The Keepers: Archer

The Keepers: Archer
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‘Vampires and werewolves are so 2000. As in: over. Thanks to …Rae Rivers, we’re now totally hooked on witches.’ – No. 5 on Grazia SA’s ‘Ten Hot Things to Do List’You’ve read the free prequel, The Keepers: Sienna, now continue the journey with book one in this thrilling new paranormal trilogy…‘Don’t ever look for me again, Archer.’His mouth curled into a smile. ‘Game on.’Central Park. Sienna Beckham is out jogging in the autumn sun, feeling almost ordinary. Trouble is, she'll never be. She's on the run from her life as a powerful witch and the three Keepers blood-bound to protect her.Evil is hot on Sienna's tail and Archer Bennett is searching for her, desperate to find her before they do. As one of her Keepers, he will fight to his death to defend her.Sienna must return and defend her hometown, Rapid Ralls – but she has to face the past and master her powers. And as forbidden feelings blossom between Sienna and Archer, will their love survive the ultimate war?The Keepers: three strong and handsome warrior brothers, born to protect.Available now:The free prequel to the series…The Keepers: SiennaComing soon:Books 2 & 3The Keepers: DeclanThe Keepers: Ethan


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The Keepers: Archer

Rae Rivers

A division of HarperCollinsPublishers

To Ryan, who is the hero in my own real-life story, and my beautiful children who were all very tolerant of all the hours I’ve spent writing this book. Thank you, my angels.

To my dearest friend, Lisa. Running through ideas for this series with you was as much fun as writing it! Thank you for all the laughter, encouragement and input.

Lastly, thank you to the team at Harper Impulse for saying yes and for believing in my series – and me.


She was under a microscope.

A silly notion, one she’d never admit to anyone. Her logical mind challenged the thought but Sienna Beckham knew – just knew – that she was being watched.

Sitting on the grass, she scanned the busy park. A casual, fleeting glance, nothing too obvious.

Nope. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Just the normal crowd – different faces than the day before, but normal nonetheless. Joggers, strollers, a few picnics, several ball games – all the same. The warm weather and sunshine had drawn out the nature lovers who appeared reluctant to leave despite the setting sun. The park, once lush and green, had turned a magical shade of orange, yellow, and red, a sign that fall had arrived with fervour.

Her instincts bristled; her gut clenched.

Paranoid? Crazy?

She pushed herself off the grass, drained the last of her water, and tossed the bottle in a nearby bin.

The sun hovered above the horizon, illuminating the tall buildings around the park in a gentle orange glow. The lake had turned a soft shade of pink. One last lap around the park and she’d make her way home to shower and change before heading out to Terroirs for drinks with two of her colleagues from the bookshop. She hadn’t wanted to go out tonight but it was Saturday, a day they were determined to celebrate.

She pulled her fiery red hair into a ponytail and set off at a gentle pace. Within moments, she was flying across the park with a feeling of lightness. Jogging always did that to her, but today she felt … different.

Hell, she’d always felt different, but today she felt strange.

Her parents?

The anniversary of her parents’ deaths loomed dangerously around the corner, threatening to jolt her back into a time she’d rather not remember.

But her uneasiness hinted at something more, something she hadn’t been able to identify all week.

With a shake of the head, she scolded herself for being so serious, for thinking too much, and concentrated on running with a clear mind.

She soon lost herself to the fresh air, the warm glow of the fading sunlight, the wind in her face, and the thoughtless running.

It wasn’t until she’d neared the end of the lake and rounded a bend marked with several large, overgrown bushes that he pounced.

Strong, powerful, and terrifying.

His hands grabbed her and in a fluid motion, she was absorbed into a clearing in the bushes, into him.

She tried to scream but the heavy hand covered her mouth, smothering her cries. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t see.

The more she struggled, the more force he used. His aggression pressed against her back like hot lead, evil and angry, and terror took a powerful grip.

Oh, God.

She lashed out, her elbow connecting to his ribs. He grunted, and she broke free. Before she could move, he charged, and for the first time, she saw his eyes.

Black, cold, evil.

She’d seen those eyes before, and they smacked of the life she’d once shunned.

“What do you want with me?” she cried as he lunged for her. They tumbled to the ground, her arms beating, pushing, shoving.

But he was stronger and he hit back.

“Stop!” she cried. “You’re hurting me!”

“Be still, witch,” he snapped in a tone so cold that she felt the chill wash over her.

The result was instant. She froze and gaped at him. “Witch?”

“Surprised?” He grinned, without humour. “Surely you knew it was only a matter of time before we came for you.”

“I don’t know what you mean.” She blinked, trying to clear the fog in her mind.

He shook her, not caring as her head connected with the ground. “Feigning ignorance won’t help you.”

“Why are you here? What do you want?”

“We’ve come for you. For the book.”

And just like that, in a blink of an eye, the life she’d once fled came crashing down around her.

A life as a powerful Beckham witch, fiercely protected by three Keepers. She’d always known it would catch up with her. Now that it had, fear and a crippling sense of pain and loss threatened to choke her all over again.

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