Messages from Angels: Real signs our loved ones are looking down

Messages from Angels: Real signs our loved ones are looking down
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In our deepest darkest hours, we are not alone. The spirits of our loved ones continue to exist after the body dies and many thousands of people around the world have experienced extraordinary signs from heaven to prove this.Afterlife expert and bestselling author Jacky Newcomb knows that the spirit world is real. In this short story she shares some of the thousands of tales she has heard about messages from the other side.•The spontaneous angel gift that gave a woman courage to leave an abusive relationship•The mysterious disappearing doctor who saved a pregnant woman and her premature baby son•The grandma and great grandma who protected their grandson, from heavenOrdinary people from all over the world have experienced signs that their angels are listening and supporting them in their time of need. In Messages from Angels, Jacky will bring hope and comfort and share some of the little signs that can bring magic into your life.


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People have spoken of angelic encounters for millennia. They occupy the area of the light-spectrum that we don’t normally see. There are layers of hidden worlds that sometimes cross our own and just occasionally, almost magically, interact in a way we can experience.

Is life as straightforward as we imagine it? Is what we see with our physical eyes all there is to life? No, of course not. The trouble is that our human eyes can only view such a small amount of ‘what is’. So much of what is ‘out there’ we cannot see, and yet we are able to make use of these energies. Infrared, ultra-violet, X-rays, radio waves; we can’t see them but we can scientifically measure them. When I say we can’t ‘see’ them, of course there are always occasions when humans have seen and experienced that which sits outside the visible spectrum; and when we can’t see we might still be able to sense, touch and smell those spaces beyond our normal waking experience.

There have always been reports of angelic visions and contact from the spirits of the deceased; our own loving angels, reaching out from heaven to the earth side of life … We call them miracles.

I’ve been fascinated by angel experiences for as long as I can remember. My own experiences and those of my readers have now filled many volumes. I love the way these magical encounters interact with our own everyday lives, appearing as they do in the most unexpected and often unexplained ways. I began writing my angel-experiences books after doing research to explain the mysterious phenomenon that had been part of my own life. Crossing several generations, we seemed open to the phenomena. My grandmother had psychic encounters, both my mum and dad and now my sisters, daughters, nieces and nephews and even my granddaughter have been witness to spiritual encounters. As time went on we would share our visitations from long-dead relatives or mini miracle-like angelic interactions.

I realised that just as we were comforted by sharing these personal afterlife encounters, others might benefit from hearing about them too. The more stories I shared the more readers responded by confiding their own supernatural interactions. As well as being comforting they were surely enlightening; they bring wonder and a sort of realisation that enchantment is all around. Our whole existence contains concealed aspects that we only rarely get to glimpse. Some things that happen in life appear predestined or pre-planned, others almost appear as lessons we have to work our way through, and it’s at these times that contact from the other side seems stronger.

Sometimes these encounters are subtle, but other times their complexity and genius is mind-blowing. When I publish a story, I usually find another very similar encounter to print right alongside it. Sometimes there are so many stories in my files it is difficult to know which to opt for and which to leave behind. I must confide that for every story I select I have probably rejected another ten that were perfectly viable but were just a little too similar. That in itself is amazing. So many unrelated people all over the world receiving signs from their angels!

While we may encounter one or two of these experiences within a lifetime, they are common when spread among the whole population. We all have those ‘What happened there?’ moments or our ‘How did that happen?’ or ‘Did that just happen?’ times! These are the experiences that I have chosen for you here.

Let’s explore a little …

I remember when my stepdad, Brian, was eighty-nine and in hospital with a kidney infection. The infection made him muddled and confused where normally he was very lucid and aware. One day when Mum went in to visit he told her about the man in the bed opposite him. The strange tale went something like this: ‘… and his visitors had squirrels on leads!’ Huh? Squirrels on leads? Yes, he was very muddled indeed! My mum explained carefully and kindly, ‘No, Brian, the medicine is muddling you up. Think about it. Why would squirrels be allowed in a hospital?’ To him the encounter was very real. Was it a hallucination or something else?

On the next visit he was still mixed up. ‘The fire alarms went off in the hospital and we were all evacuated!’ he explained excitedly. In his confused state he ‘recalled’ the entire episode. ‘Me and the man opposite, we climbed out of a window and got a taxi!’ Yet here was a seriously ill man who’d spent the last couple of years in a wheelchair. He couldn’t walk, but in his mind he’d managed to find the money for a taxi in his pyjama pocket and made his escape by climbing out of a window. He explained it in great detail, but it hadn’t happened, of course. It was confusion due to the infection. I’d like to add an extra note here: people who are close to death often have out-of-body experiences (and sometimes people have them for no apparent reason, so don’t get worried if you have had them too). Maybe it was possible that Brian

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