The Littlest Dragon

The Littlest Dragon
О книге

The youngest of ten dragon brothers, the Littlest Dragon always has the best and brightest ideas for getting his own way. First book about this successful character. A Collins Roaring Good Read for new readers.The Littlest Dragon is known as Number 10. He is the youngest in a family of ten dragon brothers and in this first book about him, there are two stories. The first story is where aThe Littlest Dragon has to come up with the best and brightest way to get a good night’s sleep. In the second story, the big dragon brothers won’t let The Littlest Dragon play football with them, so he has to be resourceful and get his own kit together and persuade Mum to take him to the match. Then he manages to come up with an idea which wins the praise of the most famous footballing dragon in the world, Dragon McFeet,. Number Ten gets to keep his winning jersey, much to the disgust of his brothers.

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Roaring Good Reads will fire the imagination of all young readers – from short stories for children just starting to read on their own, to first chapter books and short novels for confident readers.

It was deep dark night-time.

In the dragons’ cave, ten dragons lay in the big dragons’ bed. Nine of the dragons were snoring, but the littlest one, Number Ten, wasn’t. He lay on his side with his nose jammed up against the cave wall.

He couldn’t sleep because he was getting squashed.

“Move over, Number One,” he shouted to his biggest dragon brother on the other side of the bed.

“Snnnnnorrrrre, snnnnorrrre, snnnnorrrrk,” said Number One.

“Shove along a bit, Five and Six,” he called to his middle-sized brothers who were twins.

“Eeeeee wheeeee whistle,” said Numbers Five and Six.

“You’ve got your right elbow in my ear,” he said to Number Nine, who was asleep beside him.

“Three blind mice,” said Number Nine, who always chanted nursery rhymes in his sleep.

“This won’t do at all,” said the littlest dragon. “I’ll never get to sleep at this rate.”

He wriggled as best he could, and squiggled as best he could. But it was no use.

He was sandwiched between the cave wall and his sleeping brothers.

Then, he had his first idea.

“Breakfast time, boys,” he called in a high voice, very like his mum’s.

The big bed shook as nine dragons leapt out of it and headed for the door, shouting . . .

“Oh goody, I’m starving . . .”

“I want toast soldiers . . .”

“I could eat two basins of porridge . . .”

“Me too . . .”

“Let go of my tail . . .”

“I was first.”

The littlest dragon gave a smile and a sigh and snuggled down in the big warm bed.

At last he had the bed to himself.

But not for long. Soon the other nine dragons were back.

“It’s not breakfast time at all,” said Number Eight.

“It’s the middle of the night,” said Number Four.

“We were sure we heard Mum’s voice calling us,” said Numbers Five and Six.

“Zzzzzzzzz,” said the littlest dragon. But that soon changed to “Owwwwwww,” as all the other dragons piled back into the big bed and squashed his nose back up against the wall.

The littlest dragon rubbed his nose and had a serious think. After a few moments, he had his second idea.

He waited till the other dragons were fast asleep and he could count all the different snores.

“Snnnnnorrrrre, snnnnorrrre, snnnnorrrrk,” went Number One.

“Snnnnnuffffle, snnnnnnuffffle, snniffff,” went Number Two.

“Urrk, urrk, oink,” went Number Three.

“Burrrrble, burrrrble, boink,” went Number Four.

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