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Trade paperback
ISBN: 978-1-4263-1913-6
Reinforced library edition
ISBN: 978-1-4263-1915-0
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4263-2225-9
Version: 2017-07-11
Luke Richards and his friends were driving home late one evening.
“Watch out!” one of the boys yelled. “There’s something in the road!”
Squee!! The driver hit the brakes and swerved. He avoided hitting the lump in the road.
“Pull over, mate,” Luke said. He wanted to move whatever was in the road out of the way. Luke hopped out of the car.
The lump turned out to be a dead kangaroo. That would be a shock if you lived in the United States. But Luke lived in Australia. Millions of kangaroos live there, too. Unfortunately, sometimes they wander into the road in front of cars and trucks.
Luke was sad to see the kangaroo, but he knew he had to move it out of the way. He grabbed the animal by the tail and dragged it to the side of the road. It was heavy. Full-grown eastern gray kangaroos, or “roos,” as they say in Australia, weigh about 145 pounds (66 kg).
Then Luke saw something amazing. The kangaroo’s belly twitched. Kangaroos are a kind of mammal known as marsupials (sounds like mar-SOO-pee-ulz). Females have a pouch across their bellies. That’s where they keep their babies, called joeys (sounds like JOE-eez). Luke put his hand in the pouch. Gently, he removed a joey. It had survived the accident!
Luke didn’t think his parents would be happy if he brought the joey home. But he looked into the animal’s frightened eyes. He just couldn’t leave the little roo behind.