her fingertips moving lightly across his skin. Her lips parted, inviting him in.

“Is that what you are, Mick? A machine?” Her fingers were at the back of his neck now.

Foolish, he thought, even as his head lowered to her in response. Wrong. Then his mouth found hers and there was no thought. Only heat. Desire. Hunger.

In his kiss, Bitsy was falling, swept away by sensation and an overwhelming dominant male sexuality she had never experienced before. When he pulled away, she was bereft.

He held her gaze, desire in the hot blue of his eyes. “Does that answer your question?”

High-Heeled Alibi

Sydney Ryan



A native of New York, Sydney Ryan graduated magna cum laude from Syracuse University with a degree in public communications. She worked in a variety of fields, including telecommunications and public relations, before devoting herself full-time to fiction writing.

She lives happily ever after in upstate New York with her husband, Jim, and their two teenage children, J.J. and Ariana.


Bitsy Leigh—After her marriage self-destructed, she’d fled the fast lane and found sanctuary in her small California hometown and a job in her uncle’s mortuary. Until one night the stormy baby blues of a six-foot-two-inch stiff winked at her, telling her he wasn’t dead yet…and neither was she.

Mick James—The undercover agent was a dead man. Or so everyone thought when he was set up to take the fall for an assassination attempt. Only a scalpel-wielding beauty named Bitsy could prove his innocence. But would he find anyone to believe her before his enemies find them?

Radley Kittredge—Insiders said the popular San Francisco congressman was the real deal—a politician who cared deeply about his constituents. But if it weren’t for a brave valet stepping between him and a killer’s bullet, Kittredge’s career…and life…would have been over.

Arthur Prescott—A believer that everyone deserves a chance, the top operative had turned Mick’s life around twelve years ago when he’d recruited him for The Agency. Now he’d arrived from Central Headquarters to give Mick another chance…one final time.

Grey Torre—One of California’s most successful divorce lawyers, his skill at securing his female clients generous settlements had earned him the nickname the Spago Ladies’ lawyer, but he’d handled his childhood friend Bitsy’s divorce from Johnny Dumont and his millions for free. Could he save his favorite damsel in distress this time when she was taken hostage by an apparent madman?


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter One

God, even the man’s feet were beautiful.

And Bitsy had seen enough bare feet to know they should’ve been, at least, unsightly. At a minimum, amusing. These feet, though, stuck out beneath the sheet like a final curtain call, naked, proud, without wrinkles, thickened, yellowed skin pads or oddly crooked toes. Smooth, sculpted, these feet did not reveal the many miles walked, only the fine-grained desire of many miles more wished for.

At the ankles, a white cloth began and spread wide and long across a large, unmoving body.

Above was the face, tanned and crowned by a bleached cap of hair. A small circular scar puckered the skin above the right collarbone, saving the man from total perfection. Otherwise, the jawline was not too square, not too soft. The lips tipped at the corners, teasing. The dark brows arched, then dipped deep toward the nose, finishing the face with an air of “to hell with you.” The eyes were closed, but they had to be blue, the blue of night secrets.

Bitsy stared at the man, following his features one by one and thinking of dreams she’d had not so long ago.

The man was beautiful.

Beautiful and dead.

She turned away, clicking her tongue against her teeth in a dismissive note. The sound echoed across the silent room, the gurgling and whirring of the taps turned off for the night. Emotion had no place here. An occasional retching was allowed. Obligatory solemnness was expected. But emotional control was the cornerstone of the profession. And what had called her to her current circumstance.

She snapped on one pair of latex gloves from a waiting wheeled table, and then another. She stepped back, surveying the still figure on the metal stretcher. He must’ve just arrived. The skin was supple. The deceptive flush of life had only begun to pale. The eyes would require blue stipple work around the lids. The right lid had opened a crack in the inside corner, but a pinch of cream worked underneath, then firmed with Number 6, would take care of the problem. Of course, the head would incline slightly to put the carotid suture in shadow.

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