By:Aldivan Teixeira Torres
©2018-Aldivan Teixeira Torres
All the rights reserved
Translator:Julio Jesus
This book, including all its parts, is protected by copyright and don’t can to be reproduced without Autor’s permission, resold or transferred.
Academic Qualifications: Degree in Mathematics with specialization in the same area.
Short Biography: Aldivan Teixeira Torres, was born in Arcoverde- PE, created the series “The Seer”, the series sons of the light, poetry and screenplays. His literary career started at the end of 2011 with the publication of his first romance work Opposing forces – the mystery of the cave. For whatever reason, he stopped writing only resuming his career in the second half of 2013. Since then he never stopped. He hopes that his writing will contribute to the Pernambuco and Brazilian culture, arousing the pleasure of reading in those that do not yet have the habit. His motto is “For literature, equality, fraternity, justice, dignity and the human being honour for ever”.
“Dedication and Acknowledgments”
I dedicate this first work from this new series to all reader’s admirers of my work, all the friends, work colleagues, acquaintances, neighbors, in special to my family. Anyway, to all those who support me.
I want through this and other studies show the various manifestations of God on earth through his dear children already recognized for their merits, and through them increase public awareness in general confronting with respective topics which I consider important.
Therefore, my special thanks to all those who are willing to patiently read it.
Pernambuco, October 30, 2014
After a sleepless night filled with anxiety, crises and problems to solve the son of God finally woke up. As usual, he gets up, stretches, takes the towel, soap and shampoo and on regular steps goes to the bathroom. Cross the bedroom door, get access to the living through the corridor, go to the kitchen, find his family and grabs the bucket of water that his sister helpful prepared, thanks her for it, and finally enters into the small room of his humble house. Getting there, undresses, begins to lather up, throws some water, rubs and strives to stay clean and pure for another day of drudgery.
During the bath, a lot of ideas strike his mind about the general issues of your life including your career of writer. At that moment, it all came down to a great hope whose it works expected to take effect in the future on all fields. This was what he believed.
With the sequence of rinses, everything goes very fast in his mind like a movie: The envy from others, human ambition, relationship difficulties and the persistent strength of his family against his dreams. All this amount was a heavy load who was forced to carry.
But even in the face of so many difficulties, nothing and no one would make him give up. It was right for him, and with this in mind quickly completes the bath waiting for better days. Clothes with the towel, gets out from the bathroom, passing through the same places before to get to his room.
In his stronghold, wear new clothes and shoes, combing hair, spray some perfume and quickly pack his bag. Getting it ready, he gets out from the room carrying the bag, arrives at the living room, warns that is going out, goes beyond the obstacle and finally take access to the road that would take him to the street timeless.
From driveway gets access to the street and in a few steps away meet with his colleagues who did the same path as him. Each fought for their goals and were role models in the community.
With the company of the same, the son of God walks along downtown and gets access to the road. It would be about one hundred and fifty meters to go to the edge of the busy BR 232 highway.