My Soul to Lose

My Soul to Lose
О книге

It was supposed to be a fun day, shopping at the mall with her best friend.Then the panic attack started and Kaylee Cavanaugh finds herself screaming, unable to stop. Her secret fears are exposed and it's the worst day of her life. Until she wakes up in the psychiatric unit.She tries to convince everyone she's fine–despite the shadows she sees forming around another patient and the urge to scream which comes burbling up again and again. Everyone thinks she's crazy. Everyone except Lydia, that is. Another patient with some special abilities. .


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addictive and enchanting Soul Screamers series!

‘Think Harry Potter … with a dollop of girl power.’


‘Twilight fans will love it.’ —Kirkus Reviews on My Soul to Take

‘Good fun’

—The Financial Times on My Soul to Save

‘Move over vampires, the banshees are in town!’

—YA Book Reads.

‘Fans of those vampires will enjoy this new crop of otherworldly beings.’


‘My Soul to Take grabs you from the very beginning.’ —Sci-Fi Guy

‘Wonderfully written characters … A fast-paced,

engrossing read that you won’t want to put down. A story that I wouldn’t mind sharing with my pre-teen … A book like this is one of the reasons that I add authors to my auto-buy list. This is definitely a keeper.’ —

Also available fromRachel Vincent

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Coming soon …


My Soul

To Lose

Soul Screamers

Rachel Vincent

Thanks first of all to Lisa Heuer for the technical advice

and consultation. Without your contributions, this story would have been impossible for me to write. Thanks also to my early readers, Rinda, Chandra, Heather, and Jen. Your opinions and advice were invaluable, and the story is so much better for them both. Thanks to Mary-Theresa Hussey and Natashya Wilson for so much enthusiasm and encouragement, which keep me smiling.

And thanks finally to everyone out there reading

about Kaylee for the first time. I’ve poured my heart into her continuing story, along with some delicate pieces of my own soul, and I’m so very honored and excited that you’ve decided to give her a chance. I hope you like her as much as I do.

“Thanks for the ride, Traci!” Emma slammed the back door, then opened it again to free the end of her filmy red skirt as her sister leaned out the open driver’s side window.

“Be ready to go at eight, or I’m leaving you here.”

Em gave a mock salute, then turned toward the mall entrance without waiting for the car to pull away from the curb. We would be nowhere near the parking lot at eight o’clock. Finding a ride home would be no problem—Emma could cock one hip and smile, and guys all over Texas would throw their car keys at her feet, if that’s what she wanted.

But sometimes a ride was more fun, because she could flirt with the driver. See how much he could take before his concentration wavered and he had to force his attention back onto the road. She’d never actually caused a wreck, but Em went a little further every time, ever eager to push the limits of … Well, of anything.

I went along for the ride because it was a delicious rush of power and freedom—living vicariously through Emma was usually more exciting than living my own life for real.

“Okay, Kaylee, here’s the plan.” Em stepped up to the glass doors, and they whooshed open. The artificial cool inside was a mercy on my damp skin and overheated cheeks; Traci’s car wasn’t air-conditioned, and September in the Dallas metroplex was still hot enough to make the devil sweat.

“So long as it leads to Toby’s public humiliation, I’m in.”

“It will.” She stopped in front of a mirror built into the wall of the main walkway and her reflection grinned at me, brown eyes sparkling. “And that’s the least he deserves. You really should have let me key his car.”

And I’d been totally tempted to. But I was less than a year from getting my license and couldn’t shake the certainty that if we keyed someone’s fresh paint job—even if that someone was my rat of an ex-boyfriend—new-driver karma would come back to bite me on the bumper.

“So, what are you going to do? Push him into the snack table? Trip him on the way into the gym? Unbutton his pants while you’re dancing, then scream for help?” I wasn’t too worried about homecoming-dance karma. But Toby should have been …

Emma turned from the mirror, her pale brows high in surprise. “I was just gonna stand him up, then make out with his best friend on the dance floor, but that last one has real potential. Maybe we’ll do both.” She grinned again, then tugged me around the first corner to the huge main corridor of the mall, where the center of the floor opened to reveal the first level below. “But first we’re gonna make sure you look so good that he spends every minute of this stupid dance wishing he was there with you.”

Normally I’m not much of a shopper. Thin and small chested looks just as good in jeans and skinny tees as it does in anything more complicated, and I must have been dressing to my advantage subconsciously, because finding a new date had only taken two days.

But that didn’t make Toby any less of a human cockroach—less than an hour after he’d dumped me, he’d asked Emma to homecoming. She’d accepted with a plan for revenge already half-plotted.

So I’d come to the mall the weekend before the dance armed with my aunt’s credit card and Emma’s good taste, prepared to dump a metaphorical shaker of salt over my slime-filled leech of an ex-boyfriend.

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