Tales Of The Seer

Tales Of The Seer
О книге

Tales of the Seer is a collection of the best stories published by the seer. The objective is to gather in a text the necessary help for a life analysis and positive replacement even in the face of casualties failures. This collection is inspiring and you can not lose for a price unique.

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“Tales of The Seer”

Aldivan Teixeira Torres

Tales Of The Seer


By:Aldivan Teixeira Torres

©2018-Aldivan Teixeira Torres

All the rights reserved

E-mail:[email protected]

Translator:Sara Pereira


This book, including all its parts, is protected by copyright and don’t can to be reproduced without Autor’s permission, resold or transfered.

Academic Qualifications: Degree in Mathematics with specialization in the same area.


Short Biography: Aldivan Teixeira Torres, was born in Arcoverde- PE, created the series “The Seer”, the series sons of the light, poetry and screenplays. His literary career started at the end of 2011 with the publication of his first romance work Opposing forces – the mystery of the cave. For whatever reason, he stopped writing only resuming his career in the second half of 2013. Since then he never stopped. He hopes that his writing will contribute to the Pernambuco and Brazilian culture, arousing the pleasure of reading in those that do not yet have the habit. His motto is “For literature, equality, fraternity, justice, dignity and the human being honour for ever”.


I dedicate this work to my God, my family and all who admire my work. Here is the meeting of my short stories published on the internet. I hope the collection helps somebody because this is their purpose.

Law of return

A Time of Anguish

When survive a time of trouble and it appears that all the unrighteous are thriving, do not worry. Sooner or later, they will fall and the righteous will win. The ways of Yahweh are unknown, but are right and wise, and at no time will he forsake you, though the world condemn you. He does this so that his name will be perpetuated from generation to generation.

The plant-harvest relationship

All that you do on earth for his fellow man is written in the book of life. Every advice, donation, detachment, financial aid, kind words, praise, cooperation in charitable works among others is a step towards prosperity and happiness. Do not think that helping the other the greatest good is for the assisted. On the contrary, your soul is the most benefited by your actions and can fly higher flights. Have consciousness itself that nothing is for free, the good that we reap today was planted in the past. By chance, have you ever seen a home stand without foundation? So also, with each of our actions.

To give or not to give alms?

We live in a world of cruel and full of stalwarts. It is common for many people with good financial conditions to ask for alms in order to enrich themselves, a disguised act of robbery that sucks the already low salary of the workers. Faced with this situation, many refuse to help with a request for alms. Is this the best option?

It is best to analyze case by case, feel the intention of the person. There are countless people on the street, there is no way to help everyone, that's true. But when your heart allows, help. Even if it is a fraud, the sin will be the intention of the other person. You have already done your part, contributed to a less unequal and more humane world. Congratulations for you.

The act of teaching and learning

We are in a world of atonement and testing, a world in constant change. In order to adapt to this environment, we find ourselves in a rich process of teaching and learning that is reflected in all environments. Take this opportunity, absorb the good things and deny the bad things so that your soul can evolve on the way to the father.

Always be grateful. Thank God for your family, friends, traveling companions, and masters of life and for all those who believe in you. Give the universe a little of your happiness by being an apostle of good. Well worth it.

How to act in the face of betrayal

Be careful with the people, do not rely so easy. False friends will not think twice and they will tell their secret to everyone. When this happens, the best thing to do is to move away and put things in their proper places. If you can and have evolved enough, forgive. Forgiveness will free your soul from rancor and then you will be ready for new experiences. Forgiving does not mean forgetting because once the trust is broken, it does not come back anymore.

Keep in mind the law of return which is the most just law of all. Whatever you do evil to the other will return with interest for you to pay. So, do not worry with the harm they have done to you, pray for your enemies and God will act justly giving what each one deserves.

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