His Royal Love-Child

His Royal Love-Child
О книге

Ever since Prince Luca de Santis crushed Charlotte Bailey's young heart and walked away, she's sworn off men – who needs the heartache?So ten years later, coming face-to-face with him is a total shock – but not as electrifying as the instant jolt of heat his touch sends sizzling through her body… Charlotte can't turn down the once-in-a-lifetime chance to rekindle their passion, even if royal duty means that their scorching-hot fling can't last forever…Until her baby bombshell lands Charlotte and the Prince in a whole heap of royal trouble!


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His Royal Love-Child

USA TODAY Bestselling Author

Lynn Raye Harris


USA TODAY bestselling author Lynn Raye Harris reveals the shocking consequences of what happens when the Prince from innocent Charlotte Baily’s past comes knocking in this digital exclusive!

Ever since Prince Luca de Santis crushed Charlotte Bailey’s young heart and walked away, she’s sworn off men—who needs the heartache? So ten years later, coming face-to-face with him is a total shock—but not as electrifying as the instant jolt of heat his touch sends sizzling through her body...

Charlotte can’t turn down the once-in-a-lifetime chance to rekindle their passion, even if royal duty means that their scorching-hot fling can’t last forever...Until her baby bombshell lands Charlotte and the Prince in a whole heap of royal trouble!

Don’t miss the other titles in this fantastic collection that celebrates Royal Babies all over the world!


For my friend Stephanie Jones, who adores a secret baby story above all else. This one isn’t quite a secret, but still....


“WOW. I’LL TAKE the one in the center.”

Charlotte swung around to face Heather, her employer at Livingston Designs. She’d been putting the finishing touches on the centerpiece for the head table and not paying much attention to Heather’s chatter about her latest date.

“One in the center of what?” Charlotte glanced down at her handiwork. The dinner tonight was the capstone in a three-day tech conference and Charlotte had—very cleverly, she thought—used company logos and swag to punctuate her designs. Tucked in amongst the profusion of blooms and ribbons, the logos and items were a natural part of the display without being overt.

It wasn’t as fun as the time she’d designed centerpieces for a romance readers’ luncheon, but it was good. Except Heather wasn’t looking at the displays.

Charlotte followed her gaze to the group of men who stood in the entrance.

“The tall, dark and handsome one,” Heather said. “The one who comes with a crown.”

“A crown?” Charlotte didn’t see anyone special, but then she really didn’t see anybody at all. She’d been wearing her glasses in order to work with the displays. They were for close-up viewing only. She snatched them off and peered at the group.

Her heart began to thrum a crazy rhythm as the men shifted. One man definitely stood out from the crowd.

Heather was grinning at her. “Yes, that one. Luca De Santis, the Crown Prince of Iria. The tall, seriously yummy one.”

Charlotte’s heart did a slow dive into her stomach. After all these years, there he was. The man she’d once loved with all the young passion in her heart. The man she’d thought loved her back equally as much.

Until the day his father had fired her mother and thrown them out of his life. They’d packed their belongings and fled from Iria like thieves in the night. She’d never heard from Luca again.

Charlotte licked suddenly dry lips. “Well, that’s all the displays. I think I should get back to the office now.”

Heather frowned. “Are you well, Charlotte? You look...green.”

Charlotte put a hand to her head. “Probably just a touch of something. I’ll be fine once I get some fresh air.”

“Sure, go on. Everything looks great, as always.”

Charlotte grabbed her purse and coat and made for the entrance. She kept her head down, intent on skirting the group of men. But she couldn’t resist one final glance at the man commanding all the attention in their midst.

He was more handsome than ever. A man now, not a nineteen-year-old boy. She’d seen his pictures in the tabloids from time to time, but those photos hadn’t prepared her for the sheer gorgeousness of grown-up Luca in real life.

He turned his head at that precise moment, his gaze sliding across the gathering—and colliding with hers.

His spectacular green eyes narrowed. He said something to the group, and then he was moving, right toward her.

Charlotte put her head down and practically ran from the room. She couldn’t face him, couldn’t stand before him and pretend like they were just old friends and nothing had ever happened between them.

He’d been her first kiss, her first love—and her first lover. They’d had one night together, one gorgeous wonderful night when she’d been starry-eyed and in such deep love. She could still remember how it had felt to be the woman he’d wanted. The amazing, gut churning butterflies as he’d kissed her and told her she was the only one for him.

From his bedroom window, the Irian night had spilled across the bay like a glittering lace veil. Everything had been perfect. She’d given herself to him, and she’d been certain he felt as she did.

But then...nothing. Her mother had lost her job the next day and that was it.

Luca had not fought for her. He had not come for her. He had not defied a soul for her.

It had taken her a very long time to realize how naïve she’d been. He hadn’t loved her. He was a prince, an entitled being who’d taken her adoration as his due. He’d lied to her and used her and forgotten all about her.

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