His Mistletoe Proposal

His Mistletoe Proposal
О книге

A diamond for Christmas Flora Morgan is determined to honor her best friend's dying wish, even if it means relocating to England and accepting the challenge to try to fix Alex Trevelyan's broken heart.Except brooding musician Alex, her best friend's brother, isn't interested in Flora's help. She may be beautiful, but he's no charity case! Until it becomes clear that he isn't the only one who needs saving. And perhaps he's the key to showing this beautiful breath of fresh air that love can be found in the most unexpected of places!

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A diamond for Christmas

Flora Morgan is determined to honor her best friend’s dying wish, even if it means relocating to England and accepting the challenge to try to fix Alex Trevelyan’s broken heart.

Except brooding musician Alex, her best friend’s brother, isn’t interested in Flora’s help. She may be beautiful, but he’s no charity case! Until it becomes clear that he isn’t the only one who needs saving. And perhaps he’s the key to showing this beautiful breath of fresh air that love can be found in the most unexpected of places!

‘In case it’s bad luck to ignore it—’ Flora pointed at the mistletoe ‘—I’m just going to kiss you on the cheek.’

But as she leaned forward, angling her head so that her lips were aiming for the side of his face, Alex turned towards her and their mouths connected.

She drew back with a startled gasp. ‘Oh! Sorry, I didn’t mean to—’

But he cut her off by sliding his hand into her hair and pulling her back towards him, pressing his mouth hard against hers again so deliberately there was no way she could misconstrue it as an accident.

Her insides seemed to melt as he deepened the kiss, opening his mouth to slide his tongue against hers. It was a covetous kiss, full of need and determination, and she sank into it, basking in his hunger.

When he finally released his grip on the back of her head and they drew apart, their mouths remaining only centimetres from each other, they stood transfixed in each other’s gazes, their breathing loud in the quiet corridor.

‘What—? What’s going on here?’ she gasped, staring into his eyes in total astonishment.

‘I’m kissing you this time,’ he murmured, gazing at her with such fierce intensity that her whole body flooded with desire. ‘Is that okay?’

She blinked at him. ‘Uh—yes. Of course. Yes, it’s okay.’ Because it was. It really, really was.

The corner of his mouth lifted in a smile. ‘In that case I’m going to do it again.’

His Mistletoe Proposal

Christy McKellen


Formerly a video and radio producer, CHRISTY MCKELLEN now spends her time writing fun, impassioned and emotive romance with an undercurrent of sensual tension. When she’s not writing she can be found enjoying life with her husband and three children, walking for pleasure and researching other people’s deepest secrets and desires. Christy loves to hear from readers. You can get hold of her at www.christymckellen.com.

Okay, Charlotte, my compassionate, clever, beautiful girl. As promised, this one is dedicated to you.

I love you more than words can say. And I always will. Mum


To my darling Flora—confidante, cheerleader and anchor to my universe,

So this is weird, right? Me speaking to you from the grave. But I wanted to get all my thoughts down on paper because I knew I’d get all choked up and make a mess of it if I tried to say it out loud. So here goes...

I know this is a lot to ask, but please don’t be too sad now that I’ve gone. I feel as though I’ve made peace with what’s happened to me and I’d hate to think of my passing as something that would hold you back from living your own life to the full. I’ve had a good and happy existence. All twenty-eight of my years have been blessed with love and wonderful experiences and my life’s been all the better for having you in it, Flora.

I’m so proud of you for all that you’ve achieved. I always knew you’d be successful in whatever you did, but your drive and determination have astounded even me. I know you probably won’t take a minute to step back and see the enormity of what you’ve accomplished, but get this: you truly are an incredible person, as well as the kindest, most generous woman I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.

Which leads me on to two favours I have to ask of you, Flora. Firstly, and I know it’s a biggie, please look out for Alex now that I’m not around to do it any more. As you know, I was the only family he had left and I hate to think of him being alone in the world. He wouldn’t admit it—I think he was trying to protect my last few weeks on earth so they’d be stress-free—but I think someone broke his heart recently and he’s really hurting.

Secondly, check your breasts for lumps EVERY DAY. Or, even better, get a gorgeous sex-god to do it for you *wink*. Don’t make the same mistake I did and shrug cancer off as something that happens to someone else. Someone older. Or less busy.

You have such a good heart, Flora. You deserve to be happy, so go easy on yourself, okay?

I love you.

Your best friend for ever,


FLORA MORGAN CAUGHT the tear on her finger before it fell onto the precious, now rather crumpled, piece of paper she clutched in her hand. She’d carried the letter around with her ever since it had dropped through her letter box nearly a month ago, and she’d taken it out regularly since then to read it, hoping to conjure Amy’s spirit during her weaker moments.

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