Mega Sleepover 6: Winter Collection

Mega Sleepover 6: Winter Collection
О книге

Join the Sleepover Club: Frankie, Kenny, Felicity, Rosie and Lyndsey, five girls who want to have fun – but who always end up in mischief!In Sleepover Girls Go Snowboarding, the gang try staying cool on the slopes – with disastrous results! In Merry Christmas Sleepover Club!, Cinderella is the school panto – who will get the leading role? And in Happy New Year Sleepover Club!, Frankie’s baby sister is born in the middle of the biggest New Year’s eve party ever!Three fantastic Sleepover Club stories in one, all with a special wintery theme!

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Mega Sleepover Club 6

Sleepover Girls Go Snowboarding

Happy New Year, Sleepover Club!

Merry Christmas, Sleepover Club

Sue Mongredien

Fiona Cummings

Yo! How’s it going?

It’s Kenny here if you hadn’t guessed – yep, I’m back, fans! Well, let’s face it, there was no way I was letting any of the others tell you this story. I mean, puh-leeeze, it was all down to me that we went snowboarding in the first place…

Oops – getting ahead of myself as usual. My mum reckons I’m always doing that – charging off without warning. Maybe I’m just a bit too impatient to do everything properly all the time. So what, though! That’s just me – the original Action Girl – I like everything to happen fast! Hanging around is for wallpaper, that’s what I say…

So where was I? Oh yes. Snowboarding. Have you ever tried it? It is AWESOME!!!! It’s the most exciting, dangerous, scary, fun thing I can think of – well, except our sleepovers, of course… Mind you, not that I’ll be able to go on the slopes again for a while, ’cos—oops, I’ll have to tell you that later. Better not ruin the story on the first page, eh!

I like all sports really – especially football. And gymnastics. And I’m mad about swimming. And running. You get the idea. But snowboarding is something else altogether! As soon as I’m a rich and famous surgeon, I’m going to splash out on a no-expense-spared snowboarding holiday for the Sleepover Club, off in Colorado or somewhere – Nick says there are some WICKED slopes there.

Now I know you’ll be confused. Who’s Nick, then? you’re thinking. And you might even be thinking, who are the Sleepover Club when they’re at home?! Don’t worry – I’m about to explain everything!

There’s five of us in the Sleepover Club – me and Frankie, who are best mates, plus Fliss, Lyndz and Rosie. As a quick intro to the others, I’ll do this thing Mrs Weaver got us to do the other day at school.

OK, say the five of us were all different types of… I don’t know… bag. So I’d be a sports bag, right? That one’s easy. Frankie would be a sparkly, space-age kind of bag with cool gadgets and inventions all over it – she loves that sort of thing. Some people at school think Frankie is pretty weird because she comes out with these off-the-wall ideas all the time, but she’s just an original, which is a good thing if you ask me. You’ll recognise Frankie when you see her – she’s really tall and she’ll probably be wearing something freaky as usual.

Who next? Well, Fliss is another easy one. If Fliss was a bag, she would be a pink and fluffy girly kind of handbag with a lace trim and frills all over it. Yuck!!! Just the sort of thing I hate. Oh, and it would be a designer model too, of course – and very expensive. Fliss is big on things like that. She loves clothes, make-up, jewellery, doing people’s hair and the colour pink. Say no more! I suppose she’s quite pretty if you like that sort of thing – but there’s being pretty, and then there’s being pretty and really boring about it. Unfortunately, our Fliss is more like the second of the two…

That’s enough of me being horrible. Lyndz next – let’s see. Lyndz’s bag would probably have pictures of animals all over it – especially pictures of horses and dogs. Oh, and when you bought it, some of the proceeds would go to a kittens’ orphanage or a sanctuary for retired donkeys. Yes, Lyndz is truly nuts about animals – she’d do anything for them. Lyndz is kind of soppy sometimes too, but only in a nice way. She also gets the loudest hiccups you’ve ever heard in your life. Scary!!

Last but not least, Rosie. I’ve left her till last because she only joined our school fairly recently. Surprise surprise, Lyndz felt sorry for her ’cos she didn’t know anyone, and invited her to join our club. The rest of us were a bit mad at first because we don’t let just anyone join – but it turned out to be a good thing as Rosie is brilliant fun. The best thing about Rosie is her sense of humour though, so I reckon her bag would be quite trendy and nice, and would have something that made you laugh on it.

Anyway, the five of us are all in the same class at school, and we do just about everything together out of school too. Best of all, every weekend we have a sleepover at someone’s house. And guess what? That’s why we’re called the Sleepover Club! DERRRR!

Ever been to a sleepover? They are just the coolest thing. We all take our night stuff and torches and Sleepover diaries, and everyone brings loads of sweets that we can munch through the night. We play loads of ace games and then stay up all night telling horror stories or jokes. Sleepovers are the best!!

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